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Everything posted by VirginiaKay

  1. I already knew there were black 510s with Purple LED (Hence me saying as a last resort I could use the battery with an adapter.) but thank you anyway. I wanted to go with a K8 because of their size, their cartomizers, and the fact that there are readily available manual as well as automatic batteries. With the 510 I've only really seen manuals and had a hard time finding automatic batteries, and from what I've heard the automatic batteries can be temperamental and unreliable. By the way this wouldn't be my first e cig, though some may argue it might as well be since I'm using Blu's I like them a lot despite so many bad reviews and disapproval, don't get me wrong. I'm just ready to try bigger and better things, and I get the feeling once I get a new e cig, it will leave my Blu pack relegated to a forgotten corner of a cluttered drawer, which is why I want to be able to have automatic as well as manual batteries. So... back to original question, anyone know how to change LEDs?
  2. So I'm looking into new e-cigs I want, I'm leaning towards a Kr8 but there's one little problem. I really, really, REALLY want a purple LED on my new ecig. I just can't seem to find a battery with a purple LED. I know MadVapes sells LEDs, but I don't have the slightest idea how to change one and I can't seem to find a how to or any kind of instructions anywhere. Does anyone know of a thread/forum/video or could give me some instructions on how to do this? If not I suppose I'll just have to get a 510 battery and adapter as a last resort.
  3. I found out about e-cigs in maybe not the most common of ways. I first heard about it on FML.com. If you've never heard of FML it stands for my life, and people go and post weird, random, funny, crappy things that happen to them. Someone posted this: Today, my new $100 electronic cigarette came in the mail. I was so excited to try it out, so I used it on the drive to work. The company wasn't kidding when they said it looked and felt real. I threw it out the window when I was done. FML I saw that and was like "Hmmm electronic cigarette? Wonder what that is." Anyone else have an unusual story about how they heard of or found out about ecigs?
  4. I'm using a Blu and personally I do like it... now. I traded the atty that came with the Blu for a Volcano atty and the improvement was noticeable immediately. With the Blu atty I had to take these huge long drags directly into my lungs like you mention, (which admittedly I never could do with an analog) just to get a decent amount of vapor. I ordered the Volcano atty to replace it and I get the same amount of vapor with much less effort and drag. I can't speak for the carts that come with the Blu, I ordered blank carts (from Volcano) and liquid the same time I ordered the starter kit, and never really gave the prefilled carts a chance. There was a bit of leakage when I first started filling the cart, but once I got the amount of liquid I needed to add figured out I had very little problem with leakage. Personally, I've never looked back once I got my Blu working the way I wanted it, granted it's only been a few weeks since my last analog. Like anything I think it varies person to person, based on how much of a smoker you were and what kind of experience you're getting out of your ecig now. I definitely plan on adding another ecig to my collection in the future, but I plan on keeping my Blu still. To each their own.
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