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Am I Flooding The Atty?

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I think I'm flooding my atty. I started to drip when my liquids arrived. Thats when the atomizers started to not heat up right on me. I taste the flavor better when dripping and vape more frequently because of it. Hence killing my attys. So today I filled up carts and was fine until I decided to drip this evening. And down went the attys again. So I got to a place where I could rinse them with water, try them out, dry burned them and ready to go again.

Any tips to prevent this.

My friend laughed at me said a lot of effort to smoke. I said healthier, fun, and worth it. I don't care about charging batteries and the maintence. I had buy my djuram clove vanillas tonight and didn't care for the one I smoked. I wanted my vapor. I am starting to get my taste back and smell the stincy cigs again. I am down to smoking maybe 5 cigs a day at the max. Getting to the point I don't even want them.

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It does sound like you might be flooding the atty's a bit. I usually only add 2-3 drops at a time--vape until the flavor starts to diminish or the vapor diminishes.

You can always use the corner of a paper towel or kleenex--twist and push into atty and let sit for a few minutes--will remove any excess liquid. reprime with 3 drops and vape.

getting the hang of dripping can be a bit tricky--theres a fine line between just right, too much and not enough. but your right-the flavor is better.

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It does sound like you might be flooding the atty's a bit. I usually only add 2-3 drops at a time--vape until the flavor starts to diminish or the vapor diminishes.

You can always use the corner of a paper towel or kleenex--twist and push into atty and let sit for a few minutes--will remove any excess liquid. reprime with 3 drops and vape.

getting the hang of dripping can be a bit tricky--theres a fine line between just right, too much and not enough. but your right-the flavor is better.

I am just doing 2-3 drips at a time. I think what I'm doing is when I'm losing the flavor, I'm adding more to get my flavor back. I believe theres something still there but I'm just wanting to vape vape vape flavor. Or Im just vaping too fast and over heating.

I think I need to vape 2-3 drops, and pause more between inhales.

Yes I was at a fishing lake tonight and tried the end of a npakin to push in there but it didn't come back after 20 mins. It took until I left and got to a sink to fix them. I need start carrying cleaning qtips and vial of water with me. LOL Thanks goodness for my makeup bag I keep everything in. And all the spare parts go in a drawstring bag.

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I blow through mine backwards to remove excess liquid into a cloth or napkin.At 3.7 volts with 510/901 atties 2 drops might be more better,as there is not much bridge in there to soak the liquid up.A 5 or 6 volts they go dry faster and you might could get away with three drops at a time.The larger pennstyle 801/302 have a lot of mesh in there to hold the liquid .I have not tried the mini's so I cannot say about them.And if you remove the bridge I would think there would be liquid running down my arm.

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