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My First Drip Tip & Liquids Arrived Today

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I got my shipment today for a drip tip and eliquids. I really love the drip tip. It makes life so much easier. I purchased my ELiquids from Nhaler and Srictly E Juice. I am still waiting on a package for DIY Flavorshack.How many drops are you guys putting in your drip tip? I'm putting in 3-4 drops.

I ran into a fellow vapor Saturday at a restaurant and he was amazed meet another vapor as himself without all the questions. He let me drip some cherry on my atty and it was heavenly. And I knew dripping was the way to go.

I'm vaping on Nhaler Blueberry Crumble 12mg. I love it ! I prefer the ejuices over the prefilled carts. I am starting now wanting to vape instead of smoking analogs. I started a new job today and forgot my atty. I had bum stupid old cigarette from someone at break. I wander if they will let me vape on the job? If not I can sneak in the potty to do so. I don't mind going outside right now but when it's freezing cold, forget it.

Happy Vaping,


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Hey Kelly, welcome to Direct Drippin'! I think it's the only way to go. I would definitely ask before vaping anywhere that smoking isn't permitted. Any negative attention, involving vaping, should be avoided if possible. It's such a new thing, everyone (around here anyway) is trying to toss it into the "smoking" wagon before learning anything about it, and trying to shut it all down. Especially the jealous smokers that have to go elsewhere! LoL!

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Glad you are liking your new supplies. the liquids are the only way to go---carts pale by comparison.

the blueberry crumble sounds yummy.

very easy to stealth vape or just slip a draw in when nobody is looking.

not going outside to smoke when it's snowing is a huge plus !!!

happy vaping

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Glad it's working you. The really good news is...it only gets better and better!!

Those drip tips are great, aren't they? I do 3 drops on a 510 atty. If I do 4, it leaks every single time for me.

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As a recent new dripper, I have to admit, it is a lot easier than messing arount with carts. I'm still going to use my cartomizers for driving, and other times dripping is just inconvient. Took me a while to come to dripping though.

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