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E-Cigs to hit the battlefield

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GAINESVILLE, FL, May 27, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Smoking has long been taboo on the fields of war because of the light generated by dragging on a cigarette, but with e-cigarettes becoming such a hot commodity, one distributor has taken it to the next level.

Known as "No. 9 Stealth", this e-cigarette is more subdued and not bright white. It comes without the characteristic LED on the end that simulates the light given off by a cigarette. With no carcinogens, flame or light being emitted from the No. 9 Stealth, it could be what some soldiers have been wanting for years.

"The idea came from a military vet who served with the 11th ACR, "Blackhorse Regiment" in Vietnam and Iraq," says Kyle of Ecigaretteschoice.com. "No matter how well you cup a cigarette with your hands, the red glow shows through and it makes you a perfect target for snipers, especially at night. He thought e-cigarettes were a great idea, but if the LED is removed and the battery is colored right, it's a comfort item for soldiers who want a smoke out in the field.

E-cigarettes only generate 10% of the heat a tobacco cigarette generates, which reduces the chance that a soldier could be detected from miles away by the heat alone.

"You would be amazed at how bright a cigarette cherry is from a mile away when it's pitch black outside," says Earl Ellis, a former sergeant in an army ranger unit. "When I was in, they didn't tell you you couldn't smoke at night, but they made it clear you were putting your whole unit's lives in your hands. If everybody dies tonight, it's your fault. It's no joke."

Many non-smokers would say the solution would be what it is now: stop smoking.

"Smoking isn't a moral issue; it's a health issue and it's a choice," says Kyle. "Most non-smokers have no idea how hard it is to quit, even with help from patches, gums, and all the other stuff; the mental addiction is what gets you, because the nicotine is out of your system in a couple of days. People have all the information about the dangers of tobacco that they need and many people have no desire to quit and for those people, e-cigarettes are the answer. For soldiers who don't want to quit, the answer is No. 9 Stealth."

Smokers Smart Choice is the first to meet their needs and supports our troops and thanks them with an automatic discount on all orders to Iraq & Afghanistan APO addresses.


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