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More Newbie Questions...


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Hey guys,

First, let me thank everyone that was kind enough to welcome me to the boards and help me with my first slew of questions... Well, after several eagerly anticipated days I have finally received my first e-cig... a joye 510... but now I have yet more questions... First, do I need to charge the battery for 8 hours as it says in the instruction manual? I ask because when I plugged the battery in it turned green after about 15 minutes... (and obviously I'm itching to get started)... also... I've looked all of the pieces over and figured out how it all goes together but as I have not yet received my first bottle of juice I only have the carts it came with to work with... and the fill hangs out of the bottom slightly... is this how its supposed to be or should it be pushed in so as to avoid the fill from touching the insides of the atomizer... or is that not an issue?


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Some people will still swear up and down that it's better on your batteries to charge them for 8 hours first. Realistically it makes no difference. When that light on your charger turns green, the battery is done charging. Lithium Ion batteries do not require a primer charge, so feel free to start vaping!

As far as the carts go, although something doesn't sound quite right in the way you are describing them, I've never seen an issue with the pre filled carts, so I'm just going to assume that I'm comprehending your description a little differently than you mean it. I'd say slap that baby in and fire it up.

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Hey bud! Congrats on your new kit. Well my parents always said to follow the instruction manual, but, i never do. When i received my 510 kit i just threw one bat on the charger and started using the other one right away. Never had a problem with the batterys! :thumbsup: As far as the cart filler sticking out a tad, you can just use a paper towel over your finger and push it back in a little bit, but it wont hurt anything.

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Great questions! First, the batteries come with about an 80% charge. The process that is suppose to be followed is to charge the battery for 8 hours reguardless of the light color being green. Then you remove the battery from the charge and then put it back in the charger and charge it for 1 more hour. Now all this is according to Jeff at Wordup and my dad who is a lithium battery guru. That being said, I never do that and everything worked out just fine for me!

Second question. Yes, the fill will sometime hang out the end of the cart. The way an atomizer works is that it has a screen over a little coil inside it that wicks the fluid away from the cart fill. So the cart actually works by touching the atomizer! Most of my 510 carts end up being poked in rather than hanging out. If I were you, I would take a toothpick or something and poke it down below the edge of the cart but I don't think it really matters.

Hope this helps. You'll be a pro in nothing flat! Hope you get your juice soon. What kind did you get?

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man, you guys (and gals I'm sure) are super fast in responding to posts... this really is a very friendly community... and i thank you all... i can't wait to get started... i picked up some VT dulcis and mentha at the advice of some members that responded to my first post... i believe they shipped yesterday... but being way out here in pennsylvania it could be awhile...


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After your initial charge, I used mine for about 20 minutes then replaced and allowed a second charge to green. As for the filling, just take scissors and trim level at the top and never ever pull fibers from inside the atomizer. That is wicking material.

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