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The Problem Is Facebook ?

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This is an interesting story. We did some stupid things when I was in High School, but MAN if we only had things like Facebbok back then ...the following is from the newspaper =

"DANVERS, Mass. – Who knew "Meep!" was a four-letter word? The utterance favored by bungling lab assistant Beaker of "The Muppet Show" has been banned at Danvers High School in Massachusetts after students said it to repeatedly interrupt school.

Principal Thomas Murray said the word was part of a disruption planned using Facebook.

The Salem News reports that parents recently got an automated call about "Meep!" from Murray. He warned them that students who said or displayed the word at school could be suspended.

Murray says the warning was needed because students didn't heed his "reasonable request" to stop the meeping.

Danvers High sophomore Melanie Crane says it doesn't mean anything in particular."

Now, if we HAD done something like this, I know for a FACT, MY father wouldve handled the situation swift and sure. And if I had tried to blame Facebook for my stupidity, ooh it scares me. Now, I know kids will be kids, and maybe Im making a big deal over nothing, I just think this is where the problem lies today, if parents took more control over their kids and actually did some parenting, we wouldnt have so many problem kids. So, let the debates begin, what do you guys think.

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Meep...really. I hope this is the biggest problem that school has.

But I agree there are so many kick back parents that want to be friends to their kids. It's good to a point but I know my parents wouldn't take half the BS these kids come up with.

BRB my mom is calling...;)

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[sigh} Kids are great, really! My son's grandfather has a theory about kids, he's almost 70, so y'all aren't going to like it.

He says; Kids are great, but when they reach about 12, they ought to be placed in a barrel and fed through the bung-hole. At about 16 you plug up the bung-hole!

I have had 7 children that I have had a hand in raising. My last child is 8 and he is the last one at home and he is the only child that I have had in my house for his entire life, the rest of the kids were fostered or step-children. I really do not know what I'd actually do if he participated in this kind of non-sense, but my first thought is a good a ss-whipping. He goes to a private school, they have corporal punishment and so do we. If he gets pops or licks at school, your darned right he will get them at home too. It's amazing on how well behaved he is and how many compliments we get on our very courteous little gentleman. I have a 2X2 that has a handle carved in it and holes drilled in it, it was made by his grandfather for applying "The Board of Education to The Seat of Knowledge. I have used it once in the past two years and that was only the third time I have ever used it on him. Amazing, the incentive he has for being where he is supposed to be when he is supposed to be there and acting like we expect him to. I love my son enough to make sure that he has the discipline that he needs and I love him enough to be his Dad and not his buddy.

Edited by TheSmokingMan
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[sigh} Kids are great, really! My son's grandfather has a theory about kids, he's almost 70, so y'all aren't going to like it.

He says; Kids are great, but when they reach about 12, they ought to be placed in a barrel and fed through the bung-hole. At about 16 you plug up the bung-hole!

I have had 7 children that I have had a hand in raising. My last child is 8 and he is the last one at home and he is the only child that I have had in my house for his entire life, the rest of the kids were fostered or step-children. I really do not know what I'd actually do if he participated in this kind of non-sense, but my first thought is a good a ss-whipping. He goes to a private school, they have corporal punishment and so do we. If he gets pops or licks at school, your darned right he will get them at home too. It's amazing on how well behaved he is and how many compliments we get on our very courteous little gentleman. I have a 2X2 that has a handle carved in it and holes drilled in it, it was made by his grandfather for applying "The Board of Education to The Seat of Knowledge. I have used it once in the past two years and that was only the third time I have ever used it on him. Amazing, the incentive he has for being where he is supposed to be when he is supposed to be there and acting like we expect him to. I love my son enough to make sure that he has the discipline that he needs and I love him enough to be his Dad and not his buddy.

The sad part is parents can go to jail for such parenting now days.... I got the belt when I was younger... Judging by my behavior I don't think it worked too well though :P

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I dont think theres a cop or judge around who would press charges on you disciplining your children. I found with my 3 kids, if you start when theyre young, and only on the rump, as the years go by, you dont HAVE to discipline them as much. Of course, if you beat the living crap out of them, you SHOULD go to jail. I really think kids WANT to behave, its when they're not supervised and shown right from wrong, well, wrong is usually more fun.

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I dont think theres a cop or judge around who would press charges on you disciplining your children. I found with my 3 kids, if you start when theyre young, and only on the rump, as the years go by, you dont HAVE to discipline them as much. Of course, if you beat the living crap out of them, you SHOULD go to jail. I really think kids WANT to behave, its when they're not supervised and shown right from wrong, well, wrong is usually more fun.

I certainly don't beat the crap out of my kids and I never have, just ask them. We have a process, I don't just wail the tar out of them on a whim. Our process is when the need for corporal punishment is established, Jacob is sent to his room. Mom or I go in and talk to him about what he has done and the punishment that it merits. He lays on his stomach on his bed and is given swats on his rump. After the crying is over a little time is spent letting him know that we don't hate him or have stopped loving him or whatever goes thru an 8 year old's mind when he has gotten licks. It's all done with love and ceremony, he knows what is coming and why and he accepts it and we move on the another 6 to 8 months of great behavior.

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Meep isn't a huge deal, it's rather funny. I got spanked when I was younger and I don't resent my parents for it at all. I'm sure after time I learned what I shouldn't be doing. I received soap in my mouth once, when I said the F word to my brother in front of company. Needless to say, I never did that again.

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Meep isn't a huge deal, it's rather funny. I got spanked when I was younger and I don't resent my parents for it at all. I'm sure after time I learned what I shouldn't be doing. I received soap in my mouth once, when I said the F word to my brother in front of company. Needless to say, I never did that again.

I agree, meep isnt a big deal, but when the kids go online and scheme to spend the day disrupting ALL classes with it, it becomes a big deal. Its why we're turning out sub par students, because teachers dont have the patience, or resources to deal with this kind of crap. Parents stop parenting, teachers stop teaching, and students stop learning. The system breaks down.

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Parents stop parenting, teachers stop teaching, and students stop learning. The system breaks down.

Welcome to the public education system!

The system is setup to fail from the beginning.... School Vouchers is the answer.

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