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Anyone Try A Blu?

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Long story short - a friend's credit card number was stolen, somebody used it to order a Blu starter kit and lots of cartridges, my friend called both Blu and the bank... The bank negated the charge AND Blu redirected the package to my friend - who neither smokes nor vapes! I have an ego-C, so he's going to give me the stuff.

I love my ego-C, and that includes the incredibly low cost of self-filling the blank tanks. The Blu looks more expensive to operate - about $13 for what they say equals five packs of analogs. But hey, it's free, I'm curious to try it. And if I don't like it, I'll force it on a smoking friend who should make the switch.

Have any of you tried Blu?

I looked at their website and it says NOTHING about the vaping experience - it's all about how cool the light-up/vibrating "social feature" pack is... Creepy, if you ask me. I'll hit the "off" button!



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A lot of people use and like them.Besides higher cost and shorter battery life its pretty much what we all are using.I got a free Rivo disposable.It was ok but I wouldn't buy them routinely.

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I started vaping on a Blu, and it put it shortly, it didn't last long. Their batteries have horrible battery life, and while their prefilled cartridges taste great, they only taste great for about an hour, and then it tastes like you're sucking on plastic. Having said that, it's not the worst thing out there.

If you want to keep it for backup gear by all means go for it, if you're a light vaper the mini batteries and PCC might work well for you, but i'd go with refillable cartos as opposed to their pre-filled ones.

If your friend wants to give vaping a shot it's not a terrible way to introduce them to what it's all about, but needless to say, if they're gonna stick with it, they'll want to upgrade batteries pretty quick.

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I started out on a Blu and it only lasted for about a week or two. It just wasn't realistic enough. The flavor died off FAST, the battery life was pretty bad, and the throat hit was non-existant. But for free, might as well give it a shot and see what you think. I think that after being used to an eGo setup it won't impress you at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! I signed up just to reply to this question as a non-professional.

I have vaped on and off for three yearsish, starting with the 510.

Personally, my failures are always a result of equipment failures or running out of supplies.

My local drugstore (Walgreens) stocks the Blu starter kit and carts. It is huge piece of mind knowing that i can resupply instantly as I once again wien myself from analogs.

I do have a new found sense of simplicy as I stare at my old bucket of mismatched parts, carts, bottles, syringes and tweezers.

The $50 kit has 2 batteries, 5 cartomizers, a chargeable case, AC and USB adapters.

I only get about 30 mins of battery between charges, but they recharge quickly. And heck, i could buy another kit right down the road whenever I need it.

I love the hobby and DIY aspects of vaping. Perhaps enough that I end up over my head.


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