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Drip Tips?

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I am looking into buying a drip tip for my eGo tank. Not sure where to start anyone have any suggestions? I spend so much time looking online at stores would like to know where to start. What are the best places to look? What are you having the best luck? I like my tank carts but I have found I get the best flavor with direct dripping and a mouthpiece. I figured I could do better with a drip tip instead of removing the mouthpiece all the time. :)

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How would a drip tip be used on a tank?

Just like on any other atomizer. You remove the tank the same as you would a cartridge. :thumbsup: I am just hoping to find a drip tip that is large enough because that is a major difference the business end of a tank atomizer is larger then a 510 atty. If I can't find one I will just get some 510 attys and buy a drip tip for them even though I don't want to mess with my pink theme.

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I think it would be hard to get your drips in the tiny hole of the tank atty that leads to the atty coil. Am I missing something? I have been known to be slow at times. :D

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