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Vaping And Drinking

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When I was a smoker I noticed that the more I drank, the more I smoked. I mean, on a righteous night of drinking I would easily burn away one to two packs. Without thinking twice. I was a pack a day smoker and could smoke a pack in no time flat when getting my drink on.

Now, when I vape and drink, I vape like it's going out of style. I tend to use carts specifically when I'm going to get inebriated because I learned that if I drip, I DRIP. On the atty, the floor, my pants, EVERYWHERE. And no, dipping is totally not an option.

So does anyone else find themselves to chain vape when enjoying a plethora of adult beverages?

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While it's been a while since this dark lord of the Sith has been out a-drinkin' like he used to, I have also found that after just a couple drinks at home with friends/family, the e-cig doesn't do it for me anymore.

When I've had a couple, the vapor just doesn't hit my throat and lungs like I want it to, and I was using 36 mg juice then. In the nearly six months since I smoked my last analog, the ONLY time I wanted to light up was after I'd downed a couple Guinnesses. It really rattled me at the time, because I still had a few analogs laying around the house and since my inhibitions were slightly loosened, I nearly reached for them.

So what'd I do? Threw out the analogs once and for all, and have stayed away from the booze. I've spent way too much time, money and health to go back to smoking.

Karate, I can totally relate. Anyone else out there with the same experience?

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Yea once you hit the booze the analog craving can come back REAL fast. However I've been able to control it. I' not saying I didn't slip it during the beginning.

The best way to solve this issue would be to get one of these...


I'm not sure how to get them but I'm going to email mooby ghost and find out. I would love it if suppliers started selling these things.

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Chris - GET THE FUDGESTIX OUT OF HERE!!! That is SLICK. Although it does require some amount of dexterity ...

Darth - You hit it on the nose, or face mask. Oxygen delivery device? Whatever the hell you got on your face there. The PV simply does not satisfy, and I think it's mainly due to expectations. You know, due to what one is used to from back in the analogue days. Now, I've been good about not reaching for the analogues (I actually don't have any, finished the pack before starting with the PV), but I haven't been around any smokers while enjoying the wonderful nuances of my New Castle beers so I don't know how tempted I would be. You good sir (or bad sir ... good Sith? Bad Sith? DAMN IT I'M SO CONFUSED!!!) are a stronger man than I however, I can't give up my beer.

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Interesting. I love my liquor, and smoking and drinking go together like a hand in a glove. But unlike what I'm reading here, I generally find vaping an adequate substitute for analogs. I've tipped a few with friends who smoke, and have managed to deal with being around their smokes while I'm just vaping with no particular problems.

A couple weeks ago, though, I did have a bit of a crisis. I had to put down my old dog of 15 years, and he and I were very close. The grief was more intense than I had anticipated, and maybe it's the Native American in me, but I just had to have some tobacco for laying my dear old dog to rest. So I bought a pack of American Spirit organics (my old brand), and while I dug his grave, I smoked as I shed my tears. It's well-known that tobacco has a way of comforting and consoling a person when they're sad, and I was as sad as I've ever been in my life. There was something about the life-depleting smoking of real tobacco that perfectly suited my pain. I broke open some cigs and sprinkled the tobacco as a sacrament in his burial. I placed a personal treasure in the grave with him, and with a cigarette in one hand, with the other I carefully pulled earth over his vacant body. I talked to him, cried, and drew hard on the cigarette. I was in no mood for snazzy, high-tech substitutes at that moment. I needed the real deal -- that comforting burn in the throat, that sharp sting of burning tobacco in my tear-soaked eyes, that natural, organic, historic use of tobacco in my heartfelt, solemn ceremony of saying goodbye to a beloved spirit and friend.

My wife was disappointed in my relapse, but I told her it was for a reason, and that I would not go back to smoking analogs once that pack was gone. And I didn't. When I had smoked the last cigarette, I went back to vaping with no desire to smoke. I had dealt with my grief as my instincts dictated, I had sought out a familiar old comfort just long enough to get me through the day, and through the following few days. As my swollen eyes returned to normal, and life moved on, I returned to my e-cig. At present I'm once again a full-time vaper, and pray it's a long time before I feel the need to revert.

Fact is, I suspect that all of us wish we could wave a magic wand and make cigarettes harmless (and cheap again), just so we could whole-heartedly enjoy the simple pleasures of tobacco without the guilt of knowing the consequences of our habit. Putzing around with atomizers, batteries, dripping juice, charging and switching and cleaning and maintaining our e-cigs... while not an arduous chore, it's a chore nonetheless. So much easier to just pull out a smoke, light it, burn and breathe, flicking our ashes just as one day we'll flick aside these mortal coils we call our bodies.

All that said... I prefer vaping any day. Generally speaking, I find it more satisfying than smoking, even with my liquor. But there are moments, and enjoying a few drinks out on the town may be one, and certainly dealing with grief is another. Vaping is a substitute for an ancient habit, a substance we like that isn't good for us. We do the best we can.

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Drinking and Vaping.

I have been known to slam a few Bud Ices, especially when the Sunday beer band is in session, it was hard at first, I play guitar and my mouth wasn't strong enough to hold the pen style, in time I did beat it. I usually have a 901 rockin, its no problem, just make sure you have adequate juice (both kinds), I have customers ask me this alot. I usually do the 36 when I'm slammin' cold pops, its very enjoyable actually. Totally satisfies.


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Drinking and Vaping.

I have been known to slam a few Bud Ices, especially when the Sunday beer band is in session, it was hard at first, I play guitar and my mouth wasn't strong enough to hold the pen style, in time I did beat it. I usually have a 901 rockin, its no problem, just make sure you have adequate juice (both kinds), I have customers ask me this alot. I usually do the 36 when I'm slammin' cold pops, its very enjoyable actually. Totally satisfies.


I vape most of the time - period. I vape in the pub (I've found most pubs will allow it around here) - I never have more than 4 pints (normally Guinness or Fullers London Pride) so inebriation isn't a problem. The weird thing is I get less attention using my screwdriver than I do using a normal (901) e-cig.

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Yea hanging around smokers while drinking is pretty much the ultimate test. RESIST!

I think i have been lucky, Although i got really pissed off one day and had a weak moment(seriously considered having an analog)I have not, even around others smokers...........shoot actually for me its easier when someone else is doing it . that smell is just repulsive to me now. My wife can light one up outside and if i catch a wiff ....My stomach turns. I am finally free!!! I think..........

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