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Is There A Such Thing As A Premium 510 Atty?


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Hello all

I have been vaping for over a year now. I started with a joye 510 and through the course of time the chargers stopped working and the batteries

refuse to hold a charge for more than 20 hits. Didnt matter if i bought new attys or batteries. I noticed that all batteries and attys are not

created equal even if i ordered the parts directly from cignot (where i originally got my first ecig).

So about 2 months ago i decided to upgrade because the 510 wasnt doing it for me. I was still smoking and only using the ecig while at work.

I wanted the silver bullet but chose the tornado from totally wicked instead. Out of the box it was great! Plenty of vape and the batteries

lasted forever. Problem is that the attys from totally wicked do not last long at all. When vapor production got low i cleaned the attys

with hot water and allowed them to dry. Then i got them hot to burn off the crusties or whatever and washed them again. Doing this with my

old 510 kept my attys working fine forever but with the tornado...it doesnt. The attys have not worked right since. Low vapor production, very


I then decided to try LR attys also from totally wicked. Wow!...And then a few days later...WTF? I ordered 2 attys. First one worked fine for

about a week and then got weak and the second one leaks juice straight through to the battery but seemed to work great. At the 2 week mark

i decided to clean them with 91% alcohol and they dont work very well now. The first lr atty seems to produce but has a constant peppery

taste and the lr that leaks wont preform well at all. The leaky atty gets red hot in half a sec and the other one will wont get red hot

for 5 secs or better...but produces vape better. I am at a loss. I think i read somewhere, maybe on their website that they are chinese made


I drip and the juice comes from tasty vapors, but im about to start mixing my own so i can get more VG in the mix cause im sick of 10% max

from tasty vapors.

The biggest question i have is, Where can i buy high quality premium 510 attys? Is there even such a thing? I googles it and nothing but

random forum posts off topic and chinese websites.

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I have started using the Cisco 306 LR and am very happy with them in my Riva. Only for a week so far though so I can't speak for the shelf life.... I absolutely abuse them though and still on the first one. Just blow them out if I wanna change flavors or every couple of days.

Good Luck.^^

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I've heard a lot of good things about the Cisco 306 LR and the Joye 306 LR atomizers. I was thinking about buying a Cisco, but I'm happy with my LR cartomizers from vaporkings and electonicstix.

Unless you are buying the higher mg strength, you shouldn't be limited to 10% VG at Tasty Vapor. If you are buying juice at a higher mg, I hope you are mixing it down to a vape-able mg strength. I vape 24mg max. And 10-20% VG is fine for most liquids, but Tasty Vapor has 30% VG also. Other sites like avejuice have All VG liquids.

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Vapor Renu has awesome flavors....have loved EVERYTHING from there so far....they have multiple options for more VG...you can get it 100% VG, and various other pg/vg combos and if you want it some way that the option is not there you can just write Jason and tell him what amount you want. He is VERY accommodating....OUTSTANDING customer service. Everything there is mixed when you order it....you can get various levels of nic and all that stuff as well. If there is a flavor they don't have you they will make it for you and add it to their list.

I did notice with using more VG, because I used to only vape 100%pg, that the cartomizers get nasty quicker. So I googled and did reading and the more VG you have the faster it will gunk up attys, whether they are within a carto or not. I found various sources about this.....because of the thickness it just gunks up faster....and in the carto I have been vaping with no cap on it, and I am vaping like a slightly amber colored liquid but the carto filler is getting darker and darker. So I researched and found that is from the VG....heating it up will discolor it, and you will need to clean attys and cartos, whatever more than using just PG. I don't care, but I am wondering how that would affect atty life....whether the atty is within a carto or not. I don't know if I would want to use 100% vg in a carto....probably take forever to soak into the filler it is so thick. I guess it makes sense as thick as it is that it would gunk things up fairly fast.

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Welcome to Vapor Talk! Attys are unpredictable. I've had attys that only last for one day. It's disappointing, but it does happen. I think I average a month on regular attys and about two weeks on LR attys. But that's only an average. All of my attys from TW were lasting longer than those I got anywhere else - until my last batch. They didn't last nearly as long. It probably has something to do with when and how they were made. I just got some that weren't so great. It happens.

And just so you know, all attys are made in China. I'm not sure about the Cisco attys though.

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there are many issues that play a factor in good vaping

1.) battery and the mAh rating

2.) ohm of the carto/atty you use

3.) juice and how it is made and from whom

a brief overview

1.) a 3.7v battery that has a low mAh rating will have a drop in power thus not vaping as well.

from full charge a 3.7v battery should have a max voltage of 4.2v. this is the spot everyone says they love, if they know it or not.

when the battery is used for "X" amount of time that voltage drops. as voltage drops you produce less vapor and flavor.

2.) a lr atty can have a burnt taste due to the fact its heating up hotter and faster. try dewicking those lr attys. i DO NOT advise debridging them as they tend to leak more that way. Totally wicked 510 attys should be just a joye atty, and thats what everyone here would say to buy. as for me i dont like the draw on joye as they seem to have a stiff draw. the higher your ohm the less heat it will produce at the same voltage. the lower the ohm the greater the chance of the coil popping. keep them wet and you shouldnt have much of an issue. the only time you should dry burn *IMO* is when theres nothing left that you can do. soak them for 24hrs in hot water, changing out the water a few times a day, and any atty should be fine after that.

3.) juice depending on the maker uses different types of flavor, pg, vg, or other additives to make it taste better. vg = vapor and taste, pg = throat hit. if you can do both a good 50/50 mix would be the ideal way to go.

if you arent happy with the attys you have, give cartos a shot. they will provide less of a flavor but in the long run its less hassle.

boge cartos for 510 and for 306 you can just do the ones that cloudsofvapor sells.

right now i only do the 306 cartos and map tank.

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i have a brand new tornado from tw. i think the batteries are 650 mah? i regularly vape using a passthrough.

i get my juice from tasty vapors. they dont give enough vg to make us happy so i am getting rdy to mix my own juice.

i am going to buy a silver bullet i think. i want a higher voltage system than the tornado. does anyone know of a

great HV pv that i might be happy with? i was looking at the silver bullet at the same time as the tornado but my

gf MADE me get the tornado cause it was cheaper. i have been vaping over a year and was ready for a higher voltage

device. i constantly keep my attys wet and the dry burn was due to the attys getting weak and more so after washing

them and the vape was weaker. i want to try the cisco attys. i am also curious about the tank system from tornado.

dripping is nice but only at home. hard to do in a car hehe.

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