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Everything posted by mh1953

  1. I am using e juice from Totally Wicked. I mixed it 50/50 because I read somewhere that that was the correct ratio. I was cutting to stretch the liquid. Thanks again
  2. I thought that 50/50 was the way to do it. I have no mixing calculator, just a dropper. I did 12 drops of e liquid and 12 of glycerin and 2 of water. Seriously, I was sick for about 2 hours. Thanks again.
  3. I am using the first and only bottle of juice I have, Totally Wicked 36mg. I mixed a tiny amount just to try, 12 drops of e liquid, 12 drops of glycerin and 2 drops of water. I had been vaping the e liquid uncut before with no ill effects.
  4. Hi and thanks in advance for the help. I am brand new to e cigs. I bought Wilton food grade glycerin and tried cutting my e liquid 50/50. It made me feel awful, like I had the flu. Is this unusual? What else can I use and where can I find it? Thanks again!
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