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    Northern New Jersey

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  1. Spent the day running around like a mad man and ive noticed that while my eGo is great for on foot or sitting around, it is rather cumbersome to use while driving for me..Im thinking of purchasing a unit JUST for trips in the Jeep that i can leave in there and just pick up and vape as needed. can anyone recommend a nice easy PV for driving ...would like it to be lite and easy to use without looking.having some way to charge it in the vehicle would be great too. Hope im not asking too much, im still WAY new to this technology. THANKS!
  2. Thanks very much for the replies. Well i think I figured out what happened with the first atty. Ive noticed that the drip tip I am using while seeming ok when dripping PG. Its a whole different set of rules with VG. That stuff is thick and while some of it may have made it into the atty a lot of it stayed in the tip and I quite possibly burned up the atty. I found the "remove bridge mod" here on the forums and cleaned it up a little and it seems to work pretty good now. I have not tried any cartos yet. with the upfront money for the kit and some juice and then the money i spent on extra atty's and a pass through. Im going to work with this a little, re coup some cash and then start exploring other options. I welcome any and all tips and tricks as well as recommendations on products, different vaping accessories and places to purchase. so far ive used Liberty-Flights and Zeecigs.com for shops. The only thing im trying to perfect at this point is getting a grip on when to drip so i can avoid ...."that taste" hehe. Thanks again everyone =).
  3. Gear: EJOY eGo with LR atomizers, tapered metal drip tip. Started using my eGo as quickly as i could get the package open today ...the first few drips i smoked through everything was fine, working as intended then all of a sudden i got this nasty burnt taste and while the cigg was still producing vapor, it burned my esophagus on the exhale, I couldn't get that taste to clear out of the atomizer and the atomizer had plenty of juice in it when it happened...swapped over to the second atomizer that came with it and no problem now for hours...was the first one just bad out of the gate? anybody have this happen? I did nothing different between the two atomizers, now i have a 5 pack of atomizers on the way and I hope this one holds out or im doomed =).
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