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Posts posted by MrsJaaxx

  1. Welcome!

    Price being an issue, the Riva might be a good model for you as well-- I just received mine last week, and I am in love with it.I got it in titanium and it is gold and sparkly, not looking like a tobacco ciggy! It looks just like the Ego, except the button that you press is soft & smaller that the Ego button, which is hard plastic and a bit larger. You still get the crazy-long battery life-- One battery lasts me through the day. I just grab a charged one in the morning and put the one from the day before on the charger. I have not tried an Ego, but from what I hear, the Riva is the same thing but a bit cheaper. (Please someone correct me if there is a major performance difference that I am unaware of!)

    Edited to add- though it says "supplier" under my name, I do not sell any hardware at all, so I'm not talking with my "bottom line" in mind!

  2. Thanks, guys. I have linked her to this post so that she can see any suggestions. She is a dear friend and has tried to quit with e-cigs one time before, but it was at a very stressful time to try to be quitting, so I have high hopes that this time will be the charm!

  3. I have a friend who wants to get an e-cig but she is afraid to use anything manufactured in China. She has a weird thing about China. This is what she said:

    I don't really care if it looks like a real cig (better off if it doesn't). I have to go sit in my car if I want a smoke at work now. Battery life is a good thing, since I am at work for 9 hours most days without a break. My main concern is the manufacturing, I would really rather not using something from China. I just don't trust their manufacturing processes. Wouldn't be surprised to find out there's radiation leaking from their batteries~

    She needs a reliable model that doesn't take a whole lot of fiddling with.. I just don't know what to recommend.. I have not heard of atomizers made anywhere but China. I know the GG is made in Greece but it is really expensive and if it breaks it's a whole headache.

    She had ordered a kit from the company that is between green and indigo on the rainbow, and I felt horrible but I had to tell her what a bad rep they have on the forums. She said that they were manufactured completely in America? Anyway, she canceled that order and is back to the drawing board.


  4. I can't put my hands on the manual now, but it came with an Ego manual and it said approx. 2 hours. On the upside, my light is green now. I'm thinking BeerCity has it right-- it just takes longer to charge than I thought and wasn't fully drained the first time. The long charging time is no problem, though, since the batteries last so long. :-)

  5. Kind of a funny FedEx stalking story... We knew from the tracking that it was on the truck for delivery. Today was the day. But MrJ and I share one vehicle. So all day long Fedex does not come. It's 5pm and time for me to come home from work. This means that he has to leave the house and come pick me up! I only work a 4-minute car ride away (10 minute walk) but you KNOW that's when they'll come. I asked him to instruct one of the kids to stay in the living room so that they would hear the knock at the door. We pull up, and there is Sid (our 10 y/o daughter) sitting in the stoop in front of the door, with no package. J says, "nope, no package for you!" I got out of the car and she says, "Mommy, a box came for you and I took it in the house!" Which was awesome because I got my package but also funny because she took her orders to "stay right HERE so we don't miss the Fedex guy" VERY seriously, and sat BACK down in front of the door AFTER the package came!

    So it's here. I'm loving it! I keep impressing myself with giant clouds of vapor. I've got Juicy Butterscotch in there, PG/VG blend, 18mg instead of 24 because I know I'm not going to put this thing down until the novelty wears off! I like the way the cartridge just smoothly comes off.

    The color kind of threw me. I had it in my mind that "titanium" would be silver like stainless steel. This is glittery gold. I'm pretty sure I don't own anything else that's glittery yellow gold. For a few minutes, I was disappointed, but it grew on me quickly, and now I am quite enamored with my golden beauty!

    In short, WOOT, love it! Thank you all for giving me Ego/Riva envy. It worked! :thumbsup:

  6. Wow sounds like MrJaaxx should have bought his own, LOL! Hey with the new DIY rules Im still going to write my review on the juciepak in the reg. E-liquid review area, I think it would be good there bcuz its NOTHING above 24mgs and the way you guys market it, it is more like to introduce people to DIY, so hopefully it dosen't get moved to the new DIY subforum because new members don't have access to it. I want it to get the most exposure so im going to put in in the regular E-liquid review section, Thanks again all flavors were right on! :thumbsup:

    I sincerely appreciate that. I think that sometimes newbies are intimidated by the "DIY" thing, and stick strictly to pre-mixed, and if they saw our concept, I really believe that it would take a lot of the scary out. No worries about accidentally mixing wrong and getting a higher nic content than you wanted, and the ability to increase or decrease the strength of the flavor.

    I have some more bad news. Hubby invited me and a few other guys over while you were at work and we gang-vape-raped your Riva. Sorry, it asked for it really! :)

    You better be glad it didn't come today!

  7. MrsJaaxx: (sweetly)"If my Riva comes today, will you bring it to me at work?"

    MrJaaxx: (with an evil glare) "I'm gonna vape it."

    Mrs: (in terror) "No! No, you CAN'T vape my Riva before I do!"

    Mr: "I'm gonna vape the hell out of it! I'm gonna vape-rape it!"

    And thus was born a new word.

    Vape-Rape: verb. To vigorously use someone else's brand new PV before they have ever had a chance to use it themselves.

  8. Man, it hasn't shipped yet. Ordered it on Wednesday evening. I'm dying here!

    Actually I am fine, 401 still working pleasantly, just wanting to whine impatiently for a second.

    I have a battery that I decorated with rhinestones from a nail decorating kit. I did some pin-up pictures for a contest on vapersforum, and I made my e-cig match my dress and my cherry jewelery.

  9. Obviously the best thing for a non-smoker to do is not inhale anything other than air. BUT if it's her idea, no pressure from you.. I say maybe suggest that it might not be a great idea, then after that, if she chooses to do it anyway, then, well, enjoy it with her. It's something she wants to do.. I equate it to last night when I totally STUFFED myself at the Mexican restaurant. Was it the best thing for me? Nope. Mr.Jaaxx gave me a look with a raised eyebrow,which silently said "I KNOW you're not still hungry, you can stop anytime!" Now I am a person who likes to stay thin and I lost about 40 pounds a year or 2 ago, of course he knows this.. I grinned sheepishly and continued to stuff my face. And that was the end of that-- we had a great time while I overate like a goober! God help him if he had told me to put that fork down, right NOW!

    Edited to add-- I posted after reading only the first page. If she was intending to take up SMOKING anyway, then I think I'd skip the "Not a good idea" part.

  10. Yaya! Thanks for sharing my excitement!

    Why these companies don't order more pink and purple is beyond me. More women than men are still addicted to nicotine... it's not like they'd ever be stuck with them for long. shopshopshop :)

    No doubt! Don't they know we need pink and sparkly? Our e-cigs should reflect our Queenly status in life... ;)

  11. I'm so excited! I've been experiencing Ego/Riva envy for a while now. I have only used (on a regular basis) a penstyle 801 and a mini M401. I finally took the plunge last night and ordered myself a Riva! Yay for modernizing my vaping habit! And the price was unbeatable. I wanted pink really bad but they were out.. (though in hindsight someone told me that instead of 510, I could have ordered 901 with an adapter and got the last pink one). So I went with titanium. Which is also nice. I'll get over it. LOL Can't wait! :thumbsup:

  12. Aw, man, that does suck! How long was your car on the uncle's property? Did he ask you to remove it?

    I had a friend's old raggedy easter egg blue van in my driveway for about 5 years. Boy, it was ugly. 4 flat tires that were too rotted to hold air.. It was immovable and parked just in front of my carport so that I couldn't park under the carport. Junk guys would come by asking if we wanted them to take it away! So after 5 years, I asked my friend if there was any way he could come and get it. He couldn't. It was not allowed to be in the yard or driveway where he lived and he didn't have money to make it run. So he agreed to let me call someone to come and scrap it.

  13. Menthol drops rock! Very potent stuff and the cool thing about using drops as opposed to crystals is that you will get the exact same thing every time. 2 drops in your favorite flavor liquid today is going to be exactly the same strength as 2 drops in your favorite liquid next time. Takes the guesswork out. They are our number one selling item, believe it or not!

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