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Posts posted by drllama

  1. Mmmmmm, Prairie Oysters, or as they seem to be known around here "Rocky Mountain Oysters" for no readily apparent reason.

    My mom used to get tongue quite regularly, she'd roast it then we'd have it sliced for sandwiches at school. Not my favorite either, but it was okay.

    Love love love oysters, any way any how, though my wife agrees with those who say they're gross.

    Weirdest eating experience, though not necessarily the weirdest food was when I was living in Bangalore, India for six months. My co-workers took me to a "typical" lunch place where everything was served on a large banana leaf. You started with a big dollup of dal (stewed lentils basicly), and mixed in various other veggies (and bits of stewed meat if you were non-veg), and then scooped it up with your fingers to eat. Seriously messy, but an amazing meal! Just don't ask me what the meat was, or what any of the veggies were, I have no idea.

    Oh! Here's a seriously weird one, Jackfruit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackfruit) these enormous pods like two or three feet long (or more, seriously these things are huge) with a sort of pebbly textured skin, weighing 50 pounds or more. The pods are cut open to get out the actual fruits which are about the size of your hand. The flavor is like a cross between a mango, pineapple and banana, sort of. We had it as jam on toast and it was totally delicious.

  2. So I figure I should probably introduce myself since I'll be lurking (and maybe posting from time to time) from here on out.

    My wife and I quit on New Year's Day, switching from 2+ packs a day to our shiny new EVOD IIs. So far so good, we haven't ripped each others' faces off yet smile.png

    I'd been smoking since I was 14 years old (young and stupid), and finally at 50, I'm done with them. We've tried a couple of times in the past. Once we made it nearly four months before a major stress hit and we convinced ourselves we could have just one for "medicinal purposes".... and within a week we were smoking again. A few years ago we tried again with the eGo, but those little plastic cartridges were not all that fun, kept getting a mouthful of juice, or they'd leak, or... meh. Didn't work.

    This time it feels like we're going to make it. We're pretty much past the point where we're craving actual cigarettes (we're using 24mg juice, so nicotine levels have pretty much stayed the same), and as soon as I get my hands on some 0mg base liquid (any day now, watching for the postman!) I'm going to start slowly weaning us down off the nicotine.

    All in all, things are going pretty smoothly. My wife still does have some trouble pulling good smoke, but the new coils we just got seem to be helping there, and when our extra batteries arrive (she's still using the old eGo batteries as the button is easier for her to find), the last sticky point will be gone I think!

    Happy vaping!

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