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Posts posted by StringDancer

  1. He might be out of town for a few days or something. I think most of the supplier sites are one or two person operations. Parker might simply be indisposed at the moment and no one's watching the store. It could happen.

    Since it's annoying enough to post about, might as well leverage it. Email Parker the URL to this thread, including the thread title. That should catch his attention.

  2. The first webpage comment on this story by Stephen Voss was right on track:

    In case the President signs the bill we need a creative and organized strategy to undo it and replace it by legislation that will truly cut into the death toll. The first step ought to be the immediate legalization of electronic cigarettes. They resemble cigarettes in delivering nicotine, but differ from them in delivering no tobacco tars whatever--the cause of the deaths. They resemble the entirely legal nicotine patches and gum in delivering nicotine, but differ from them in mimicking the effect of cigarettes. It is surely no coincidence that the bill seeks to ban the one cigarette replacement that has a chance of large-scale success.
  3. InsteadEcigs, what you're referring to is, IMHO, basically a moral attitude (of which this country has no shortage, unfortunately), this time aimed at what I call inhaliatory pleasures. It's a concept that there is just something inherently wrong about inhaling anything except air, especially if you're inhaling a pleasure-inducing substance of some kind. In the present case, they fail to make the distinction between smoking and vaping. Although there's no flame, no smoke and no toxic byproducts, to this crowd it's still "smoking", and must be demonized and controlled.

    Now, where this attitude comes from, I don't know... could be the religious right and their "body as temple" idea, or it could be the pro-nanny-government health fascists on the left. Could be an odd confluence of both camps.

    However it is... it's annoying as hell. Yeah, the idea of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" has apparently become mere poetry, dismissed as inconsequential to modern life. I don't like this trend one damn bit.

  4. I found this over at that "other" e-cig forum, and thought enough of the info to glomb it and repost it here. Some food for thought... as it were:

    Time for a boycott

    As you may know, thanks to Philip Morris and their wonderful tobacco bill, and in conjunction with the Tobacco Free Suckers (kids), they are leading the way to create a Tobacco Free society at the expense and sacrifice of millions of American smokers. Their bill, the Marlboro Monopoly Act, empowers the FDA to control the content of cigarettes, reduce nicotine, and ban far safer methods of nicotine delivery.

    Well, as it turns out, Philip Morris is known as Altira Group, Inc, which is owner of Kraft products. As a "thank you" to PM giving itself a wonderful spot in the tobacco industry, and will be responsible for millions of deaths, I suggest we, as concerned ex smokers, not only boycott your killer tobacco products, but also the following Kraft brand products as well:

    The boycott also includes products made by GENERAL FOODS and NABISCO, also aquired by those murderers of Altira.

    Source Link...

  5. Another decent article pointing out hypocracy in attitudes about e-cigs:

    E Cigarettes - Special Interest Prefers 20 Million Americans Die Instead Of Profits And Taxes

    Author: Aydan Corkern

    While the act of smoking has been a part of cultures around the world for thousands of years, only recently have smokers had an opportunity to smoke without the smoke. The answer is the e-cigarette and even though they are available at mall kiosks around the United States, most e-smokers get theirs through online vendors.

    Touted by most e-smokers as a safer, healthier way to smoke, many health officials have stated misguided grievances with the products, such as there are no tests confirming e-cigarette safety. There have in fact been at least two separate health studies that confirm that e-cigarettes are safe for their intended purpose and are not a danger to bystanders. These studies come from New Zealand and the United Kingdom from two different e-cigarette manufacturers and both studies concluded that e-cigarettes are much safer than smoking tobacco cigarettes.

    The CDC announced in 2004 that their study on the chemicals found in tobacco cigarette emissions came to the conclusion that there are over 4,800 chemicals and 69 carcinogens in tobacco smoke, but even though they contain in most cases less than 20 chemicals, the Food and Drug Administration has proclaimed an import ban on e-cigarettes.

    Comments made by e-smokers on forums, news articles, and blogs indicate that e-smokers and even non-smokers alike are outraged by the FDA stance toward e-cigarettes. The lives that the products could save are astronomical, since 1 in 2 people who smoke tobacco cigarettes will die due to smoking-related illnesses. With the death rate being 1 in 2, many people are perplexed by the FDA attitude toward the breakthrough, but some are not surprised.

    The United States brings in millions of dollars in cigarette tax revenue every year and e-cigarettes are definitely a cheaper alternative to tobacco, since they are not taxed above normal sales tax. In a freefalling economy, the government needs all the money it can get its hands on, but at what cost?

    Others point out the effect the products could have on the pharmaceutical and anti-smoking industry. Anti-smoking coalitions will crumble after losing their reason to exist and pharmaceutical companies will no longer see a demand for the stop smoking aids they produce, such as suicide-inducing Chantix, manufactured by Pfizer.

    Where does the line get drawn and what is most important to the America people? Putting money in the pockets of the now unpopular Federal Reserve private bank and death-dealing pharmaceutical companies or saving the lives of millions of people who have an addiction they were duped into years ago with cartoon camels and cowboys?

    Source: http://www.articlema...p?id=1021086004

  6. Wow, now i'm curious to find out what just plain ol tobacco tastes like. I wonder why they feel the need to have all these additives to analogs.

    I read somewhere where the ammonia is added to alter the pH of the tobacco to give low-nic ciggies the same kick as regulars. This is how they complied with the government's demands to lower tar and nicotine, but still keep the addictive qualities of the nic up where they wanted it... which is to say, very high.

  7. Perhaps some of you got in on this, but here goes my 2-bits, anyway.

    I received a phone call from Johnson Creek the other day. As a steady customer, they had tapped me to sample a new formulation of their Tennessee Cured flavor, and had sent me a free 15ml bottle of PG-based, 16-power TC to try. I received the juice today.

    The cover letter stated:

    "We've listened to what customers have said in the last year as we've worked tirelessly behind the scenes. We've heard from people wanting more flavor, more vapor, more throat hit. We went through dozens of variations until we reached this version, and we think this is the future of Johnson Creek Smoke Juice - and it's a future we wanted to share with you."

    Sweet of them, no?

    Now, I personally lean more toward the non-PG, and the 24mg strength, but I let all that slide in sampling this new juice. So that there would be no residual effects from previous juice, I cleaned a cart and batting for the test, topped off the cart with the new juice, and gave it a vape.

    I'm quite familiar with (and like) Johnson Creek's Tennessee Cured, and this new formula definitely has more intense flavor. Considerably more, in fact. I can really taste the rich tobacco in this version... strong yet very smooth. As to vapor, it's as good or better than before, certainly, and the throat hit likewise. So far (to me anyway) any improvement in these two areas is very subtle, and not nearly as obvious or pronounced as the increase in flavor. Inasmuch as a perceived faintness of flavor in JC juices has been a common complaint in the vaping world (much moreso than vapor or throat), the company addressed the right issue in this new version.

    The word is that JC will be rolling out the new formulas (along with an improved website interface) later this summer. They also state that they're "investing in our production process and order management to speed up shipping, our packaging to create less waste and our business channel partners to make our JCSJ available from even more outlets". Sounds like the company, no doubt swamped with business as the only US-based maker of e-juice and one of the very few companies to offer a non-PG option, is tackling the obvious challenges they face with authority and dispatch.

    I wrote JC a similarly long-winded synopsis of my experience with the new juice, hinting that if they ever needed a tester for new-formula, non-PG, 24-power Wild Cherry juice, to count me in.


  8. Regular Cigarette Ingredients

    The list of 599 additives approved by the US Government for use in the manufacture of cigarettes is something every smoker should see. Submitted by the five major American cigarette companies to the Dept. of Health and Human Services in April of 1994, this list of ingredients had long been kept a secret. Of particular note for vapers is the inclusion of both propylene glycol and glycerol, the very substances used in e-juice that the anti-vaping crowd touts as being "unstudied" with "unknown effects". PG is a primary component used in nicotine inhalers, of course.

    Glance through the following amalgam of toxic chemicals and decide for yourself whether you should vape or smoke:

    Tobacco companies reporting this information were:

    American Tobacco Company

    Brown and Williamson

    Liggett Group, Inc.

    Philip Morris Inc.

    R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

    The List


    •Acetic Acid




    •2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine






    •Aconitic Acid


    •Alfalfa Extract

    •Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil

    •Allyl Hexanoate

    •Allyl Ionone

    •Almond Bitter Oil

    •Ambergris Tincture


    •Ammonium Bicarbonate

    •Ammonium Hydroxide

    •Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic

    •Ammonium Sulfide

    •Amyl Alcohol

    •Amyl Butyrate

    •Amyl Formate

    •Amyl Octanoate


    •Amyris Oil


    •Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil


    •Anise Star, Extract and Oils

    •Anisyl Acetate

    •Anisyl Alcohol

    •Anisyl Formate

    •Anisyl Phenylacetate

    •Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins

    •Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate


    •Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil

    •Ascorbic Acid

    •1-Asparagine Monohydrate

    •1-Aspartic Acid

    •Balsam Peru and Oil

    •Basil Oil

    •Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil

    •Beeswax White

    •Beet Juice Concentrate


    •Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal

    •Benzoic Acid, Benzoin

    •Benzoin Resin


    •Benzyl Alcohol

    •Benzyl Benzoate

    •Benzyl Butyrate

    •Benzyl Cinnamate

    •Benzyl Propionate

    •Benzyl Salicylate

    •Bergamot Oil


    •Black Currant Buds Absolute


    •Bornyl Acetate

    •Buchu Leaf Oil






    •Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil

    •Butyl Acetate

    •Butyl Butyrate

    •Butyl Butyryl Lactate

    •Butyl Isovalerate

    •Butyl Phenylacetate

    •Butyl Undecylenate


    •Butyric Acid]



    •Calcium Carbonate


    •Cananga Oil

    •Capsicum Oleoresin

    •Caramel Color

    •Caraway Oil

    •Carbon Dioxide

    •Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder

    •Carob Bean and Extract


    •Carrot Oil





    •beta-Caryophyllene Oxide

    •Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract

    •Cassia Bark Oil

    •Cassie Absolute and Oil

    •Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute

    •Cedar Leaf Oil

    •Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana


    •Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin

    •Cellulose Fiber

    •Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract

    •Chicory Extract



    •Cinnamic Acid

    •Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract

    •Cinnamyl Acetate

    •Cinnamyl Alcohol

    •Cinnamyl Cinnamate

    •Cinnamyl Isovalerate

    •Cinnamyl Propionate


    •Citric Acid

    •Citronella Oil


    •Citronellyl Butyrate

    •itronellyl Isobutyrate

    •Civet Absolute

    •Clary Oil

    •Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract


    •Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder

    •Coconut Oil


    •Cognac White and Green Oil

    •Copaiba Oil

    •Coriander Extract and Oil

    •Corn Oil

    •Corn Silk

    •Costus Root Oil

    •Cubeb Oil




    The List - continued

    •Dandelion Root Solid Extract

    •Davana Oil

    •2-trans, 4-trans-Decadienal




    •Decanoic Acid




    •Diethyl Malonate

    •Diethyl Sebacate


    •Dihydro Anethole

    •5,7-Dihydro-2-Methylthieno(3,4-D) Pyrimidine

    •Dill Seed Oil and Extract




    •Dimethyl Succinate

    •3,4-Dimethyl-1,2 Cyclopentanedione

    •3,5- Dimethyl-1,2-Cyclopentanedione




    •3,7-Dimethyl-6-Octenoic Acid

    •2,4 Dimethylacetophenone

    •alpha,para-Dimethylbenzyl Alcohol

    •alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethyl Acetate

    •alpha,alpha Dimethylphenethyl Butyrate








    •Ethyl 10-Undecenoate

    •Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate

    •Ethyl Acetate

    •Ethyl Acetoacetate

    •Ethyl Alcohol

    •Ethyl Benzoate

    •Ethyl Butyrate

    •Ethyl Cinnamate

    •Ethyl Decanoate

    •Ethyl Fenchol

    •Ethyl Furoate

    •Ethyl Heptanoate

    •Ethyl Hexanoate

    •Ethyl Isovalerate

    •Ethyl Lactate

    •Ethyl Laurate

    •Ethyl Levulinate

    •Ethyl Maltol

    •Ethyl Methyl Phenylglycidate

    •Ethyl Myristate

    •Ethyl Nonanoate

    •Ethyl Octadecanoate

    •Ethyl Octanoate

    •Ethyl Oleate

    •Ethyl Palmitate

    •Ethyl Phenylacetate

    •Ethyl Propionate

    •Ethyl Salicylate

    •Ethyl trans-2-Butenoate

    •Ethyl Valerate

    •Ethyl Vanillin

    •2-Ethyl (or Methyl)-(3,5 and 6)-Methoxypyrazine

    •2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol, 3-Ethyl -2 -Hydroxy-2-Cyclopenten-1-One

    •2-Ethyl-3, (5 or 6)-Dimethylpyrazine










    •Fennel Sweet Oil

    •Fenugreek, Extract, Resin, and Absolute

    •Fig Juice Concentrate

    •Food Starch Modified

    •Furfuryl Mercaptan


    •Galbanum Oil

    •Genet Absolute

    •Gentian Root Extract


    •Geranium Rose Oil

    •Geranyl Acetate

    •Geranyl Butyrate

    •Geranyl Formate

    •Geranyl Isovalerate

    •Geranyl Phenylacetate

    •Ginger Oil and Oleoresin

    •1-Glutamic Acid



    •Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated

    •Grape Juice Concentrate

    •Guaiac Wood Oil


    •Guar Gum



    •Heptanoic Acid





    •trans -2-Heptenal

    •Heptyl Acetate




    •Hexanoic Acid



    •cis-3-Hexen-1-Yl Acetate


    •3-Hexenoic Acid

    •trans-2-Hexenoic Acid

    •cis-3-Hexenyl Formate

    •Hexyl 2-Methylbutyrate

    •Hexyl Acetate

    •Hexyl Alcohol

    •Hexyl Phenylacetate



    •Hops Oil

    •Hydrolyzed Milk Solids

    •Hydrolyzed Plant Proteins

    •5-Hydroxy-2,4-Decadienoic Acid delta- Lactone



    •4-Hydroxy -3-Pentenoic Acid Lactone


    •4-Hydroxybutanoic Acid Lactone




    •Hyssop Oil

    •Immortelle Absolute and Extract




    •Isoamyl Acetate

    •Isoamyl Benzoate

    •Isoamyl Butyrate

    •Isoamyl Cinnamate

    •Isoamyl Formate, Isoamyl Hexanoate

    •Isoamyl Isovalerate

    •Isoamyl Octanoate

    •Isoamyl Phenylacetate

    •Isobornyl Acetate

    •Isobutyl Acetate

    •Isobutyl Alcohol

    •Isobutyl Cinnamate

    •Isobutyl Phenylacetate

    •Isobutyl Salicylate


    •alpha-Isobutylphenethyl Alcohol


    •Isobutyric Acid




    •Isovaleric Acid

    •Jasmine Absolute, Concrete and Oil

    •Kola Nut Extract

    •Labdanum Absolute and Oleoresin

    •Lactic Acid

    •Lauric Acid

    •Lauric Aldehyde

    •Lavandin Oil

    •Lavender Oil

    •Lemon Oil and Extract

    •Lemongrass Oil


    •Levulinic Acid

    •Licorice Root, Fluid, Extract and Powder

    •Lime Oil


    •Linalool Oxide

    •Linalyl Acetate

    •Linden Flowers

    •Lovage Oil And Extract


    •Mace Powder, Extract and Oil

    •Magnesium Carbonate

    •Malic Acid

    •Malt and Malt Extract



    •Maltyl Isobutyrate

    •Mandarin Oil

    •Maple Syrup and Concentrate

    •Mate Leaf, Absolute and Oil




    •Menthyl Acetate










    •Methyl 2-Furoate

    •Methyl 2-Octynoate

    •Methyl 2-Pyrrolyl Ketone

    •Methyl Anisate

    •Methyl Anthranilate

    •Methyl Benzoate

    •Methyl Cinnamate

    •Methyl Dihydrojasmonate

    •Methyl Ester of Rosin, Partially Hydrogenated

    •Methyl Isovalerate

    •Methyl Linoleate (48%)

    •Methyl Linolenate (52%) Mixture

    •Methyl Naphthyl Ketone

    •Methyl Nicotinate

    •Methyl Phenylacetate

    •Methyl Salicylate

    •Methyl Sulfide






    •2-Methyl-3-(para-Isopropylphenyl) Propionaldehyde








    The List - continued


    •Methyl-trans-2-Butenoic Acid



    •alpha-Methylbenzyl Acetate

    •alpha-Methylbenzyl Alcohol



    •2-Methylbutyric Acid



    •2-Methylheptanoic Acid

    •2-Methylhexanoic Acid

    •3-Methylpentanoic Acid

    •4-Methylpentanoic Acid




    •(Methylthio)Methylpyrazine (Mixture Of Isomers)


    •Methyl 3-Methylthiopropionate

    •2-Methylvaleric Acid

    •Mimosa Absolute and Extract

    •Molasses Extract and Tincture

    •Mountain Maple Solid Extract

    •Mullein Flowers


    •Myristic Acid

    •Myrrh Oil

    •beta-Napthyl Ethyl Ether


    •Neroli Bigarde Oil






    •Nonanoic Acid




    •Nonyl Acetate

    •Nutmeg Powder and Oil

    •Oak Chips Extract and Oil

    •Oak Moss Absolute

    •9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid (48%) And 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid (52%)




    •Octanoic Acid





    •1-Octen-3-Yl Acetate


    •Octyl Isobutyrate

    •Oleic Acid

    •Olibanum Oil

    •Opoponax Oil And Gum

    •Orange Blossoms Water, Absolute, and Leaf Absolute

    •Orange Oil and Extract

    •Origanum Oil

    •Orris Concrete Oil and Root Extract

    •Palmarosa Oil

    •Palmitic Acid

    •Parsley Seed Oil

    •Patchouli Oil




    •4-Pentenoic Acid


    •Pepper Oil, Black And White

    •Peppermint Oil

    •Peruvian (Bois De Rose) Oil

    •Petitgrain Absolute, Mandarin Oil and Terpeneless Oil


    •2-Phenenthyl Acetate

    •Phenenthyl Alcohol

    •Phenethyl Butyrate

    •Phenethyl Cinnamate

    •Phenethyl Isobutyrate

    •Phenethyl Isovalerate

    •Phenethyl Phenylacetate

    •Phenethyl Salicylate







    •Phenylacetic Acid



    •3-Phenylpropionic Acid

    •3-Phenylpropyl Acetate

    •3-Phenylpropyl Cinnamate


    •Phosphoric Acid

    •Pimenta Leaf Oil

    •Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch

    •Pineapple Juice Concentrate

    •alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene



    •Pipsissewa Leaf Extract

    •Plum Juice

    •Potassium Sorbate



    •Propionic Acid

    •Propyl Acetate

    •Propyl para-Hydroxybenzoate

    •Propylene Glycol


    •Prune Juice and Concentrate


    •Pyroligneous Acid And Extract


    •Pyruvic Acid

    •Raisin Juice Concentrate


    •Rose Absolute and Oil

    •Rosemary Oil


    •Rum Ether

    •Rye Extract

    •Sage, Sage Oil, and Sage Oleoresin


    •Sandalwood Oil, Yellow



    •Smoke Flavor

    •Snakeroot Oil

    •Sodium Acetate

    •Sodium Benzoate

    •Sodium Bicarbonate

    •Sodium Carbonate

    •Sodium Chloride

    •Sodium Citrate

    •Sodium Hydroxide


    •Spearmint Oil

    •Styrax Extract, Gum and Oil

    •Sucrose Octaacetate

    •Sugar Alcohols


    •Tagetes Oil

    •Tannic Acid

    •Tartaric Acid

    •Tea Leaf and Absolute



    •Terpinyl Acetate



    •2,3,4,5, and 3,4,5,6-Tetramethylethyl-Cyclohexanone


    •Thiamine Hydrochloride



    •Thyme Oil, White and Red


    •Tobacco Extracts

    •Tochopherols (mixed)

    •Tolu Balsam Gum and Extract


    •para-Tolyl 3-Methylbutyrate

    •para-Tolyl Acetaldehyde

    •para-Tolyl Acetate

    •para-Tolyl Isobutyrate

    •para-Tolyl Phenylacetate




    •Triethyl Citrate

    •3,5,5-Trimethyl -1-Hexanol

    •para,alpha,alpha-Trimethylbenzyl Alcohol



    •2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,3-Dienyl Methan








    •2-Undecanone, 1





    •Valerian Root Extract, Oil and Powder

    •Valeric Acid



    •Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin



    •Vetiver Oil


    •Violet Leaf Absolute

    •Walnut Hull Extract


    •Wheat Extract And Flour

    •Wild Cherry Bark Extract

    •Wine and Wine Sherry

    •Xanthan Gum



  9. Always on the lookout for more and better e-cig information, I recently located a couple of items to share.

    First, an utterly spurious article by some idiot named Paul Perillie bashing e-cigs. Full of lies and deception, the "article" (unfortunately for him) was published by NewsDay.com, a site that allows comments. One after another, people are blasting holes in the guy's erroneous declarations. So after reading his poop-laden propaganda, scroll on down for some excellent rebuttals and well-deserved insults:

    Legislator takes aim at electronic cigarettes

    Next is what appears to be a pretty good clearing house of e-cig information, well worth surfing on a regular basis, I imagine:

    ecigwars.com - Exposing the Propaganda, Revealing the Truth

  10. You can't go wrong with the penstyle, Mitch. I've tried most models, and still prefer the rich vapor, ease of draw, and robust performance of penstyle models. Plus, they tend to be among the most reasonably-priced models, so if you're buying in bulk to supply your employees (a totally hip thing to do, BTW), you'd get the job done and save money.

    I truly believe, depending on the number of your employees, that factoring in increased productivity by not needing smoke breaks, and reducing insurance claims and health care premiums (wouldn't it be nice to significantly lower the number of smokers on your employee roster with the insurance company?) that you'll see some big savings by taking such a pro-vaping approach to the matter.

    Any of the VaporTalk certified suppliers would be a good choice for a source.

  11. Gracias, amigos. You're very kind.

    I get mouthy when I'm drinking. If I drink just enough for inspiration, but not so much as to overwhelm my typing skills, I luck out sometimes.

    Pin if you like. Or not, it's cool. I just enjoyed writing something from the heart.

    Thanks again. Love this forum. B)

  12. A dear friend, business partner and crazy good visual artist (I added a DSE801 to his original drawing of the six-eyed goon to make my avatar) and non-smoker came up to me the other day and said, "Jeff, I want to take you to meet my sister-in-law, who's been a smoker all her life, and it's taking a toll... I want her to learn about your e-cig." Of course I said yes. We arranged a meeting a couple days ago, and I picked up my buddy and traveled the few miles over to his brother's home. I brought along a brand new 801 starter kit just in case.

    Well, we've all seen ladies who have been hard-core smokers for decades. This sweet woman is of average height, but if she weighs 90 lbs I'd be surprised. Her face was ashen, gaunt and weathered from a lifetime of smoking. Her husband, my buddy's brother, is concerned for her health... the whole family is. She's in her 60s, maybe, but she has that worn-down, prematurely aged look that long-term smokers can get.

    She's one of those devoted tobacco addicts (I know the type, because I was one of them) who know the risks, but love their tobacco and all the ritual that goes along with it, and in spite of everything (or anybody) would smoke to the end. After I showed her the ropes and got the e-cig up and vaping for her, she seemed encouraged that this device might actually make a difference in her life. She took the starter kit, and I threw in some JC 24mg Tennessee Cured juice, figuring a nice strong tobacco flavor will encourage her to vape. Time will tell.

    On the way back to my buddy's place, he was quiet for awhile as we twisted my Blazer through the rolling hills of southern Indiana. Then he said, in that quiet artist's voice of his, "Jeff, do you realize that you may have just saved her life?"

    We who have transitioned from analogs to e-juice have, at present (or until the damned FDA decides to indulge the lobbyists and finish their ill-conceived crusade against e-cigs) an opportunity to rack up some seriously good karma by introducing our smoker friends and family to e-cigs. Now, what I did was nothing special in the sense that many (perhaps most) of the vapers on this site have also introduced people to e-cigs and helped them to begin, at least, a transition to a healthier way of life. But my buddy's question brought it all home to me. Here's a woman, his sister-in-law of many decades, a beloved member of his family, with whom he has long and deep ties, and he's hoping and praying that she takes to e-cigs and can make the transition to vaping.

    It made me happy to make the introduction, of course. But... if she has the will to modify her inhaliatory habit a bit and take up vaping full-time, it'll do much more than just make my buddy and his brother happy. They will be ecstatic, and will remember my trip over to their house as the day I saved her life. Nevermind that it is actually SHE who must do the saving... that's just the way we humans perceive and recall little events like this.

    We're not mere salespeople out to make a buck here. Unlike virtually any product we can name, e-cigs hold the potential to save countless lives from a nearly certain unfortunate end. In addition, the more people we can recruit as vaping converts, the more testimonials we can help create by promoting e-cigs to smokers... all this leads to more voices that will rise in defiance, distrust and disdain for the machinations of governmental indulgence of well-financed lobbyists and anti-smoker fanatics, and the greater our chances of seeing this delightful little device spread across the nation as the new, improved and preferred paradigm for inhaliatory pleasure.

    So if you can, the next time you buy a starter kit for yourself, consider buying a spare to resell or give to a friend. Toss in an extra atty, throw in a small bottle of good tobacco-flavored juice, teach them the ins and outs of vaping so they don't have to learn things the hard way as many of us had to do. Our government, corrupted by money, influence and a near-total disregard for the truth, will not give us this wonderful alternative to smoking willingly... we must demand it vociferously and in great numbers. When we turn a smoker to vaping, their family also becomes an ally in the coming struggle, as they see for themselves the positive changes vaping makes in the life of their loved one, and by extension, in theirs.

    Given the nature of a legislative government body bought and paid for by corporate dollars, we the people will always eventually lose the liberties we do not insist upon retaining. When the great national debate over e-cigs begins, we'll want as many vapers bitching like banshees as possible. Our chances of success will be greatly enhanced if we can crank up the volume.

  13. Just an observation... I notice Arno's site can be reached via two addresses:




    And one is NOT a virtual "forwarded" domain name... all links relate to the domain name used to get there. Are these two sites one hosting account shared some way, or does Arno actually maintain two separate but identical websites? Very curious.

  14. Personally, I enjoy being in at the beginning of the hoopla -- I don't know what "they" are going to start wanting to do about e-cigs as they become more popular, but I know what side I'm on. (Unless we get some new breaking news that PG vapor is even worse than tobacco smoke or something!)

    Well Kathy, with regards the relative safety of propylene glycol, if you didn't catch this thread, check it out:


    Lotsa links there pointing to some serious studies on the topic. When naysayers claim there's insufficient research on vaping PG, you can see that in fact we've been studying inhaled PG for decades. It would hardly be in Asthma spray otherwise.

    Some will scoff, "oh PG, that's in antifreeze". Big deal, so RVers use it to winterize their water pipes. You can't bust it just because it's versatile. The worst about it I've heard is PG makes some folks gain a little weight. Still better than becoming a premature skeleton, eh?

  15. Here's another excellent article written by the good Doctor Michael Siegel:

    Senator and Anti-Smoking Groups Want to Ban Less Harmful E-Cigarettes and Protect the Most Toxic One


    This is about as idiotic and irrational an approach as I have ever seen in my 22 years in tobacco control and public health.

    One company has a product on the market which delivers only nicotine. There are potentially serious health effects of this nicotine, especially with regards to heart disease. However, there are no other toxic chemicals and no carcinogens, so there is no risk of cancer or chronic obstructive lung disease.

    Another company has a product on the market which delivers nicotine plus more than 4000 other chemicals and toxins, including over 60 proven carcinogens, and which we know kills over 400,000 people a year.

    Our health groups' response: prohibit the first company from marketing its product, but officially provide government approval of the products manufactured by the second company.

    What Senator Lautenberg and the health groups are trying to do is ban a much less harmful type of cigarette but to give an official government seal of approval to the much more toxic one that we know is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans each year.

    The logic of these actions completely escapes me.

    Or at least the logic did escape me until The Ashtray Blog pointed out that Senator Lautenberg is the recipient of more than $128,000 from pharmaceutical companies (in 2008 alone).

  16. I definitely hit the ecig more minutes per day than I spent smoking. I get an ecig that's tuned up and vaping big time, and me sitting in front of the plasma watching House or Burn Notice or Saving Grace, and I get this circular breathing thing going... next thing ya know, I'm topping off during the commercials, vaped up an entire penstyle cart, and no harm done. Vaping more, and enjoying it more. Now, after being away from analogs for awhile, I realize that I enjoy vaping much more than I did smoking. Knowing you aren't killing yourself one coffin nail at a time helps, o' course. But I really think the hit you get vaping is superior to what you get smoking. It's like... refreshing, I guess you could say. I don't think many smokers would ever describe smoking ciggies as refreshing.

    Breathing better every day, energy level getting better every day, being free of the tobacco bans, sin taxes... hell, the only downside to vaping is explaining to virtually everyone you meet about this slick little device you're using. But I'm enjoying even that, cause I really believe in ecigs as a damn fine alternative for smokers who need help shedding the monkey. Now, the anti-smoker crowd will huff up and declare I haven't quit anything. But vapers know better. There is a clear distinction and deliniation between smoking and vaping. I consider myself an ex-smoker, health nazis be damned. I don't need them defining success for me... does anyone?

  17. Good find, Chris.

    I find it hard to believe that the dem can sit there and proclaim with a straight face that "it's all about health care", when the bill is setting us up for no legal alternatives to analog smoking.

    I'm more and more of the opinion that our forefathers screwed up by creating a legislative branch of government. Ever since this nation was formed, these elected nicompoops have been curtailing our liberties one law at a time. Here we are two-hundred-plus years later, and we're so hamstrung with lobby-bought legislation we can barely move. Arg!

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