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Posts posted by Emile

  1. Awesome. I think I found the 510 Extender on the GP website, but it was quite hard to find as it's one of the options under "PV Adapters" in the Joye 510 Accessories section.

    Is there any indiciation if an Ego-T Atty is LR or not? If I buy LR Atties in the same Matte Black color, would I be able to tell which ones are LR if I store them with my normal Atties?

  2. Thanks for the responses! I actually placed an order from the GP website late last night before I checked on the responses, some of the items being extra batteries and extra atomizers (standard resistance)! Ego-T is not at all a bad unit, I was just expecting the smooth draw of the 510 to carry over to the Ego-T.

    If I go place another order for a Low Resistance atomizer, is there anything else I need to get for my Ego-T?

  3. Yup, I have no choice but to admit that I'm a vapaholic. It started out innocent enough. An eGo kit here....a couple juices there. Recently though, it has blown up into a full time obsession. I find myself vaping all the time. I can't stop browsing vendors websites.....thinking about new joose to try....looking at all the available mods thinking how wonderfull they would be to have. I know I have a problem but am powerless to stop it. It all came to a head today when I was washing my car and decided I had to sneak off and vape some Monkey Bread instead of drying my car in time to prevent water spots. *Begins to cry* I need help....Please help me!!

    LOL, sorry guys, just had share my obsession with everyone. I know I'm in good company here and most of you are probably in the same boat as myself. Maybe I should start a support group....Vapors Anonymous!!

    You should have rinsed the car down one more time and dried with your favorite quick detailer and you would have been fine. :thumbsup:

  4. Hi Friends,

    I got my Ego-T in the mail on Saturday and I've been vaping off it when I'm at home, and I've noticed that it's quite difficult to drag compared to the Joye 510 w/Drip Tip. While my Joye 510 pulls very easily, the Ego-T is like sucking on a milkshake. It delivers good vapor but I don't like having to pull so hard to get a proper hit.

    I've done the basic things like making sure the tank is aligned into the atomizer slot properly, pulling out the overflow protection piece and vaping without it, and double-checking the instruction manual to make sure I'm generally doing everything right. But it's just not easy to draw...is this how the Ego-T is, or is there something I am missing?

    I tried Googling this issue and it seems to have come up, but the fix appears to be to drill a hole into the connection end of the atomizer and I'm not prepared to do that on my brand new Ego-T. Any other suggestions?



  5. For all day vaping, I know this sounds crazy, but I am loving the Electronic Stix's Blue Cola 11mg. I am a newbie vaper so I first bought it just because it was on sale, but now that I have tried several different flavors, I keep going back to the Blue Cola and recently made an order for a second bottle of the stuff. It smokes very smooth with just a hint of cola on the exhale and I really dig this, but maybe also because I am a soda junkie. I also really like the USA Mix (Tobacco) as it has a nice taste that is interesting but not over-bearing all day long. I didn't love the taste of cigarettes when I was smoking real cigarettes, but I certainly dig USA Mix for some reason.

  6. Oh yeah, you're right, I thought it was already going on because I'm already getting e-mails for promotions because of Detail Fest. If you're in the area, it's worth your while because you'll end up going home with quite a few freebies and maybe some stuff you opt to purchase.

  7. Thanks, friends. I have a feeling I am going to convert to the Ego-T full time also but I don't want to retire the Joye 510 because I have 8 batteries, multiple attomizers, a few drip tips and multiple cartridges and I am enjoying it. I am actually vaping it right now as I type this post.

    Ripple, did you attend auto geek's 2011 Detail Fest?

  8. Thanks for the responses everyone, I really appreciate it. Based on what everybody has said, I ordered an Ego-T Kit last night with the standard 650mah batteries to get a feel for it with the smallest battery size (and obviously the shortest life). If I need/want to, I will just upgrade to bigger batteries in the future.

    I really like using the 510 when I'm out and about because it's very similar in size to a regular cigarette (less conspicuous) so the Ego-T will mostly be for vaping at home where I can always keep the batteries charged. If things change and I decide to use the Ego-T when I'm out, then I will look into the higher-capacity batteries.

    Btw, I seem to be down to ZERO analogs these days. Currently in Colorado skiing, vaping off the NJoy while on the slopes, and vaping the 510 w/drip tip for the rest of the day. Sweet!!

  9. Hi,

    I want a Joye Ego-T but I see that some vendors sell the starter kit with 650mah batteries and some with 900mah protected batteries. I know the differences in size and performance thanks to my research but exactly which one do I want? Is one kit a newer version? It seems that vendors offer one kit or the other, but they do offer replacement batteries in both sizes. Please give me your insight so I can make the right decision from the beginning.



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