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Posts posted by slumdog

  1. there is also a pcc "personal charging-carring case" depending on who you are, for the ego just look it up on google "pcc for ego" you will find it..and i have to agree with the ego recommendation ..i also was a Newport smoker 100's but 24 mg/ml menthol juice should help a bit it did me but for the first few days i chain vaped and kept a headache from nic OD for like three days lmao....but IMHO everyone seems to wind up with a much different preference when vaping than they had when smoking....and where each individual winds up can sometimes be surprising, especially to the individual themself.....

  2. it really isn't a good idea to use a cart on a Lr atty, doesn't keep it wet enough and most places have a DOA only warranty on Lr attys.i would get a 510/901 drip tip from maybe good prophets ... best drip tip prices and has standard shipping.. sorry cant post links yet...but keep those as wet as possible like the poster above me said 3 drops on a fresh atty for 5 to 8 puffs .... when the flavor or vapor production changes add two drops.. vape ...repeat the regular attys as you can already tell burn a bit cooler, these are not quite as sensitive to a dry burn as a Lr but can still be popped from excessive heat so ......rule of thumb when the flavor or vapor production changes...drip your atty... or top off your cart...

  3. Until there is more data readily available this will be the common response of the sheep, the FDA will see to that, it's the only way to achieve their agenda and what their getting paid to do "their job".... unless you are in an area of younger people, I live in south Florida, so, i stealth vape most places. Some places i walk around blowing big clouds as i do my shopping, i do respect others..I go to the lobby, or the very back if its too good to miss, at the movies, i go to the bathroom on a plane, this one is a must unless u wish to get arrested because the pv is not illegal but using it on the plane is but, it cant be detected by smoke detectors...........its not smoke........so bathroom time works for me......i understand your plight, just remember and learn from the skateboard revolution of the eighties, if you act like a punk you will be labeled as a punk and be treated as a punk and the word will spread and then we will all be punks, so act accordingly smile and explain then if the proprietor says please don't do that, then smile, put away your pv, and apologize for whatever inconvenience you may have caused and go about your business with confidence because, you know the world will catch up to us eventually..the bible even states that all things will come to light....

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