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Everything posted by three_sixteen

  1. Thanks everyone for your replies! I'm pretty much sold on the 510.. Couple final questions I forgot to ask, what strength liquid do you guys suggest for someone who smokes a little over half a pack a day, but heaver when drinking? Also, favorite flavor? Grape seems like a really good idea, its my favorite hookah flavor!
  2. So I bought an njoy npro back in january of last year and basically hated it because it sucked. The battery life was terrible, it was huge (felt like a paperweight), the cartridges tasted like crap and even though I bought the 'high' nicotine cartridges I still needed real cigarettes. Fast forward to almost a year later and I've started looking at other ecigs. I've been reading good things about the 510 and some others, but I'm really torn about what to get and where to get it? I liked the setup from blucig, but I hear they suck too. So how does a 510 compare to an analog cigarette size/weight wise? Is the PCC bulky? In all my looking it's been hard to get an idea of its size
  3. Just posting a general hello to the like, 5 people that are here. I just ordered a njoy npro starter kit and I'm pretty excited to get it. It's unfortunate that there aren't really a whole lot of resources for finding out what the best electronic cigarette is. Hopefully these forums can help fill that void! I'm kind of surprised by this whole e-cig thing, and sort of curious why the big tobacco companies haven't started putting resources into it. I suppose they probably will once it gets more popular, I would really like to be able to smoke my regular brand Either way, I look forward to posting some pictures and reviews and stuff about the njoy!
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