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Posts posted by mwsmith1778

  1. I personally haven't ever tried either device, so I can't say anything good or bad about them. I know many of my fellow forum members started out with one or the other and weren't very satisfied with the results. Most people on the forum will recommend the Joye Ego, and for good reason. For the dollar, it's about the best on the market. If you're really looking for something that is more the size of a true cigarette, the Joye 510 may be a good option, but you'll want to stock up on batteries because each one only lasts about an hour or two on a charge (depending on usage). The Ego gets about 8-12 hours on a charge and is a very reliable device. If you choose to go with the 510, I would also recommend the manual battery. That widens your horizons to a whole new world of direct dripping options, rather than just relying on carts or cartomizers. Best of luck and welcome to the forum!

  2. Your starter ego kit (in most cases) will come with two batteries, two atomizers, two cones, a wall charger, a USB charger, 5 pre-filled tobacco flavored cartridges, and two "blank" cartridges. I would recommend purchasing the drip tip, it just makes everything so much more convenient, but you have everything you need to start with the standard starter kit. Of course, like most of us, you'll probably get bit by the vaping bug and have to try many different things, but that's part of the fun. Good luck!

  3. Your standard 510 charger will charge the Ego battery, it will just take a little longer than the Ego Charger. You don't want to put 510 batteries on the Ego Charger though, it will fry them.

  4. Ahh hahhaha, we have you now Beans twittles her mustache :whistle: You will love your eGo. I finally splurged and added 10000mah to my arsenal.. Great choice with those. 1mega batt last me nearly all day. Good luck!!!!!

    Can you use standard 510 atty's on those Beans, or do you need to get the Mega Atty?

  5. Sweet Dawn from VTS, 100% PG, 10 Ml, 24 mg nic strength.

    I absolutely love this stuff. As with most of the other VTS juices I've tried, it's very smooth and not too strong. A perfect flavor for me. A little weak on the throat hit, but I topped it off with a little Mentha and it's perfect. A great all day vape for me. Try it!!! :D

  6. ego it is lol ... still kinda new to this so am i looking for a certain ego batt, ? or it dont matter as long if its an ego

    thanks for all the replies

    Here is the link to the standard Ego battery at the Vapor Talk Store. You can get them at a variety of places, but VTS has great customer service and will ship within 24 hours. Will fit perfectly with your 510 atomizers, no adapters needed. I second the recommendation for a cone and a drip tip.


  7. I agree with pretty much everyone else. If you're not addicted, then I wouldn't take the chance on getting that way. And it is an expensive habit (especially if, like most of us, you get bitten by the bug to try absolutely everything you can). If you need an inexpensive hobby that provides you with great flavor, I'd recommend life savers. :D

  8. Wow, sorry to hear you had a bad experience. That really is the exception and I'm sure the VTS team will do whatever they need to do to make it right. Hopefully you won't give up on vaping!

    To be honest, I don't think you have to register on the forum to make a return or log a ticket. The Vapor Talk Store log on and the Vapor Talk Forum log on are two different entities.

  9. thanks/./ Since you use the tank.. maybe you can tell me if you get a TH from them? I think it is awful. I get a better one from the regular tornado.> Also, one of the attys I just got, has an awful burnt taste.. Should I send it back or can that be fixed?

    Some people swear by the tank system. I didn't care for it due to some of the same issues you're having. As you said, the throat hit is reduced and I felt the flavor of my favorite juices was too greatly modified. I haven't broken down and tried LR atomizers for the tank yet, but many on the forums have stated that the LR tank atomizers are the way to go if you want to really enjoy the tank system. For the return on investment though, I'm just going to continue to drip on standard LR atty's.

  10. As Easily Amused pointed out, the only real drawback for me has been the fact that it's not quite as easy as smoking was. You have to plan well to pull off a successful vaping experience and you can't be lazy about it. Always have to have charged batteries, always have to plan for your travels, always have to ensure your backups are stocked and ready to go. Not a huge hassle, but not as easy as pulling out a lighter and smoking. Well worth it though.

  11. Be really careful direct dripping with an auto battery too! Over time the juice can leak into the battery and cause it to not work properly and eventually die. If you want to direct drip (which is my favorite too), I would recommend getting a manual battery when you need to replace next time. For what it's worth, I felt vaping was really harsh on my throat initially too, but after a couple days, and with a lot of water, it passed.

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