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Posts posted by AARONH

  1. I looked into this unit myself...only thing that turned me away was reports of 510 atty's not venting properly. Like you have to unscrew the atty a little to get airflow, and that in itself causes leakage. Love the look of the thing though. The button looks very comfortable.......anyways... 6 volts is just going to burn hotter, 5v is plenty. My Provari has seen 6v once....its just too much in my opinion. The sweet spot for me seems to be in the mid 4's. anything over that gives me a burn taste. May just be the juice I use, but I hear that mid 4 voltage is the norm for most VV mod users. That would be sweet if they worked out the fitting on the GLV2 AND made it VV.

  2. I vaguely remember this mod being announced and then never heard anything again. It's a neat looking device. One thing I'll give Super T, they have some of the most elegant looking mods.

    NO DOUBT!......Beautiful work and craftsmanship. I have one of their SS drip tips, and VapeMate and they are impressive,...would have liked to have seen that Shockwave though!

  3. My all time favorite so far in almost a year of trying everything is ButterCream by TastyVapor. I order it in the 4oz doublers and just add my own nic. I can make 30ml for about $2.75 .....bulk rocks. Tired the BB, 555, and blend 4 from AV.....blend 4 and 555 taste like some nasty Dorals, or Carnival cheap cigs...gross! BB was ok, it did taste like grahm crackers, which I am not a fan of.

  4. Been on and off with this thing since I got it....sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it.

    The hate: random E2, E3,E1 codes. Button has to be pressed firmly to fire, sometimes while driving over bumpy roads, it will go to the menu becuase it went on/off 5 times. It needs a more "clicky" button. The screen dispay window caved in on mine. I assume this is because it is in the opposite position of the switch, therefore I put pressure on it when I fire the button. I tried to pull it back out off of the circut board display, but it spit in half and I ended up just pulling it out, now I have no screen;(

    The love: When it works, it works great.......and thats about all I can say about it. Have recently found out it works good with the DCHV cartomizer.

  5. Well...I have been dripping for almost a year now. Tried VaporKings DCHV cartomizers a time or two in the past. Don't know why I didn't stick with them. I have been using VK's LR attys for a long time...downfall is, they dont last long at all. Some LR atty's will only last a few days, then plug up. Alchohol bath and distilled water wash does little to bring them back to thier original state. I found a DCHV in my desk drawer the other day and immediately ordered 25 of them. They just give me a bigger throat hit than dripping does....or should I say more consistantly than dripping. So, ....Im back on them!~

  6. Been out of the loop myself for a couple months!...Been on my Ego passthrough mostly..My Provari is coding me to death with various E3, E2, and the occasional E8..I just got pissed at the thing and through it in a drawer...Ego is hard to beat for reliability. May start shopping around myself for something new. I guess I will ship the Provari in for warranty work. :wallbash:

  7. Before I quit smoking my total cholesteral was 225...now as you can see below, its 172. I haven't changed anything I eat, drink, or do that I know of....interesting though!

    Complete Blood Count

    Test Date: 06/29/2011

    Value Units H/L Reference

    WBC: 6.5 X 10^3/uL (3.5-10.0)

    Lymph: 37.5 % (18.0-46.0)

    Mono: 7.9 % (2.0-12.0)

    Gran: 54.6 % (43.0-75.0)

    Lymph: 2.4 X 10^3/uL (0.6-4.0)

    Mono: 0.5 X 10^3/uL (0.07-1.2)

    Gran: 3.5 X 10^3/uL (1.3-7.5)

    RBC: 4.86 X 10^6/uL (4.20-5.80)

    Hgb: 15.7 g/dl (13.0-17.0)

    Hct: 45.6 % (38.5-52.0)

    MCV: 93.8 fL (80.0-100.0)

    MCH: 32.4 pg (25.9-34.9)

    MCHC: 34.5 g/dl (30.4-35.4)

    RDW: 12.5 % (11.0-15.0)

    Platelets: 209 X 10^3/uL (150-450)

    Comments: MPV: 8.4

    Lipid Panel

    Test Date: 06/29/2011

    Value Units H/L Reference

    Cholesterol: 172 mg/dL (100-240)

    LDL Cholesterol: 77 mg/dL (40-160)

    HDL Cholesterol: 74 mg/dL (30-80)

    Triglyceride: 106 mg/dL (50-300)

    Chol/HDL ratio: 2.3 (2-5)

    In-House Labs

    Heme/Coag Results---------------------------------


    WBC: 6.5ul/mm^3 Normal: 4.5-10.5x10^3 ul/mm^3

    RBC: 4.86ul/mm^3 Normal M: 4.6-6.0x10^6 ul/mm^3 Normal F: 4.1-5.4x10^6 ul/mm^3

    HGB: 15.7g/dl Normal M: 14-17.5 g/dl Normal F: 12-15.5 g/dl

    HCT: 45.6% Normal M: 42-52% Normal F: 36-46%

    MCV: 93.8um^3 Normal: 80-98 um^3

    MCH: 32.4pg Normal: 27-33 pg


    PMN's: 54.6% Normal: 40-70%

    Lymphs: 37.5% Normals: 20-40%

    Monos: 7.9% Normals: 2-10%

  8. Hmmm...I will also attest to the build quality, as I have dropped mine too and broke the atty off and there was no damage to the atty connection on the PV. I am however having E2 error codes all the time...I have used standard 510 2.1-2.3 ohm attys and cannot vape over 3.9 volts without getting this error code....contacted Dave at ProVape, and he suggested I use higer ohm attys. I haven't tried one yet, as I have about 25 fresh standard 510's to go through yet....I did get some 1.5 LR attys from VaporKings that do well, taste well at 3.3-3.5 volts, but hell, I can do that on my Ego!...one of these days I guess I will try a higher ohm atty and see what happens.

  9. On the VaporKings website, they recommend doing the condom bottom fill method...go to thier website, and look under the "new products" catagory, there you will find another link next to the Dual Coil Cartomizers that will show you how to do it....I have tried one and its pretty good really...and I dont like cartomizers much...good luck!...Aaron.

  10. It's crazy... the box I bought were garbage! The draw was horrible on them and all tasted like total :censored: ! Part of the problem is that they are crazy long compared to the standard ones... allowing for them to have a messed up airflow/draw. Was quite displeased with them to be honest... I'll stick with the trusty Boge 2.0's once again. :thumbsup:

    Where did you get yours from Dave?...where they Smoketech brand?

  11. I saw on my FaceBook where they have these in stock now. Has anyone ever tried the new Dual Coil Cartomizers?...they are a bit pricey at $11.95 a pop, but I guess it would depend on how long they lasted.....they are supposed to give a more even "warming" of the cartomizer, and does not give off that burt taste...anyone?

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