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  1. Thanks so much for the replies. I am using a standard v2 pro so what ever tank that comes with it and my nicotine is 1.8%. I chain vape a lot. I change the cartridge every day or so. Like i stated a week after I stopped I got some damn good rest and now with me already suffering from depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar, and agoraphobia, the depression is hitting very hard from not getting enough rest. I get jumpy with my kids over little things, then I get sad, and then I think about suicide, its a feeling I can beat but it lingers. I just need to know that it will pass.
  2. I would post this on the ask a question but from what I read those seem to be more about Vapor units then something serious like this. So I haven't smoked in 2 weeks after switching to the vapor. Working great, I get my nicotine and don't kill myself... win win right? Up until a few days ago I slept better than I have, my allergies don't bother me like they used to, I got some color in my face. Now I can not sleep, my depression is getting worse, my anger is getting worse and I can not sleep for the life of me. I got 3 hours last night with me tossing and turning and I take prescribed bed time meds... they are not working. Now I done research on cigarette withdrawal but everything I find is for nicotine leaving your body. I am getting my nicotine just not the other 7000 other chemicals... what is going on with me? Why all of a sudden change? Is it because I am vaping and getting too much nicotine or is it because my body was adjusting to tar and other harmful chemicals? I read this symptom is current on the first week of not smoking so why is it hitting me the second week? Can some one out there with knowledge of this help me out?
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