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Posts posted by Myvaporsavior

  1. after last month's article I wrote about my opinion and stance on the political spectrum of vaping, a close friend of mine reached out to me after reading it.

    He told me it shouldn't matter that folks are already fighting to keep electronic cigarettes from being banned or over regulated, that I have a voice and given the time i've been a member of the community, I should use that voice and be just as vocal about the political issues surrounding our industry as the rest of the advocates.

    I digested his comments and let them sink in before I even responded. In fact, I never actually responded until now. I woke up this morning and began reading the alarming news coming out of New York.


    Apparently there is a state senator by the name of Kemp Hannon who think's it's a good idea to ban the sale and distribution of eliquid due to his own "research" that concludes that nicotine in eliquid can be absorbed faster, even when diluted.

    This long island politician even went on to admit that while the state of New York was regulating all electronic cigarette devices to only be sold to citizens of the age of 18 or older, he was pushing to have the entirety of the industry made illegal.

    This is where my eyes have finally opened, and the old advocate has woken up. To the new vapers in the community who may not remember what happened originally in NY a few years ago, if not for the original New York vaping groups stepping up back then and fighting tooth and nail for our right to continue to use these devices legally, none of you may have had the opportunity to quit smoking with these devices in the first place.

    Now that may seem a bit dramatic, but I can assure you that it is most definitely not the case. New York is a very important state in regards to politics, and the politics surrounding ecigs is no different. You see, if the state of NY were to fall in the terms of vaping rights, the rest of the country may very well follow suit, that's what you call a domino effect.

    If this type of bill were to be passed in NY, you can bet your last dollar that every state will have a politician proposing the exact same ban, and use NY as their prime example to get that bill passed in their state.

    This is where each one of you can start helping with very little effort. Almost everyone one of us are members of some vaping group on Facebook (I myself am a member of 3 in my local area, and 5 others country wide). These vaping groups have been used to show the new Mods we purchase, trouble shooting when we all have issues with devices, and raffles and giveaway's that we all end up liking and sharing in order to get the chance to win a new device.

    What most of you don't realize is that these are very powerful groups we have all been members of, and never actually taking advantage of their political muscle, until now.

    Whether you are a New York citizen or not, take 30 minutes out of your evening tonight, join 1-2 New York vaping groups and show your support to them, because they are on the front line of a battle we are all going to end up having to fight if they fail. Write a letter in Microsoft word, in your email and save it. This letter is for future use to email state politicians whenever things of this nature come up.

    On the letter it should explain that you are a member of the vaping community, and 100% do not agree with the ban or over regulation of electronic cigarettes and eliquid. Send that letter to Mr. Hannon and a few other NY politicians, and then keep that letter, so when the time comes (and it will) that your home state has a Kemp Hannon emerge, you have your something to send out.

    It's important for these politicians to be reminded now and again that they are public servants, not tyrants who make up rules on their own. You pay their salary, you pay for their insurance, and your voice is ultimately the one that counts. And if your local vaping community of thousands on Facebook comes together (should this happen in your state) you've got your army ready, and letters loaded to be sent out to oppose such bans.

    The power of numbers is a beautiful thing in the vaping community, especially when they all come together at once and turn these vaping groups into unions for one common goal.

    Our right to vape.

  2. Cloud Chasers are scaring me more and more these days. I get sub ohms vaping, I like it as well which is why I normally vape my Kayfun at around 0.7 and my RDA at 0.5. I get that it would be prudent not to sub ohm entirely if I want to be cautious.

    Lately however, i'm seeing more and more pictures of people building quad and octacoils on their RDA's that go below 0.1 ohms and that's absolutely bonkers to me. Yes, in almost all cases, the build out resistance are below the amp cap on the battery they are using, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous.

    When we are talking about Lithium Ion batteries, we are talking about something very, very dangerous when used improperly, only an inch away from your face and eyes. The new generation of vapers have a lot more knowledge at their fingertips than the tenured vapers had, and that's great. That's one of the reasons why we see someone who has only vaped 2-3 months evolve into building their own coils on a mech mod so quickly, that knowledge they can find via the internet is at their disposal.

    Heres the issue though, vapers are seeing the amp cap on the specs of their batteries and thinking "Okay, well it's a 30 amp maximum, if i stay just below that or at that amp it should work just fine" and that's ludicrous. My car's speedometer on my sentra says 130MPH, Scientific evidence shows you can likely survive in the desert without food for up to 7 days as long as you are hydrated with enough water. Does that mean I should drive 130 in my compact car? does that mean you should walk around without eating for 7 days?

    You are pushing those batteries too hard, too consistently. Yes, the amp cap is 30 or 35. But they were never meant to go that high for that long of a period of time. Nor was my car meant to drive that fast, nor was your body meant to be put through that much torture.

    Batteries are going to fail, it happens in any device you use whether it's your laptop battery or your smartphone batteries, they fail some times. The difference in this circumstance however is you are seeing this new type of vaper push these batteries so hard consistently for as long as they will keep on charging at these ridiculously low ohms, and for what? so you can post another 10 second clip on Facebook or YouTube making a cloud?

    I like blowing clouds every now and again as well, but when you get down beyond 0.1, you've lost your marbles if you think there isn't a chance you are going to force that battery to vent, especially with these long *** drags i'm seeing these cloud chasers take.


    Before you make a sub ohm coil, always ask yourself if the clouds you are about to try and make with it are worth the mod you could destroy if that battery goes thermal, or worse your safety and health. Is that 0.08 coil worth needing possible skin grafts in the future?

    Let me know what you think about these ridiculously low sub ohms we're seeing in the comment section below.

  3. Ever since my interview with The Vaporatory on my blog, i've switched over to using Ekowool again and have abandoned my tried and true organic cotton balls for ecig wick.

    It's not just what Corey and Max told me that made the impression on me, it's the fact that I knew they were right ultimately deep down all along, I just hated Ekowool and Silica wicking so much. I'll be 100% honest though, before now i'd only used Ekowool for a few hours, and within that time I was so disappointed with it that I ripped it out of my RDA and RBA so quick so that i'd forget about the whole bad experience all together.

    This time it was different, If Max is going to run Ekowool on his high-end RDA and Elitist V4 mod as a Cloud chaser due to the negative side effects of using organic cotton, then I should be able to follow suit. So I wrapped a good coil this time on the Ekowool (Like I actually gave a **** this time, the last time I was already un-interested before even attempting) and put it in the Kayfun 3.1. There is no other way to put it, it tasted terrible, the vapor production was reduced significantly and I had to "re-pressurize" the Kayfun repeatedly to get it to wick properly at least once an hour the first evening of the Ekowool revisit.

    Day 2 (yesterday) I woke up, did my morning routine and picked up my mod and did the morning vape thing. I was impressed from the get go of the 2nd day. The loss of flavor had gone away. The vapor production had improved drastically as well, but I wasn't going to get too excited due to the fact that any vaper knows the first few toots in the morning are always going to be the best wicked ones. This continued on through-out the afternoon and I ended up being so impressed that I reached out to my close friend (and frequent guest blogger/hipster) Allyn Bencen.

    I told Allyn that I loaded up Ekowool in the Kayfun and was giving it a second try. Allyn thought he needed to correct me "Ekowool or Bio Wick?" he said. "Ekowool, Bio Wick sucks so bad I wrote an article on it" I replied. We discussed the Ekowool, how after a nights use the majority of the draw backs basically fix themselves. Allyn was surprised, but not to the point of going and giving it a try himself yet.

    What impressed me the most was the wicking improvement. I no longer had any wicking issues at all, and since day one i'd taken my Kayfun apart (once i'd vaped it dry)and checked the material. It's obviously more durable than organic cotton, but other than the e liquid discoloration, it's in perfect condition.

    It's day 3 now, and the flavor has almost come equal to the organic cotton that i'm used to which surprises me more due to the fact that it's actually a close competitor to organic cotton's taste.

    Do I think i'll convert 100% over to Ekowool? probably not, I think organic cotton has it's place in my rotation, but i'd have to say if i'm continually impressed by the Ekowool it may very well be my primary wicking material.

    Now to load it into my Vortex RDA and see if it works just as well on a dripper.

  4. Besides the fact cotton balls are super cheap. :)

    after my interview with the B&M shop that i posted on my site yesterday, I'm revisiting Ekowool. I'm actually writing a blog piece that i'm contemplating publishing this evening regarding that entirely.

    I've been using Cotton balls forever, but the B&M owners may have swayed my opinion.

  5. Dictionary Word of the Day/Year: Simulacrum.

    From Wikipedia
    : The word
    ), from
    , which means "likeness, similarity",
    was first recorded in the English language in the late 16th century, used to describe a representation, such as a statue or a painting, especially of a god. By the late 19th century, it had gathered a secondary association of inferiority: an image without the substance or qualities of the original. (

    I propose this to be the term to describe inspired designs that are clearly not as good as the original, or are just clearly NOT the original. A 1:1 clone is like the HCigar Kayfun Lite Plus. It looks and works every bit as good as the original.

    Then you have the Rocket Rebuildable Atomizer. While it is DEFINITELY made with inferior materials and in substandard craftsmanship compared to SvoeMaesto's KayFun, it is said to perform amazingly well. It also cannot be confused with a KayFun, neither the original or clone. It is something else entirely, but it was designed in the image of the Kayfun.

    Whether you are vaping clones, originals or simulacrums, the only thing that matters is if it works for you! Vape on!

    Rocket-2-300x290.jpg The Rocket Rebuildable Atomizer, A Simulacrum
    hcigar_kayfun_3.1_russian_91__clone_2-30 The HCigar Kayfun 3.1 Clone, a perfect 1:1 of the original SvoeMaesto design,
    komplett_1-300x225.jpg The Original Kayfun Lite Plus by SvoeMaesto

  6. If you listened to the audio interview with the local B&M shop yesterday on my blog, you would have wondered how the hell that debate started at the beginning of the interview, well it sort of started with this stuff.

    A close friend of mine came by the other day with his hipster beer and told me I should try some of this stuff. He handed me a bunch of it and told me it's amazing.

    Wick Review: Bio-Wick Wholesale-Biowick-Cotton.jpg

    At first I didn't know what the hell this was, it felt like cotton replicating silica wicking, and I was right because that's exactly what it is.

    It's better than silica and ekowool, it's still inferior to organic cotton balls. Don't ask me why, but it wicks like absolute dog **** in a Kayfun.

    And here's how you know if the wicking is better or worse, it's very simple. You wick your coil and then you put some drops of e liquid on the wicking, in comparison to organic cotton balls(which soaks up eliquid immediately) the bio-wick will take 3-4 drops and you will see it sit on the wick momentarily before it soaks into the material. That in itself is a perfect explanation of it not wicking as well as simple cotton balls.

    It's actually the worst of both worlds, because you have to deal with the fact that it chars just like cotton balls do (which means you have to replace it just as often as organic cotton ball wicking) but it doesn't wick nearly as fast.

    So there it is, Short and sweet in less than 300 words.

    If you've used Bio wick and have the same or different opinion, please feel free to let me know what you think of it in the comment section below.

    Thanks :)

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