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Everything posted by 4BeadnVape

  1. I did the same exact thing you did but I had originally gotten the Blu ecigs. Don't beat yourself up if you need an analog, I couldn't go without them during my wait either. Just look forward to getting your ego (you will love it) and start vaping again. You're not alone
  2. I had almost the exact same experience with Blu. I returned it but couldn't get an ego right away so I ended up smoking for a couple weeks. My ego should be here today though and I'm very excited! I liked vaping even with the Blu way better than I liked smoking.
  3. The "revisit" is great advice! As your taste buds heal (and your sense of smell, I mean WOW!, I had no idea that my 12 year old students smelled so bad when I smoked analogs!) This made me laugh, my mil is a teacher and she's always making comments about her "kids" and how they smell lol
  4. Where in Ky are you I'm not far from there. I haven't seen anything like the ego in my area but there are a few places that have the really expensive knockoffs. Everyone here has been very helpful and welcoming to me so I'm sure any questions you may have will be answered, I had a TON of them at first but didn't find this forum until after I had done most of my research. Don't be me...ask!!
  5. They have them here in the store, it's actually a better deal than where I just ordered mine from last night but I couldn't find this site when I was going to order it so I ended up ordering it from www.cignot.com I was so anxious to get it though I couldn't wait another second, I still got a good deal and even though I just placed my order last night they shipped mine out today. In the store here though you also get some juice and a discount if you're a new member
  6. Thanks for this...it can get a little overwhelming if you're new and don't know much about it to just be reading a bunch of numbers and letters lol. These links were very helpful
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