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Posts posted by squidward

  1. Hi.. Noob here. Regarding downsides to e-cigs, one I'm wondering concern I've thought about about seems valid to me-- prolonged storage of used moist cartomizers can develop mold undetected due to enclosure. Use of such a cartomizer could result in a major lung infection causing serious illness or death.

    I'd like to know if there is any data substantiating this concern, but to me, it sounds legit because you're drawing in foreign air particles (which can include airborne bacteria and viruses) that embed themselves in the batting. Unless refrigerated, the contaminated batting under optimal conditions (warm temperature, moist environment) is subject to bacterial growth and mold spores. And we all know the dangers in breathing in mold.

    While I've not heard anyone dying from use of e-cigs yet, it's still relatively new and perhaps this might be the reason for the first death? I wonder what tests have been made on e-cigs to ensure this is not an issue? It seems like a legit scenario I would want to test for if I was in charge of quality and safety testing.

    Now, one might argue the heat from the atomizer will curb growth, but what if you don't use it for several days or weeks? Will the heat from the vaping action prevent spores from being inhaled? Probably. Probably not.. But until these things are tested, questions are answered, it's probably something to think about...

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