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Everything posted by mastiffmom

  1. YEA Ed! I have a feeling this meet is really going to rock! See you guys on Sat.
  2. I use the bathroom, or after hours if I'm there I vape in my office. I do at times do a demo for pts. Several have ordered their own ecigs and quit. It's shame that ignorance wins out over a better life-style choice.
  3. Hi guys, being nosy I checked their site. 10mL juice for 9.99. They say a 10mL bottle is equal to 10 packs of analogs, and also it looks like their nicotine levels are low-med-high. Just thought I'd pass that along.
  4. Oh Erika I'm so sorry. Just love her and know that the greatest joy your fur baby knows is having you with her. Prayers for you both I know that my babies are family to us and your's are the same to you.
  5. I love mine too! it's the one I've been looking for! No more cartos for me Tanks all the way!
  6. You will need a charger for the eGo.
  7. I'm using mostly all VG with no problems. Some mixes, but the VG does fine in mine.
  8. I love mine. I have found my vaping bliss.
  9. I explain to my server first and ask permission I have never been told no. Last night we met my co-workers at a pub I've vaped in before, no problem until my managers hubby, a cop, saw my vapor and said you are not smoking again and inside are you. I started laughing and then he could smell it, White Zin. He laughed, and my hubby says Cuff her, take to jail. We all had a good laugh but there were also 4 vapers in our group, I am the only one who is unafraid to do it in public. If asked not to I would comply. I got my hair cut the other day and sat happily vaping inside while the owner had to go outside to smoke. When he came back in all his stylists insisted he get an ecig, he asked for a card which I gladly gave him. While not really illegal my approach is if it makes others uncomfortable I don't do it. Respect goes both ways and I don't want to give us a bad name by upsetting people.
  10. I've been in there and they are hiding Elvis and Michael Jackson..........oh no I told the secret now they are going to have to kill me........
  11. You know we will be there! So happy Feb. is a short month lol. The breakfast all day is icing on the cake. See ya there!
  12. I knew something had to be wrong cause Jeffrey is always on top of things. I knew he would take care of you, he's that kind of guy, honest and upfront. If you ever have any questions just let me know, I'm happy to help out. You have my email, thanks for the clarification you are a sweetheart. Hugs to you!
  13. Did you get Jeffrey's message? He sent you the address to return the T's, out of red but will be getting another order in so send them to him. Thanks.
  14. Send me your order number at lisa@wordupecig.com and I will check out what's going on. Jeffrey puts his customers first so just email me and I will check into it, if you haven't heard from him first.
  15. I use the eGo T on my eGos and I have yet to have a single leak. No problem laying it down or carrying it in purse or pocket. When I fill mine I wipe out the atty with a Q-tip, and wipe off the outside of cart before I replace it, in case I dribbled while filling. I've had no problems at all.
  16. The tank is the answer for me. I can get an hour or more with each fill and I haven't had a burnt taste yet or a leak. You can refill the carts and I do all the time. It's like dripping with every puff. I love it!
  17. I ask permission to vape in bars or eateries. I have never been told no but I am discreet. On a plus note I had doctor's appt. last week, my Np kept listening to my lungs shocked. Said my early stage COPD seemed resolved, asked how I quit smoking. All I said was electonic cig and she knew what I was talking about. She has researched them but hadn't run across anyone who used them. She is going to recommend this to others, we don't have to be pushy about this issue, the results speak for themself.
  18. I have used my eGo, red no less, with a drip tip right next to cop at a light and he didn't even blink. It may have been that a middle-aged woman in a mini van didn't look like she would know what to do with a c**** pipe. My Mark Mod might draw a bit more attention.
  19. I'm sorry your day sucked. My tank is working fine, taste is great, don't know what could be up with yours. I am trying to get away from cartos cause they all taste like that to me after a couple of hours and I can't get that taste out of them, hubby loves them. He uses a strong menthol flavor though and that kind of hides everything else. Pm me or get me on FB, I'm curious where your tank and these cartos came from. I have had a nasty batch cartos and nothing fixes it for me.
  20. I use a drip tip and save the white caps for Juliery. LOL
  21. I use mostly VG and have had no problems, and mine has a light draw, but that may be subjective. As far as I'm concerned this is the only system for me now. They are so new it's hard to say how long they will last, atty life, but Joye products are very solid performers I've gotten 4-5 months and nearly 6 months from some of their regular attys so I'm comfortable with the pricing. They should last pretty well. As far as gunk building up I gently clean out my atty with a q-tip every night when I swab down my batteries for charging. I have the 5 click 1000mah eGo T battery and I love the long life, but the T fits all eGos and works wells with them all. The eGos are just so versatile you really can't go wrong no matter what size you have.
  22. This is a little trick I learned from Kitsune. Fold a paper towel until it fits into your atty and put it in there to wick the excess juice out. I do this at night with my attys and they last so much longer. If that doesn't help you can drop it into some very hot water then let it dry out for about 24 hours. I hope that helps.
  23. I haven't counted but the Tank holds enough juice for 1.5-3 hours depending on your vaping habits. It seems to be a bit more than carts but you do use every drop instead of having juice pool in bottom of cart while top dries out. No drips, leaks, or juice in your mouth either.
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