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Everything posted by TheGrimSteamer

  1. The higher V and VW devices are for other optional Atomizers. For example a dual coil would require double the watts given the coil inside is the same. Lots of pre built Atomizers will have recommended voltage info. Most of the time 3.7. Rebuild ables are possible with the MVP but very tricky because of the .8 ohm threshold.
  2. I know to you experienced vapers it is like im preaching to the choir. Has something like this been posted on the technical bulletin yet?
  3. Shedding light on builds and the effects compared to the device being used to power them. Has anyone wondered why it takes a huge hike in power to steam that dual coil in order to get the same flavor off the single coil? How can the big block rotary build on youtube be powered safely? It all has to do with the way the device correlates with the vessel. When you run a dual coil in an RDA and measure the resistance of the build (given you have already properly measured each coil to be near identical) it is half the resistance of a single coil. Unfortunately in VW devices this means you have to crank up the power to match the output of a single coil. When running dual coil in a VW mod, the mod senses the build as a whole. DuCo resistance halves but the Watts per coil are halved as well meaning you have to crank the power up to match that warm vape you had with your single coil build. Atomizers combine the potential conductivity of coils connected into it and most VW units cannot distinguish the number of coils fired. Therefore running a dual at 40W has a similar effect as running a single at 20W. Dual coiling doubles the amp draw on the mod. Amp draw is directly affected by Ω. Mech mods are directly limited by the build. A dual coil built for a VW device will act very differently on a mech vice versa. More to come, input and additions to this info welcome. Note this post is to help understand the mechanics of how mods work with builds. I do not own a mech myself. I'm hoping someone will follow up on this thread to shed further light into the effects of Builds vs Mods. -TheGrimSteamer
  4. I have been happily smoke free for a year and a half. Dove into the vape world in October 2013 and loved it. Now I am trying to get shops to set up around my area. Closest good one is 30 miles away.
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