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Posts posted by MtnLioness

  1. Just gotta say---this forum and you guys ROCK!! :animier: Thanks SO much for the great advice and support!

    Okay, so yes, I realize now that I'm probably not drawing long enough. Also, I get confused between not wanting to flood the atty to not having enough e-liquid in my eGo (I'm direct dripping). Was just getting frustrated at not getting a good hit again, and put two more drops in and was fine.

    STRESS is such a trigger. First thing today I got into an argument with hubby on the phone (had just woke up!) and BAM---grabbed a cig.

    I have 8 packs of cigs. I figure, hey, if I smoke 'em while I'm learning to rock this new vaping experience, so be it!! I'm still going to avoid them, and when I have the vapor/hit rockin', it is SOOOOO much better then an analog!

    Again, thanks, everyone!!! This forum is awesome!! :wub:

  2. I was having problems getting good vapor tonight--finally took out the silver tip/bridge in my atty and that has helped. But..........smoked not one, but two damn analogs! :wallbash: I'm surprised at myself. Thought I'd never smoke another one!

    I just started vaping Wedneday at noon. For those not familiar, I've smoked 35+ years and am loving vaping! Just working out the quirks.

    I know, I know....I shouldn't be hard on myself. I've told myself all along I can have a cig if I want. I don't want to put pressure on myself. But from the moment I got some good ejuice I've been totally into this.

    So...yeah, was having a little problem getting good hits. But why'd I have two cigs? I just don't want to fall back into analogs. I know I won't.......? :unsure: But didn't think I'd pick up another cig, either.

    How many have been in my shoes?

    Arrrrggg! :(

  3. A friend on Facebook posted about this Prado e-cig and this is looking like a complete rip off to me. She posted this link: http://healthconsumernews.com/healthysmoke/ Looks cool and all...though right away I wondered why they were pushing this Prado e-cig so much. Scroll at the bottom. UGH.........look at that fine print! Insane! Plus I also saw this: http://www.ripoffreport.com/tobacco-companies/prado-electronic-cig/prado-electronic-cigarette-eci-7d622.htm If you keep scrolling down, you'll see other complaints, too.

    What's really unfortunate is a friend of ours on Facebook posted a big thanks to her and said he ordered one. I wish people wouldn't be such impulse buyers and do their research! :(

    Can you believe this? "If your Trial Starter Kit and one month supply (20 cartridges) of cartridges is not returned within fourteen days, your credit card will be billed the purchase price of $149.90. Upon placing your order, you will be enrolled in the Cartridge Refill Value Plan, which will automatically send your refill cartridges 30 days after you order the starter kit (20 cartridges) and every thirty days thereafter and bill your credit card $59.95 plus $9.95 Processing and Handling.. "

    Wow....so....anyone else heard of this one? I hope that friend can get his money back. I posted immediately, warning them both. :/

  4. Just got my ego today, and would love to have a vaping lounge here in seattle.

    Surprised that there is one in Spokane

    Thanks SO much to all of you for your wonderful support and good wishes! Love this forum and how everyone is so helpful and sincerely wants the noobie to succeed with vaping. Just awesome!

    Still vaping away and no desire to light up a cig. Can't believe it. It's been a bit of a learning curve--not bad. But I know it'll get better and better. :)

    Darrin, congrats on getting your eGo! Did you just start vaping or just upgraded to the eGo?

    Regarding the vapor lounge in Spokane, I know, right? I am extremely lucky and I know it! Even L.A. doesn't have one (have a fellow vaper friend there). The owner, Travis, is incredible. Oh--He is talking of opening one up in Seattle one day, so stay tuned!

  5. Short update----I'm loving it!!! The Vaping Lounge was AMAZING! Got the Pear and also menthol that I usually add to it. I also got a wine flavor!!

    I have not had an analog cig since around noon today (well, now it's after midnight, so technically yesterday) and I don't want one! I am walking on air, I am so happy!!! I am NOT a slave anymore to regular cigarettes and I can't believe how easy this was!

    I still have my cigs. I can have them if I want, but I don't want them! YUK!

    Thanks to everyone for your support! I'll keep updating!

  6. Vicki at Cignot rocks! I paid the $3 for faster shipping and ordered it Monday afternoon. She shipped it out right away from Illinos, and I got it here in Washington state already! That's less then 2 days!! :thumbsup:

    So...I have it charging and I'm so nervous and excited! I want to LOVE vaping (I've never even tried it). I'm lucky enough to have The Vapor Lounge here in Spokane, and I'm going to head down there with my new eGo and "try before you buy" some ejuices there. Vicki sent me Chill #2 in 25 and 12 mg. Anyone ever tried that e-juice?

    Could sure use some encouragement! This forum is awesome!

  7. VTs is the fastest, check to see if Chris is in stock. (southern ca)

    Jantyworldn usa is super fast if they're in stock (tx)

    Gosh, there's more but I'm drawing a blank

    Thanks for the response. :) I already ordered my Joye eGo today from cignot, but it's good to know of good suppliers nearer my neck of the woods.

    What's VT?

    Luckily, I have a e-cig store here in town, too. :)

  8. Good luck on the menthol. I have yet tried any that taste close to a real menthol. The best way is to get a really good full flavor tobacco and then add some drops in with the closest to menthol tasting you can find.

    Add few drops of Newport to 555 or Marlboro be my suggestion.

    Yes I use to be a menthol analog smoker. Now I actually prefer the tobacco flavors :)

    Thanks J :) I'm going over to my local ecig store and gonna check out their stuff. It's my hope they let me try before I buy. They may be a bit more then online, but it'll be cheaper then buying/trying/not liking ;)

  9. Thanks, everyone! I have someone sending me some cartomizers and ejuices free to try. But otherwise haven't ordered any other ejuice. Thinking I may want a drip tip, too.

    Anyone have advise on a good menthol tobacco ejuice? Or ejuices? I was thinking of trying the ones here. The reviews are really good on some of them. :)

  10. So stoked! Ordered my Joye eGo starter kit today from Cignot. :thumbsup: Vicki had it shipped out in like half an hour?!? Wow! I cannot WAIT to get it! I'll be checking the tracking every hour!

    This total noobie can't wait to see if it'll perform a miracle---get me off analogs!

    Thanks to everyone who helped with all my questions! I know they'll be lots more! ;)


  11. Thanks SO much to everyone for all your advice! I'm trying to place an order and hope I get everything I need to start having a happy vaping experience!

    Anyone know if there's a coupon for some really good vendors? I'm at and thinking of purchasing the Joye eGo there, since it's out of stock here, but I want to buy some of the e-juice here.

    Again, thanks! :thumbup:

  12. I'm going cross-eyed trying to figure all this out. Hoping you guys can help! :)

    So...I get a lot in the kit. But interested in the direct dripping. So I need a wide mouth drip tip, right? What else do I HAVE to have? I read of carts (cartomizers, right?, mega cartos...I can't keep it all straight. Just need to know what I really need to have.

    Also, I'm trying to figure out exactly the strength of nicotine liquid I'd need if I'm smoking American Spirit Menthol Light at nicotine being 1.42 mg.

    I plan on ordering the menthol here for e-liguid, and one other flavor.

    I appreciate helping me trying to get this all straight! :-)

    Also...is anyone familiar with cignot.com? They've got a great deal there, including free shipping. They're out of stock on this site.

    Thanks again!

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