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Posts posted by rlfracing

  1. I ended up using the one gift certificate that I had that was tied to one place. The others are visa gift cards. Those equal $95. So I'm not tied to any b&m store or online. So I'm just thinking it might be better to build my own mod. But if anyone has a suggestion to a site with a good deal. I'm all ears. Thanks everyone for all the help.

  2. I'm wanting to make the enclosure out of wood. AtoZ seems to be out stock on a lot of things. Or I would just order the entire dna 30 kit they have. I'm finding some things from Amazon and a few other sites. I was just wondering what the average cost of it all.

  3. I went to the b&m store that I have a certificate too. Yeah there is no way that I'll be able to get a 50 watt box mod , heck not even a 30 watter for what I'm able to spend. I like the look and feel of the tesla invader. I just wish it was a vw box mod.

    So what are my options now?

  4. Ok, I got a couple gift cards and one gift certificate to one local shop. Totaling 100 bucks. I would like to get a complete setup around that price. Looking into a box mod that's around 50 watts max. I'm not into dripping or rebuildables. Rather work with tank setups right now. I want something that'll produce a good flavor.

    So my question is to everyone. What would you buy and why?

    Thanks in advance


  5. I recently won a mvp 2.0 from a local shop. So far I like it. The only issue I'm having is after a few puffs I get a slight dry hit. I have a kanger pro tank 2 on it with a 1.5 ohm coil. I've read to keep the colts low and I could run the watts in the range of 8 to 11 which is the max the unit will do. Could someone help me understand why it would act like that?

    Thanks Rob

  6. I need everyone's thoughts and opinions. I took my mom to a local vape shop today to get her started in vaping to get away from analogs. Yeah for her.

    My question is that she is diabetic. I know the liquids are a type of sugar. Is vaping safe for diabetics? I'm assuming yes, but I just want to be sure.

    Thanks in advance


  7. The coils that I have are 1.8 ohms. The e-liquid I have is a 60/40 mix. 60 pg and 40 vg. So if I'm understanding this right. I need to go higher on vg than pg? What brands of that mixture or brands would be recommended? Thank you for the help.

  8. Ok, I've been vaping now for about 3 weeks and have been doing pretty good at it. I'm still smoking a couple analogs as everyone here seems to be calling them. I want to do away with them completely. I've been vaping 12mg of nicotine and liking it for the most part. Still at times not feeling completely satisfied with it. Should I go up in nicotine amount or get a vapor that has a little more power than what my little evod has? Any help is greatly appreciated.


  9. One of my go to places is Mouser Electronics. They are less expensive that going to Vape shops for the same thing. The only thing they don't have are the 510 connectors.

    What do I type in the search bar in regards to the processor boards? I'm sure it's called something else. That's why I'm still doing my research and not building yet lol. I'm still trying to figure out the parts list as well. I want a dual battery setup with vv and vw. Suggestions on a parts list will make my life a lot easier. I already have a plan in my head of what the casing is going to look like.

  10. I'm thinking of building my own vv mod in the near future. What are good sites to look for parts to build what I want? I came across one site called atoz vape world. What I'm wanting to do is build something that'll max out around 60 watts that I can control the watts and voltage. So I'm trying to research the parts before purchasing. What are trusted sites that everyone likes to go too?

    Thanks in advance


  11. Thank you for your insight. I'm thinking of moving to the itaste mvp2.0. I like that I can use the cpl tanks that I already have and that I can adjust the settings to my taste. Eventually I want to build my own vv box mod. Nothing crazy but a max out of 50 watts. I've been doing a lot of research and really like the options they can give and would be tailored to me. I'm thinking of going the wood route. I'm still trying to understand ohms law. I've always been good at building things or fixing things ( like rc cars or working on cars). I've read the sticky to ohms law a couple times and still a little confused about it. Is there a easier way to understand it?

  12. Thank you for the kind welcomes. Thank you Tam for the link. It has been helpful. Still not sure what I'm going to be upgrading too in the next month or so. I did get another tank and liquid yesterday. The liquid is non nicotine. Love the taste and aroma that it has. I still have a couple cigarettes a day and trying to get completely away from them. There is so many different types of vapors out and so many different brands. It's hard to distinguish one from the other.

    Again thank you for the warm welcome


  13. Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole vaping craze. I've been been smoking for almost 20 years. I have a couple of mark ten e-cigs. But could never really drop the cigarette habit. I happened to be doing some walk & talks with my wife a couple weeks ago and came across a local store in town. Asked what it was about and have been happy with it so far. He started me off with a kangertec evod.

    My question is what everyone here would suggest on upgrading too. I'm kind of at a loss.

    Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


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