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Everything posted by grama

  1. MrsJaaxx I don't know if it's the "health" brand, but i did buy my mother one of the "health" and so far so good, it's just been a couple of days though, so time will tell. I thank you all for your answers. I think my initial curiosities have been satisfied.
  2. Thanks a lot. Is it safe (or wise) to direct drip with this of ("exposed") atomizer?. Also, how much would direct dripping last, in comparison to filling the cartridge?, because until now, a cartridge lasts me about the equivalent to 3 cigarretes.
  3. Yes of course that helps, so cartridges can be used indefinitely as long as i take the filler out and clean every once in a while? i was under the impression that a cartridge shouldn't be used for more than a week or so.
  4. I posted a link in my original post, but here are a couple of pics. Anyway, i want to get the most I can from my e-liquid
  5. Hi everyone, I just bought this e-cig and i have some questions. So far so good using the default cartridges, and yesterday I got a bottle of e-liquid from a local distributor. I'm not sure if I'm refilling this the right way though (just throwing a couple of drops inside the cartridge), i've thought about using a syringe though. Also I've been reading about direct dripping, but I'm not sure (by the way the atomizer looks, in relation to the videos I've watched) if this is even possible. Any advice would be more than welcome.
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