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offside vaper

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  1. So I started vaping 4 months ago... The same day I smoked my last cig. I went from smoking 2 packs a day to 0... Cold turkey! My first vape experience was when I bought a iron vape kit which came with a 650mah battery a clallearomizer, charger, necklace for it and a bottle of juice. Got for $24.99. I used that for first couple months and loved it. But soon started vaping more and more. The battery just wasn't cutting it. And it only had 3 preset volt options. I decided it was time to upgrade to a vv device and get a better tank. I went with the itaste vv v3.0. The things that intrigued me was the vv/vw and the pass through abilities. I also bought a brand new Aspire Nautilus with adjustable airflow. First thing I noticed when I set up was that this was one big tank! Especially compared to the thin square mod. But I then began to vape. Let me tell you! That tank is a beast! I love it! Wish I could say same for the itaste. After s few days the new toy effect ran out and I really began to study my new mod. First it felt very cheaply made. The buttons were very rattly and fire button just didn't pop. I then noticed that even when I was vaping at a moderate voltage or watt the battery would just die very fast! I began to see why it needed pass through abilities. Battery barely lasted 3 hours of moderate vaping. 7 hours if I was at work with little time to use it. So at that point I decided to just use it to measure my ohms so I could try to use my iron vape battery on it using one of the preset voltage. So about a week later I decided to give picking out a new mod a try. I picked up the vamo v5. Wow! This thing was something else. Had some power to it. Had everything I need and wanted. I purchased the chrome finish one because that's the only one my local so had ATM. After 2 days of use. My OCD kicked in and all the finger prints began to get to me Lol. Also it misfired often and that bothered me. I opted for more battery life so went with 18650 extension and didn't mind the size at all... But the battery rattle bothered me also. So I went back to store and was going to try to exchange for different finish but yet they still didn't have any other finishes. While I was looking at juices.... Something jumped out at me. The Tesla! Man this thing just looked crazy to me. Looked almost painful to hold and heavy. But yet I asked to see it. I was completely wrong! It was extremely comfortable to hold. And light wait but yet very solid feeling. The menu buttons above screen appeared odd but I decided to give it a try. I traded in my vamo and grabbed this finger print proof Tesla. Now after 2 months of using it, I must say I'm in love! This thing is be beast of a vaping machine. Battery lasts for ever the vv/vw lvls have such adjustment lvls its easy to find sweet spot no matter what atomizer your using. The design is awesome I love all the placement. I think if they put menu buttons below the screen then your fingers would click them all time. I like how clean it stays and it can take a beating...can use a lot of different tanks. 1.2 ohms and up on atomizers. Mixed with the Nautilus tank... Extreme vaper production. One day I will dive into mech mods and rebuilds. Well that's my vape history in a nut shell. Lol hello all!!
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