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Malt Beverages

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Posts posted by Malt Beverages

  1. I'm fairly new to today's vaping. I started out a long time ago with a green e-cig starter kit and was highly disappointed. I was given a vaping set-up couple christmases ago but just wasn't impressed with it, the tank and atomizers seemed kind of shoddy and where a pain to work with. The batteries were decent but it was always clogging and popping and eventually I had to stop using it.

    Yesterday, my girlfriend bought me an e-cig from a new local vender (awesome folks and prices) and I am blown away. The technology has greatly improved and this thing is sleek and efficient and vapes like a champ! I had widdled down my smoking to about a pack and a half a week but just can't seem to kick them altogether. I can totally see myself cigarette free this time with the modern e-cigs and liquids.

    It is a Kanger evod twist 1000mah battery and an Aspire BDC tank (30 bucks for the lot). Seems like the perfect starting point. Love the variable voltage.

    I need to do some reading to better understand how this thing works and how to maintain it. Looking forward to it.

    BTW, my name is not actually Malt Beverages, just thought it sounded cool, also I'm more of a micro-brew type a guy...


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