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Everything posted by Broknhead

  1. ahh didnt come with a label, but it says victory on the inside. it has replaceable coils, im pretty sure its a cartomizer although i could be wrong. i just cleaned out the old juice (Grape/Apple) and went back to the first stuff i was using (Miami Vice) and it is now a less pronounced problem. maybe it was the juice? btw nice forum signature, good idea to see a visual reminder of why quitting is good.
  2. I have an Itaste vv first time i filled it, and used it fine for a few days, then i went to switch flavors. after this, it constantly pops and hisses, if i hold the button i can actually see projectiles... what the heck is going on here? have i done something incorrectly that would cause this? is this normal? i have been running it on lowest voltage setting. also, if it is actually ejecting the juice, is it bad if it gets in your mouth?
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