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Everything posted by jp248782

  1. Hey guys! today i picked up some silica wick and some 32 gauge kanthol. Originally for the fact that i just bought a Smoke tech Octopus (Dual post screw tip dripper) i have a question about rebuilding both that and my pro tank 3... I know the pro tank 3 is a bottom dual coil but considering the head is the same as the pro tank 2 just the 2 is shorter i thought i could build a single coil on the dual coil head but for some reason i can't get but a small amount of vapor to come out after the rebuild. And as for the dripper i have already rebuild it and it is working pretty well... besides the fact that i feel like it doesnt completely taste correct i get a very nasty throught hit and don't even really taste the juice just the wick.. how many drops should i be dripping per hits to keep the hits nice? or is it the coil that's making it do that? really confused and frustrated any insight would be appreciated!
  2. True, i'll do some testing and mess with it, appreciate the quick responce!
  3. Just ordered an itaste VV (Variable Voltage & Wattage with OHMz checker) really like it due to the mini usb port on the bottom considering i am always close to a computer and can use it to charge the battery and also use the cable as a pass through. My question is, while i wait for my coils for my pro tank 3 i picked up today an Aspire bottom dual coil tank, which has a 2.1 OHM head in it which also has a label that reads (3.0-6.0v) right on the head... Now considering this is a dual coil tank that would mean that each coil is actually at 4.2 OHMz? correct me if i am wrong but that means that at if the itaste VV supports a range of 3.0-5.0v i could rock this tank at 5.0v and if would not hurt the head correct? If someone would also like to explain the benefit of doing this and not just running it at a low voltage like 4.0-4.4? Will i get more vapor at a high voltage? or a better throat hit? What is the advantage and disadvantage to both and how do i find the "Sweet Spot" as far as voltage goes. thanks for the help! As of right now i am running that aspire BDC tank with an ego twist and it seems like i get a better vape at 4.2-4.4 then at 4.8 (which is the max setting for an ego twist) so will the itaste preform differently?? thanks everyone!
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