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Posts posted by vmshaw

  1. So, when you put the mini on it and press the button, does the button light up solid or blink?

    When I put the protank on press the button, hold it down, it is solid, and I hear nothing. I put the battery on the charger it blinks constantly, so it is charged I put my other tank on it andit works fine.

  2. Yes, you may need a new coil. Is your battery charged? If so, when you push the button with the mini attached, is the button staying lit or blinking? If its blinking while holding down, it may be indicating a short somewhere or your battery is dead.

    The battery works fine with my other tanks. So it has to be the protank. Is that what is wrong with it? It deader than a doornail when attached.

  3. I was never a fan of menthol till I tried their Kringles Kurse. Now I love it! Just wish the Kringles Kurse was sweeter! Lol

    See i don't like the sweet stuff, I guess thats why I was not a big fan of the Boba's like everyone raved about it. I was just kind of let down.

  4. Hey ya'll,

    Got my sampler of Tobacco juice from Halo. OMG, love thier flavors. Really liked the Longhorn for the closest to tobbaco flavor. I got in this sampler

    Prime 15




    Torque 56

    Midnight Apple

    I have not tried the Turkish yet. I will try that one next. Love, love love the MIdnight Apple. Probably my fave so far and they came in this really cool round tin box that I can reuse for somethign else! Anyone have any suggestions for other samplers like this?

    Also, when I sampling these flavors I think I need to get the other flavor completely out of my tanks. Any suggestion there?

    Lastly, Thank you so much for the idea of putting tape over the hole on my mini protank. I really disliked the airy draw from it, but now it is great!


  5. Um, did you order from Alien Visions or Alien Vapors. Alien Vapors is the knock of Boba's (a key clue would be that the juice has PG in it), and Maple Rum isn't one of Alien Visions' flavors, although they do have a maple flavor, just not rum.

    Yes, I caught that after I had made my purchase. Someone said Alien Vapors and I bookmarked it and went there and ordered. So, now I am stuck with the knockoff.....well I will not do that again. Wish I could remember who that was that sugested that I would give them a big :wtf: . Live and learn I guess. I will go to Alien Visions when I have some extra $$$. Thanks spydre.

  6. Lets see if i can help out here... I am by no means an expert yet, but... Dripping is another method one can use instead of using a tank with a capacity to hold liquid. Basically the way it works is you would have a base, or commonly refered to as a "deck" on the deck you will have "Posts" most common and easiest to work with would be a 2 post set up. the center post being the positive and the 2nd post being your ground or negative. You would build a coil of your choosing, wether it be a micro coil, tin man, dragon coil, etc. once you have the coil and wicking material in place, you would "DRIP" a few drops of your liquid directly onto the coil, and fire it, to get your vape. After a few puffs, you will need to "DRIP" a few more drops on, to keep it moist. This is the "Dripping" method. It requires you to constantly drip your juice manually onto your coil as opposed to using a tank and having a wick that will pull the juice from the tank on its own.

    Hope this helps you understand a little better about the difference between methods.

    OK...Well I think that is way over my head...maybe I will stick with my tanks! Thank you!

  7. the KPT2 is its own unit (heating element + liquid tank). atomizers are use for dripping....its basically a heating unit that you add a couple drops at a time (uses a drip tip), cartomizers are a heating element with a cotton fiber material that you add the liquid too.

    Honestly the KPT2 is much easier to use than cartomizers.

    dripping is its own way of doing things. personally, I love dripping for flavor and throat hit, its my sweet spot. that being said, its more work than using the KPT2. I love my tanks for when I am out and about.

    not sure if that answers your question, if not keep asking.

    yes, but I want to know more about "dripping". Can you tell me? I am liking the flavor and throat hit thing.

  8. Not sure what you are asking? :huh:

    An atomizer/cartomizer in a tank? Atomizer with a tank attached on top?

    maybe I have it all confused. I saw an atomizer that looked to be about 2 inches long what do you do with that? I have a Ego twist with a KPT2 now. I was wondering what that was used for.

  9. If I have a battery and I attach an attomizer and then I attach my tank to that am I going to get a much better vape then if I had only the tank and the battery? I am trying to figure all this out......I have been reading all of your posts and trying to put all of the pieces togther. Figure out what each thing does. Just asking. :hope:

  10. Steeping is basically shaking and waiting..allows flavors to meld and age to perfection, some juices are already pre steeped, some vendors hyper steep, and some are mixed to order and need to steep...various methods and preferences...

    Answered my question...just started a new thread on this :dizzy: . Tell me, how do you know?

  11. Took someones advice on here and went to Alien Vapors and got the Boda's Bounty, while I was there I thought I would try the Maple Rum (sounded yummy) and the RY4 ( not sure what that is). Got them in the mail yesterday. Just loaded up the Boda's Bounty....jury is still out! Got my brother and his wife vaping (2 pack a day Marlboro Red smokers. They haven't smoked since they started vaping :animier: . I sent him a bottle of the Boda's Bounty to see what he thought as well. So, we will see!


  12. :thumbup:

    Sorry, hit post before I typed anything. With RBAs, you only have to change the wicking out when you change flavors, correct?

    Right now, he's still experimenting with building his own. I think the RDA was for practice building anyway. But he's thinking about rebuilding the kanger coils, which will save a lot of money, combined with me learning how to dry burn between uses. :clap: After a couple of bad attempts where I screwed up the flavor wicks taking them off, I've got it down now, except I don't take the flavor wicks off, so that I don't screw it up.

    What is an RDA and an RBA?

  13. You can use these tanks with pretty much any device. I wouldn't recommend starting off rebuilding coils, though, when you can get the coils for the Davide so cheaply, and frankly, I'm not sure about rebuilding dual coils anyway, how that works. I don't think anyone here has tried rebuilding the dual coils in the KPT 3 yet. I don't know how much the dual coils for the Pro Tank 3 run, but you can also run single coils that the Davide and the other Pro Tanks use in them as well.

    What device are you currently using?

    I currently have a VV twist (not sure if that is correct lingo) and I love it! Got it for Christmas too...looking for a backup to use my new KPT 3 on. I don't think I will ever go back to my cartridges with the wicks in them (cant remember what they are called). This battery I have know hold a charge all day long LOVE IT! I was have to recharge the others all day and switching out continuously, it was tiring.

  14. I recieved both of these for christmas and I am wondering what kind of devices I could get to use with these to get the most out of them. Any suggestions? Also, I am wanting to get so liquids, I have just been buying locally at the store here just tobacco flavor. I am a little hesitant to branch out to fruity flavors, so sugesstions?

  15. Hello all, I just found this forum a little while ago and decided to register. I have been vaping since mid February and have been cigarette free since late February and that's really it.

    Hey Welcome...I am from Texas too. Where are you at? I am right outside of Houston.

  16. I recieved a Twist for Christmas...I was going to post a picture on here because it is so pretty but I couldn't figure out how to do that. Anyway, pretty is nice, but I would really like to know WHAT THE HELL to do with it. I get great Vapor from it, exellant throat hits so I love all that, but I am just turning the twist at the bottom and don't realy know what I am doing. Could someone shed some light on this. Oh, BTW it came with this matching tank....Really? but no instructions..... :wallbash:

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