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Posts posted by capitanovapor

  1. I get the same thing with the taste diminishing at about half a tank. What I think it is, is that I am just getting use to the flavor. So what I do, when I'm at home, is at 1/2 down when the taste gets humdrum I put that tank to the side and pick up another flavor and the new flavor will taste so good until it gets about half way down so I then put it to the side and get the other one that I had vaped 1/2 empty. Now that juice tastes great again until......

    Second question I can't help you. When I wake up I just pick up the tank I was vaping when I went to bed. I have found a great way to make flavors that I don't like very much into tasty juice. Since I have a sweet tooth I bought a bottle of sweetener and I just add a drop or two per ML and it fixes any juice to be good. Hope that helped a little bit.

    Patricia is right. I think everyone has this problems with some flavors.

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