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Posts posted by J0T

  1. "Scoop" makes me think of old fashioned reporters with "press" slip in the band of their hat. Current news and reporting always makes me think of satellites and satellite dishes. Since I think you're in Chicago (yes?) it might be cool to do an old school reporter/gangster themed site.

    I checked out your site and I have a wide screen monitor so it kind of pulls everything apart, have you looked into anything like Wordpress at all? They have a lot of nice, free, customizable themes. I'm using Joomla currently and it's a great content management system.

  2. This is a Koh-I-Noor pressure bulb for cleaning technical pens:


    The threads of a 510 atty are just slightly finer than those of a technical pen tip, but a 510 atty will screw into the bulb securely. I attached one and squeezed the hell out of the bulb over and over again, juice went everywhere. The important thing though is that the juice did come out, and I mean a lot of juice, I didn't know there was that much juice in it! I wiped the atty off with a damp paper towel and screwed it into my VP2, everything seemed pretty good. I really went to town on this thing and I feel like I get a lot more air coming through now, maybe it's just me, I don't know and I'm not sure if that's good or bad yet, probably shouldn't have been so rough with it.

    It seems like you can only get this bulb in a kit with pen cleaning solution and the kit costs around $20. I bought mine years ago to clean technical pens so I got my money's worth, other people probably don't want to pay extra for pen cleaning solution they'll never use... A long time ago there was a lady on eBay selling just the bulb for $7 but I took a quick look and didn't see her.

    Anyway, I just figured I'd throw this out there in case anyone wants to give it a try, I'll probably try it again, a little more gently next time. :rolleyes:

  3. Sounds like something that's happened to me before. How long have you had your 510? With all that juice leaking out, it's possible that there might be some juice build up both on the atty threads and the battery threads. Just take a paper towel and try to clean those threads. You want to make sure there's a clean connection there as it will affect the performance of your device. There could also be some build up on the charger which leads to improper charging.

    I had a similar problem when I started and this was exactly what was happening to me, there was juice disrupting the connection, little on the atty threads, little in my adapter, little in the battery connection, but I didn't realize it so I added more juice and flooded it.

  4. I found some at Walmart today, it took a long time to find it and I almost gave up. I even asked employees to help me and they were absolutely clueless. I ended up finding it with the bandages and ointments. I think it was $3 for 6oz. Before Walmart I had stopped at a Walgreens and after searching and asking employees I asked a pharmacist and they said I should try a grocery store...


    Sorry, you were looking for PG and I guess I found VG, or at least I've read that the Humco Glycerin is VG...

  5. I went to Walmart today and got some Humco Glycerin, made a little mixture with about 10% water and dripped a bit into an atty that I thought was pretty clean. When I puffed on it a bit I got some coffee flavor, which was the last flavor I had used in there, so I'm assuming the straight vg mix reactivated/mixed with some of the flavor residue. I puffed a bit more, added some more vg, puffed a bit more, and now there's no flavor at all. I'm not sure how easy it is to get rid of a coffee flavor because I've been using one atty per flavor, but it seemed like this might be a good way to remove flavor/prime an atty for a new flavor. Of course I might be completely wrong. :D

  6. Trust me we're working on the Joker and it's not as far out as you would think. ;)

    Vaprlife and Vapor Talk have always promoted safety as a number one priority for our customers, the joker will be released, not only will it be released but it will be even more improved. I obviously can't say what will be added just yet, but it will be worth it :D

    Ooh ooh! Voltage switch! Am I right? :D

    I'm sure it will be great when it's done, also I'm glad there will be a black option.

  7. Since I still don't have my hands on a VP-PT yet I haven't done any mods to the base yet, but in addition to adding a usb port I was considering attaching it to a piece of wood which would add some weight. I don't know what the diameter of the base is but I would wager that at a craft supply store you could find a blank, unfinished wooden plaque intended for woodburning/signage that would be close in size.

  8. I was starting to fall asleep and all of a sudden I came up with something I really wanted.

    I want this:


    With a wall plug usb port built into the base(and if all of it was in black that would be cool too.)

    The base is pretty thick, though I'm sure it could be made thicker, and I see no reason why a space couldn't be drilled out for a usb port and cable. Then you could put the stand wherever you like and plug your VP-PT into it and not have to worry about the length of its cable, plus you'd always get 5v. I'm going to look into doing this myself, but it would be awesome if Jeso mass produced a new stand like this. I'd definitely pay extra $ for that.

    *edit* The easiest thing to do would be to simply mount a usb extension cable in the base and then use the supplied usb wall adapter on the end of that cable. All that would need to be done is to carve out a spot for the female end to sit in and a groove for the cable (I'm thinking it would point out the front and then run out the back.) You could mount a circular piece of rubber or something on the bottom to hold it in. As far as making it black goes, vinyl dye (available at most auto part stores) goes on acrylic very nicely, especially if it's lightly sanded, the great thing about vinyl dye is that it's a dye, not a paint, so it will seep into the acrylic instead of layering over it like paint, thus the cut outs for the adapter and juice will remain the same size.

    Any thoughts?

  9. I had the same problem with my tip on my black 510, but on the stainless atomizers they pop in and out super smooth, just like on the 801

    I think my lighting was a little too dramatic to show off the tip, but I felt like posting a picture:


    VP2 with SS 510 atty and SS 510 T-tip


  10. I feel like I've made an amazingly smooth transition into vaping, it's been a week and a half now and I have only had the urge to smoke a cigarette a few times (and honestly I think what I wanted more was that feeling of relief you get from escaping from a place to chill out and have a 5 minute break.) One thing I've found though is that I want to vape a lot more than I ever wanted to smoke, not because I crave nicotine but because I want to play with the smoke while I think or work. I find myself always reaching out for my pv when my hands are free because I have this crazy urge to blow vapor rings. I know it sounds kind of silly but it's kind of like humming to yourself or playing with a pen, somehow it entertains and relaxes me while my thoughts are elsewhere. So I figured the best thing to do would be to get some juice that would create tons of vapor but not make me sick because I was vaping like a madman.

    Any suggestions? Should I try to mix my own?

    I'd like it to have flavor, but throat hit isn't really that important.

  11. I started with Marlboro Lights, then moved up to reds, then I did American Spirits for a while, then I smoked all varieties of Camels and Winstons until I started reading more about RYO/MYO and so I got into that because it was so much cheaper and tasted so much better, you could get some amazing tobacco for such little money it seemed ridiculous to smoke packaged cigs. Every once in a while I'd buy a pack and they'd make me sick, I got so used to nice fresh pouches of tobacco that I couldn't smoke Camels at all anymore, the chemical preservatives made me feel awful. But then this past year one of my favorite tobacco companies vanished after one of the tax increases so I had a lot fewer options, then there was another tax increase, and another, and a canister of enough tobacco to make two cartons went from being $20 to being $50, yikes...

  12. I didn't even think about those bottles for sharing juice, we should start a swapping program, like "I have flavors 'a', 'b', and 'c', would anyone be willing to swap 3ml of 'd' for 3ml of the aforementioned flavors?"

    Could be a good way to test out your own concoctions as well.

  13. I've been looking into putting together a "night out" case, so far I've been looking at pen cases, manicure set cases and these two things:


    This is an insulin kit case


    a 3 tier case for glasses and contacts, I thought with this one, the top tier could hold the vaporizer and the bottome tier could hold juice and batteries and atomizers.

    Nothing I've found so far seems perfect and anything I got would require some modification. Theoretically anything with decent pen loops should be able to hold a Spade plus any atomizers, batteries and small vials of juice.

  14. I have one of each in stainless and brass, I love them.

    About putting metal in your mouth:

    To me, neither tastes metallic, I even licked them just to see, haha... It's no worse than silverware, and really I never put them in my mouth, I always just put them against my lips so I don't taste anything at all other than the vapor. I wouldn't suck or chew on these, even holding it in my teeth feels odd, but since I use a heavier pv most of the time I no longer feel the need to hold my vaping device between my teeth.

    As far as looks and usability go, they're great. You really can drip through them. They are solid metal so they will last forever, I will never need to buy another cart to use as a tip. They do warm up as you use them, mine have never gotten hot, they're too thick to ever really get hot on a normal functioning atty, but they reach a very nice, very comfortable temperature. They can get a little cold, I would recommend against using them in sub zero conditions :D They look great, I have a stainless tip on a stainless 510 atty on my VP2, looks amazing, really has a hardcore industrial look. Brass tips would look lovely on a Spade with the brass ring and fittings, very classy.

    I think my main concern before I got them was with the size of the hole, I wondered about the amount of vapor you'd get and if juice would come out. The size of the hole on regular carts seems so small in comparison, but thinking about it, I figure that must be because a normal cart is supposed to be full of juice and you don't want that spilling out. I'm so used to the T-tips now that I'd really have to do some comparisons in order to state any opinions about drawing vapor through them, but I can say that I like the T-tips and they've worked great so far. As far as juice spillage goes, I've had no juice come out of the tips and aside from all the reasons juice doesn't come out of a normal cart tip I can add that the inside of the T-tips do not look polished (understandably because they aren't normally seen,) they have a very fine circular etching from the boring process. These fine lines seem to catch liquid, they don't stop dripped liquid from going down into the atty, but they do catch small amounts of liquid and condensation and stop them from coming back out. If you use one for a while and then hold it up to a light and look through you'll see liquid inside, which I realized was actually a good thing (in my opinion) because often I get some condensation on the 510 carts and then it gets in my mouth, etc. With these nothing escapes the grooves, so nothing gets into your mouth other than vapor.

    Didn't mean to hijack your thread Snubber! :D

    I've just been dying to post some thoughts about the T-tips since I got them so that other people might be better able to decide if they are right for them.

  15. I ordered some of the 3ml bottles, hopefully they'll suit my needs. I'm basically looking to put together a kit for events and evenings out, something as classy as it is functional. It'll take a little time because it'll involve the spade and I won't be ordering one of those until I've ordered a VP-PT, whenever those become available again... but anyway, I will post images of the kit once it's complete in case anyone is interested.

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