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Posts posted by Michelle

  1. I have to agree ... I do not own anything with the color of gold metal at all ... I will not by gold coloring of anything ... jewelry, purses, clothing, etc., but if it works better then the plain Joye atties then that would be the first item I would have in gold ... lol... silver coloring should be an option as steel, pewter, and white gold are more popular then gold now a days.

    I can only wear gold due to some allergies to other various metals. I happen to wear WHITE gold because I like it more than yellow and it looks better against my skin than yellow gold. So, I agree, Celtic, we need more choice in different metal colors than yellow. From the responses on this thread, this is important to people and manufacturers should listen to us. ;)

    Thanks for the update/review, Brian. Sorry these attys aren't working out for you. :(

  2. You're a good man to set up your friends, Joe. I won't do that for many reasons, but I'm more than happy to give them information and links to let them make their own decisions.

    For me, part of the vaping experience was coming here and asking questions, doing my research, and ultimately deciding which PVs were right for me. I was "ready". If I just hand my friends a PV, I have a feeling they are more curious than ready, so they're on their own.

    Good luck...hope you find some disposables that work for your needs. Just out of curiosity how many people have you turned on to vaping? I think I may have actually hooked two out of six or seven. Not bad odds at all!

  3. It sure is frustrating, Joe. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the FDA and this one, too. It leads me down one road and one road only, which is MONEY. As it stands, the gov't makes no money from VP's...and that's the issue. But, the fact that "they" would rather we smoke actual cigarettes just totally ticks me off.

  4. Thanks, Brian. Sorry, just now saw your reply. Guess I'll save the $6 and go with Joye. Of course, I can't find them in stock with the guys I want to support, but such is life.

    While I'm asking atomizer questions...what exactly does it mean to "break in an atty"? How long does this process usually take? I've been using mine for a week...is it broken in yet?

  5. I'm still new to vaping...less than a week...and I flood my atty regularly. I think I sometimes direct drip, take a drag, sit it down for a while and drip again. Then I'll notice juice all over my fingers holding the PV. D'oh! I'm sure it just takes time to get used to the whole thing and six days in, I'm a lot better at it than I was on day two. :) Hang in there, the learning curve will come.

  6. I care, Jen. ;)

    I've had the Choco Java for a few days and the more I vape it, the more I like it. I agree that a bit more java would make it just about perfect. I'm also liking Dulcis the more I try it. I have TT, but haven't tried it yet...been stuck on Grape Soda mostly. I'm interested to hear what you think of Sweet Dawn. I think it's actually pretty good...and, as with the rest, the more I vape, the more I like it.

  7. Wow, that's even cheaper than the $5 for 177ml (except when you add shipping of course).

    I got some today at Hobby Lobby. Wilton brand. 2 FL OZ (59mL) for $2.18, less the 40% off coupon (usually found in the Sunday paper) made it $1.31.

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