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Posts posted by Luke

  1. you can either by straight PG or VG and cut it with that that will make the nicotine weaker but also the flavor a bit, or buy some 0mg nicotine juice of the same flavors and cut it with that to keep the flavor.

  2. Yup headaches can definitely be happining if your using too high a dose of nicotine. Also I noticed that PG liquid dried out my mouth a bit easpecially when I frist started, so drinking more water (especially while your vaping) but through out the day definitrly helped me in the beginning. And now of course I find that I drink more water as a whole, which of course is always a good thing.

  3. I asked my doctor about ecigs and he had never heard of them. He asked what I could tell him!

    So I pulled a joye 510 out of my purse and showed him and explained it and even vaped in the exam room.

    He says..oh, that's like a nicatrol (sp) inhaler. He said I have no problem with that, they sell nicotine over the counter, after all. Just don't smoke and use it, he said. I'm his quinea pig!


    Nice~ Always nice when doctors agree with us switching to vaping as well!

  4. I got headaches in the beginning, I believe partly because of the switching to vaping, but i found that the PG base liquids in the beginning, dried out my mouth a bit, and on days I drink more water I had no headaches. So for me it was a combination I think of being dehydrated and adjusting to vaping in general.

  5. I just got 36 mg juice in my eye a few minutes ago! OUCH! The bright side is I'm getting a killer nicotine buzz but it is hard to enjoy when I feel like when Regan got holy water sprinkled on her on the Exorcist! MOMMY!!! :baby:

    ouch that sucks man!

  6. <rant> I think in our own right we all look for a good deal to a certain extent. Also conversely, when we do find something that we love, price starts to become in-material to a certain point. With analogs, we found a brand that we liked and went with it, I mean most of us that have switched to vapin know that now there are so many more options (flavors, mods, ect.) to try and experiment with. as for analogs well menthol or non menthol, lights or kings.. pretty much sums it up. no real experimentation there, just easiest way to buy em and go for it. With all you juice mixers and mod makers out there, I have so much to try and use, of course I'm gonna listen to feedback and look for deals! hehe. Anywho vapin crushes regualar smoking for sure! </end rant.>

  7. I thought the ego and spade were different battery wise? You mean the spade and the Janty Stick use the same? I like the spade over the JS (now retired except to charge my batteries for the spade since my charger walked away). I found the JS inconsistent for vapor production.

    yes I believe they were talking the spade and janty stick using the same 10440p batteries.

  8. Ok, so Jeffb brought up a good question about the 510. It's the "go to" device that everyone tells the noobies to go to first. Yes it's great, I can't deny it. And yes it produces lots of vapor and is usually at a reasonably good price,especially for someone just starting out. Now my question is...What happened to the good ol' 901??

    When I was looking for something next after my disaster with the Smoking Everywhere thing, many people told me "get the 901 it's got a good battery, produces good vapor and great flavor". They're still on the market, and many other devices use the 901 atty. So why is it that when asked what should I get it doesn't seem to make the list? My original 901 is still going and with the addition of the manual battery it seems to work at least as good as my 510's. Is there something about it I'm missing?

    Ok..so I've rambled enough...I just hope that someone can answer my question....tks.

    I totally understand where your coming from, I myslef started with a 901, and then got a 510. I still have my 901 and for flavor still beats the 510. easy of draw with auto batteries too! Easier to draw off a 901 with autos than a 510 IMO.

  9. It's amazing how much I love my home town (Milwaukee) and sometimes hate the state it's in. Out west in the "Peoples Republic of Madison," where political groups fight endlessly to save everyone from everything all of the time, exists Smoke Free Wisconsin. A group that, apparently, doesn't know the difference between smoke and vapor. I mostly knew them for their efforts to raise analog prices in Wisconsin. (They have been very good at that) Fortunately, I haven't spent a cent on analogs in more than a month. After reading their blog on the USA Today site, I decided to send them this...

    Dear friends at Smoke Free Wisconsin,

    My name is John Richards. I am a professional carpenter living in Milwaukee. I am an amateur photographer and currently I am serving as the president of the Riverwest Artists Association. I am 44 years old, and I started smoking approximately 22 years ago. I have quit a few times, using various products, but have always gone back to tobacco cigarettes.

    Recently, I found a blog on the USA Today site, which was apparently written by your Policy and Grassroots Specialist, Erich Pitcher. It contained some points on what he, and, I assume, Smoke Free Wisconsin, feel are the dangers of electronic cigarettes. I am frankly offended by and concerned with the position you have taken. Calling yourself an organization with a single focus, "reducing tobacco use in Wisconsin," and then using your time and resources to malign a product that 1) contains no tobacco, and 2) actually works to help thousands of people use something other than tobacco cigarettes is, in my opinion, a way for you to lose credibility with anyone who has done their own research into the use of an e-cigarette.

    I am not an ignorant man, I have made my own decision to use electronic cigarettes. As a result, I have not smoked a tobacco cigarette in 4 weeks, and have no desire to. I would like to explain to you what I have found in my own research, while going through some of the points of Mr. Pitcher's post.

    Most e-cigarettes are made in China, the source of lead-tainted toys and melamine-laced dog food.

    I'm shocked that Mr. Pitcher didn't point out that China is also a communist country that has a very questionable human rights record. If you're going to use scare tactics, you might as well go all out.

    When the FDA randomly tested the nicotine cartridges, it discovered carcinogens and a toxic chemical found in anti-freeze.

    Carcinogens? My alternative to electronic cigarettes is tobacco cigarettes, and you think I'm worried about carcinogens in e-cigs? Toxic chemical's? I must, again, assume something here, because Mr. Pitcher has "conveniently" not named the chemical. Propylene Glycol is commonly used in e-cig fluid. It is also a food additive, a moisturizer in medicines, cosmetics, toothpaste and mouth wash, and an emulsification agent in Angostura bitters. I hope, for your sake, that Wisconsinites do not find out that you have a problem with a necessary ingredient for a properly made Brandy Old Fashioned.

    Still, the most worrisome ingredient is nicotine itself.

    I simply do not understand your point here. Nicotine is, obviously, found in tobacco cigarettes. They are legal, and, no matter how high the prices go, I can afford to smoke. Nicotine has been, with some credence, vilified by anti-smoking groups. It is a drug, and an addictive one at that; but, it is one that I choose to use. I also use caffeine and alcohol. Someday, I will die, from something. While I am alive, I would like to be free to make choices involving what I think, what I do, and what I consume. Again, my alternative to e-cigs, is tobacco cigarettes.

    When I was young, my mother had a very large garden. One summer, she became so ill that my father had to take her to the emergency room. The doctor found out that she'd eaten an extraordinary amount of tomatoes in the previous few days, and told her she was having a reaction to the nicotine. I have not searched for an organization called, "Tomato Free Wisconsin." I don't think I will bother.

    E-cigarettes come in flavors — from traditional menthol to chocolate and strawberry — that might lure curious youngsters and prompt them to move on to the real thing. Distributors say their product is for adults only, but who's to stop young people from buying it?

    I like many of the fruit flavors, as well as the caramel and coffee flavors, and I am an adult who is able to legally buy and enjoy them. I have a 17 year old daughter. Who will stop her from buying e-cigs? The same people who keep her from buying alcohol, and tobacco now... me, and her mother.

    Despite protests from the Electronic Cigarette Association that its members don't make claims about helping smokers quit, plenty of sellers make far more outrageous health claims. In recent weeks, one marketer claimed e-cigarettes reduce the risk of heart disease and touted an endorsement by a physician-and-nurses group. Another website, which says it reviews e-cigarettes, went them one better: It claims, based on a 1942 study, that an ingredient in e-cigarettes could prevent flu and other respiratory diseases.

    I wonder if you bothered to talk to anyone who has started using e-cigs and, as a result, stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes, or if you've researched any statements by professional health care providers. You seem to be implying that no doctor or nurse could ever approve of the use of an e-cig. I have not found that to be the case.

    The real point that I would like to make about this statement is that you are fooling yourself if you do not realize that you are using the same tactics. You are just on the other side of the argument.

    If you would like to talk to someone who uses electronic cigarettes, and as a result, has stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes, please contact me using any of the information provided below. I look forward to an intelligent and fair discussion.


    John Richards

    Just wow, good for you!


  10. Congrats Luke - great news! Very happy for you.

    I use 24mg, but I like being jittery. :) If I wasn't jittery I wouldn't be me! ;) (j/k)

    Should be getting some 9mg from awesomevapor today ill let you know how that works in comparrison to the 18mg. would be nice to just bumpo it down to 9mg right off the bat, i wouldnt mind that at all.


  11. Just checked my tracking from Arno and looks like my 510 is waiting for me at the PO!!!! :D That was quick! Ordered it on Tuesday!!!! Im excited, can ya tell. Yippie!!!!!

    It's 12 degrees outside with a wind chill of -2. Im gonna bundle up and head up there. Got 4 cigs left, so I want to get this dude charging so I can aviod buying another pack. Will update when I get it going ;)

    Let me know what you think as I have the DSE-901 now, and like it, but may buy the 510, cause I'm enjoying vaping so far havet had an analog in almost a week now!

    Good Luck!


  12. So far i have been entirely too lazy to not just buy carts empty, they are cheap, i know i know you save more but refilling the cart filters, but im allready saving so much or money/life/health ect. i may just stick to the carts 4-5 bucks a box aint no big thing.


  13. right there wid ya on it luke yeah the 18mg got me a bit also but the 36 OMG man it took me back to that first analog moment almost

    Peace and vape out !!!



    ya I'm switching to the 9-11mg range on my next batch of juice, see how that goes, cause I'd rather vape more often, than less cause I'm to vaped! haha


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