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Posts posted by Celtic

  1. He never heard about the e-cigarette until I contacted him. I will be updating this topic until communication is finished with Chuck Pineda.

    His response and my replies:

    Chuck Pineda's response:

    I'm not a smoker. But I know that smoking, second hand smoke is killing thousands of Americans and costing us millions in health care.

    Yesterday, I read an article stating that American cigarettes have the highest concentration of cancer producing chemicals. And that not good for smokers or the general public.

    I never heard of electronic cigarettes and looked a your link to learn more. Thanks for that link.

    Does the electronic cigarette use any tobacco at all?

    My best,

    Chuck Pineda

    Democratic Candidate for Governor of California.

    My response:

    Good afternoon Chuck Pineda,

    No, the electronic cigarette contains absolutely no tobacco at all.

    I have tried to quit smoking so many times, and every time I tried to quit, I returned to smoke more then what I did before. I started smoking when I was 13 years old, I remember trying to tell my friends that I did not want to try cigarettes, and that worked for a few months until I gave into their constant asking, and that was it. I became a smoker.

    I was smoking 2 packs a day as of January 2010. I had finally found an electronic cigarette that was right for me and I have not had a tobacco cigarette since Feb 1st, 2010.

    My mother smoked for 45 years and I saw her struggle over the years of trying to quit and never could. She is the one who introduced me to the electronic cigarette. She has been smoke free for 6 months as well. She has stopped coughing at night and I never hear her cough throughout the day anymore. My grandmother, my mother's mother, died from emphysema and lung cancer, she was so very loved by so many of us, and I can't even tell you how we wished we would have found the e-cigarettes (electronic cigarette) back in 2003 when they were created.

    The FDA wants to stop the sale of the e-cigarette because they do not have enough information about them. But, please look at the evidence, the electronic cigarette is a safer alternative then smoking tobacco cigarettes.

    E-juice has to be used in order for the e-cigarette to work. It can also contain nicotine or it does not have to contain nicotine. I make my own e-juice, of course after much research and many questions I am confident in creating the e-juice. So I will tell you what my e-juice contains. It contains 4 ingredients sometimes 3: United States Pharmacopeia Grade Kosher Certified Vegetable Glycerin, United States Pharmacopeia Grade Propylene Glycol, nicotine certified by U.S. labs and extracted from American tobacco leaves, and flavoring that candy makers use. That is it. Now, my mother started at 24mg of nicotine as I did in the e-juice, but now she is at 0mg of nicotine and I am at 12mg of nicotine now. My mother can stop the e-cigarette completely if she wanted to, but she still needs the hand to mouth addiction of a cigarette. To someone who has never smoked, that probably sounds funny, but in my opinion the hand to mouth action is the greatest addiction of all for most smokers.

    I am also going to give a highly educated electronic cigarette user your email address to help explain more, so that you can understand our battle. His name is Christopher.

    I am going to give you a few links to look at, some will be videos on YouTube I really need you to see, a petition that has been started, and 2 huge forums that are only for electronic cigarette users:

    His response:

    It's all about money and profits. These super rich corporations don't want anyone lowering their profit margin. And their gubernatorial candidates represent their interest and referred to as the major candidates. We the people's candidates are referred to as the minor candidates.

    Some of these corporations are ruthless and can strong arm you or your product. Are you the inventor of the e-cigarette?

    While I was at Harvard I saw a movie and one drop of nicotine can kill a mouse! So I'm wondering what does it do to the body? The movie said it leads to cancer and other internal diseases.

    I appreciate the information. I didn't know what an e-cigarette was and never heard of it. I like it because it appears to replace the tobacco, however, nicotine is still used. Isn't some other ingredient that could replace the nicotine?

    My best,

    Chuck Pineda

    My response:

    Oh no, I am definitely not the inventor of the e-cigarette. They were invented in China back in 2003.

    Pure Nicotine can kill you with one drop, yes that is true. I never use Pure Nicotine. Nicotine like most things, in high dosage, can cause an overdose. I purchase Nicotine that is heavily diluted with PG (United States Pharmacopeia Grade Propylene Glycol). I believe that only certified labs exchange Pure Nicotine only between other certified labs, not to ordinary people or businesses. Nicotine does not cause cancer at all. Plain and simple, Nicotine is just a highly addictive ingredient that is found in tobacco leaves, which makes tobacco cigarettes habit forming. The FDA has approved over the counter Nicolette Gum and patches just because of the fact Nicotine does not cause a disease or cancer. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/33023.php

    "But nicotine isn't the bad guy. The bad guy is the smoke in tobacco," said Seidman, who also co-edited the book Helping the Hard-Core Smoker: A Clinician's Guide.

    The communities of e-cigarette users are very aware that the tobacco companies and Pharmaceuticals have their hand in wanting the e-cigarette banned. Of course we have no proof, but what we do have is common sense. The e-cigarette is as safe as over the counter Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRTs).

    So yes, I totally agree with you regarding Big Business Corporations. See, we figure that if a politician wants to help ban the e-cigarette, then we figure they are filling their pockets with big business money, because what other reason could there be? This country, We The People, are dying for a politician that cares true about, We The People. We also know that the past politicians have turned their back on We The People for profit and turned toward big business corporations.

    A country cannot be run this way. Ultimately a country will fall if it is run by Corporations, it doesn't take a scientist to figure that one out, but unfortunately, big businesses do not see that far, they only see as far as their pockets will take them.

    I do not know if there is another ingredient that can replace Nicotine, but what I do know is that in six months my mother went from using 24mg of Nicotine in an e-cigarette to 0mg of Nicotine, without mood withdrawals. If my mother can do it, I know anyone can. She smoked for 45 years.

    I gave Chuck some links to look at and I will put his response in this topic once I get it. Thanks all


  2. I am writing to find out how you feel about the Electronic Cigarette for a huge group of people.

    DrDave--> I am fine with any product shown to be safe and effective including electronic cigarettes supported by rational studies.

    Can you please tell me your views and if you would allow this safer alternative to not be banned in the state of CA if elected as Governor?

    DrDave-->banning safe and effective products from the market is always crazy; additionally, in this particular context, we have an epidemic of lung cancer and anything that reduces the risk for people is beneficial to all of us so I do not support banning this safe and effective product in California or anywhere else. Having cared for patients with lung cancer and other severe conditions related to traditional cigarettes, this is an area where I believe I am better informed and better able to support rational policy.

    UCLA & Santa Monica Hospital, Chief of Staff, Dr. David Baron talks about Electronic Cigarettes and their safety

    Part 1 - YouTube Video

    Part 2 - YouTube Video

    DrDave-->thanks for the reference and links - I am familiar with the product in general terms and know Dr Baron as well.

  3. Whats this? An intelligent response from a DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN? Hooah to that!!!

    Haha I only kid!! I hope I don't offend anyone, just a playful joke ;)

    Are you a jar head ... lol ... I can say that cause my son is one ...

    Anyway, don't you worry, I have also asked the republican party candidates also ... Lets see if they even respond.


  4. I wrote to all the Democrats that are on the ballot for Governor as I am a democrat. Here was Richard Aguirre response to my questions about the e-cig. Although, he did not answer my question whether he would ban them or not, so I will be writing back to him and show that response here. Seems like a safe answer to me.

    I think they are good. My sister has been a life long smoker and has been using it also to try to quit.

    Thanks for your support.


  5. It's time for electronics 101, and how it applies to PVs.

    Current flow (measured in amps) is the movement of electrons through a conductor. These electrons are sent out by the power source (volts) to act as the workers, and resistance (measured in ohms) is in the path of current flow and will slow the electrons (workers) down. Power (measured in watts) is the measurement of work being performed in the circuit, and will always manifest itself in the form of heat (doesn't that sound like heating up an atomizer to you?). Of course too much heat (power/watts) will pop the atty.

    Now for the math, and I promise it's not that complicated:

    A physicist by the name of George Simon Ohmdiscovered that there is a tight relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. This relationship can be described and predicted by mathematics, which has become known as "Ohm's Law". The basic statement of relationship is that voltage and current are directly proportional (when we increase voltage, current will increase as well), and that current and resistance are inversely proportional (when we increase resistance, current will decrease).

    Voltage = current multiplied by resistance

    Current = voltage divided by resistance

    Resistance = voltage divided by current

    Power = voltage multiplied by current

    Now let's apply Ohm's Law to a PV:

    A 3.7v device with a standard atty;

    Voltage 3.7v divided by an atty that is 3ohms = 1.23amps

    The heat produced by this is determined by the power in watts which is 3.7v multiplied by 1.23amps = 4.563watts

    We know this works, and we can use these numbers to compare the performance of the other combinations.

    A 3.7v device with a LR atty;

    3.7v / 1.5ohms = 2.46amps

    3.7v * 2.46amps = 9.126watts (remember, this is the heat)

    A 5v device with a standard atty;

    5v / 3ohms = 1.66amps

    5v * 1.66amps = 8.33watts (remember, this is the heat)

    A 5v device with a LR atty;

    5v / 1.5ohms = 3.33amps

    5v * 3.33amps = 16.66watts (remember, this is the heat.....POP)

    A 6v device with a standard atty;

    6v / 3ohms = 2amps

    6v * 2amps = 12watts (remember, this is the heat...on the bourder of POP)

    A 6v device with a HV atty;

    6v / 4.3ohms = 1.395amps

    6v * 1.395amps = 8.372watts (remember, this is the heat....is this really any better than a standard atty at 5v?)

    My ohm values for the attys are approximate, but you get the picture. This really answers all the questions "will this work with this?", "will that work with that?". I also think that anyone dabbling in making their own mods should understand these basics when choosing components that will work well together, and avoid injury.

    Huh? What was that? What do you mean?


  6. Hi guys,

    The lady that does my hair wants me to purchase her an e-cig and I believe the THE LADY VYPR-510 is the best fit for her since she smokes almost a pack a day. I need to purchase this tonight, but I just found out that is does not come with an atomizer. Will the low resistance atomizers work on the VYPR or is the VYPR to strong for it???

    Also, does anyone know the phone number to VaprLife? My mom ordered a Passthrough from them, but it took forever to get it and I need to receive it before Wednesday. Does it usually take them a long time to receive an order from them?



  7. I just want you guys to know that I would so be willing to travel to Sacramento and picket to the point I might get thrown in jail!

    I feel that slowly our freedom rights are being taken all by greed of the corporate world. This country is being controlled by big businesses and I am sick of it. We are becoming an freedom-less country little by little.

    If alcohol and smoking tobacco is a freedom right then so should vaping of an electronic cigarette!! I am not asking to use heroin or cocaine!!

    If they ban the e-cig I will be the first to go to jail for it cause I REFUSE to stop using it!! I guess I will become a felon in fighting for my freedom to vape instead of smoke tobacco!

    I did have an idea of course... We really should start doing some footwork in educating the public on the e-cigarettes before they are banned. Sitting in front of grocery stores, swamp meats, and of course the big one "coming together in so many numbers that the press would have to televise it". Maybe even ask for signatures in front of supermarkets and other places. Is that possible?

    If we wait until they ban them then it will be almost impossible to educate the public to help us fight for our rights.

    What it boils down to is that this isn't just about the e-cigarette, it is about our freedom as a whole! If they find a cure for cancer, which there is speculation that they have, will we know about it? Probably not as millions are made from cancer. There are many issues we can look at!

    We need to take back our country as it is use who make it a country! We need to bring it back to the land of the free and not the land of the corporate world.

    Okay, California is getting ready to vote on June 8th... does anyone know who to not vote for that will want to ban the sale of ecigs or is there a governor that does not oppose the sale of electronic cigarettes? If no one know yet then after I do my research I will be sure to post it as soon as I know something.

  8. Great find celtic. They have some nice large volume syringes too, which is the best way I've found to measure accurately.

    Thanks! I can't tell you how happy I was to find another US supplier ... I have been waiting since February for LF to get stock in and almost ordered from FA in Italy until I found Freedom Smoke USA ... Now I am all happy!! :thumbsup:


  9. I found a new supplier for Flavour Art and the bottles.... FreedomSmokeUSA.com and you can use the coupon code "celtic" ;) I could not find a code for nothing until I asked and they gave me that one ... lol ... I thought that was so awesome!!

    They are very nice and seem to be a mom and pop business in Arizona... They are new but have stock!!! I put in my order!


  10. I went over to Liberty Flights to look at their flavorings and plastic bottles. They have a very limited stock of items. Anybody know whats going on with them?

    I found a new supplier for Flavour Art and the bottles.... FreedomSmokeUSA.com and you can use the coupon code "celtic" ;) I could not find a code for nothing until I asked and they gave me that one ... lol ... I thought that was so awesome!!

    They are very nice and seem to be a mom and pop business... They are new but have stock!!! I put in my order!

    Hope that helps jeff.

  11. I so got my JOKER!!! :D I am so excited!!! I also got mine in black as I know all color atomizer will work great. Vaprlife had it in titanium, which I was so very curious about, but without seeing an actual picture of it I did not feel comfortable getting that color. So, I got the black one from Vapor Talk Store!!! Thank you again Chris for the JOKER being available in your Store!!

    So, does this mean that some people will be utilizing the classified section for the SPADE now ... lol ...

    Also, does this mean that the Joker might just be able to tell us if we are actually not purchasing a Joye 510 when we thought we were. As in, if the retailer says it is a Joye 510 atomizer but it is actually a SOB, oh, I mean a SLB or any other knock off? lol :whistle:

    P.S. Thank you Jeff for ordering it before it is sold out because I could not.

    Also, if anyone lives close to Skate Express (skating rink) in Chino, CA do not ever give them your credit card info over the phone to reserve a birthday party for your child because you might have charges that you never created yourself on that credit card, which happened to me. So, thank you again Jeff, SOOO MUCHHH, for helping me out until I receive my new card.

    Chris, I was just wondering why you do not use PayPal? Do they not allow ecig products to be sold through them or is it just the ejuice that is not allowed or is it because it's more costly then CC companies? ... lol... okay thank you!!

  12. I started doing a little search to find some more info on Calif SB 882 and found this. Interesting but I don't believe it is accurate unless I am reading the bill incorrectly. It is a long and somewhat boring document.

    Click on the link and scroll to SB 882.


    So does this mean that we are against SB 400 and not SB 882, as SB 882 is only the sale to minors. I am confused ... Is www.center4tobaccopolicy.org working for us or against us? Is their publication correct or are they trying to move us away from the SB 882 by making us think it is only regarding the sale to minors. I wouldn't put it past anyone who might be receiving money from the tobacco industry. Help ... we really need to be mentioning the right bill.



  13. I could swear I found a site that was selling the Joye 510 with the mega batteries instead of the regular 510 batteries. Does anyone know where those are being sold ... If there is more then one place please let me know... I like options

    I would like to keep some on hand for people I come in contact with that would like to buy them that know nothing about the internet.



  14. If someone is on oxygen with enphasima (sp?) and wants to start vaping because they really miss the hand to mouth but will not need the nicotine do you guys think that would be a good or bad idea ... or please give me any input you have?

    Can it hurt the lungs at all in this case?


  15. ahhhh, I just luv it when someone has had the same problem...makes me feel like I'm NOT crazy after all!! Thanks for the info for ordering some VG from the Picasso site; I think I'll do that. I love my 810...but this is ridiculous..no vaper..now that's just plain not fun at all!! I do have manual batteries but after only 3 weeks..they are not charging quickly and definitely not holding a charge like they were when I first received them. I would swear that I read that these batteries lasted for at least 300 charges? How are the batteries doing on your Spade? How would you compare them to the 801's for how long they last before having to re-charge? I ordered a Spade today because this is driving me nuts and I DO NOT want to go back to analogs...EVER!! Thanks for your help..this is a great place for info :)

    The SPADE Batteries seem to be just fine ... it seems that they last a bit longer then the 801 but that might be because I am not constantly feeling like I need a smoke with the SPADE like I was with the 801 ... But, ya the first few weeks with the 801 was great and then the batteries did the same thing to me ... The SPADE batteries are so much more less then the 801 batteries ... I just got mine so I do not know how long of a life these batteries have ....

    JEFF, how long will the SPADE batteries live?? lol ... thanksz Jeff in advance for the answer....


  16. I have used the 510, 801, and SPADE.

    I like the SPADE much better then the others ... I looked up the eGo and noticed that their batteries are very expensive compared to the SPADE batteries ... But I would recommend the SPADE. I have never tried the eGo though.


  17. I thought I had the hang of this....have an 801 and my "first" liquid was from Liquid Express..medium nic. Everything was all great..lots of vapor; sometimes too much! hehe. Then I ordered new liquid from Vapor Talk; still med. nicotine, and VERY LITTLE VAPOR...I feel like I am sucking air most of the time. Sometimes, not always, after I try to "puff" maybe 10 times or more, then it might finally get going but still very "airy"...; but most of the time I just clean it out and go back to the Liquid Express. The Vapor Talk liquid seems "thinner" or something. Do different liquids make more vapor? And some make hardly any? Are their "differences".....I'm pretty frustrated because I haven't had an analog since the day I started with the e-cig but this just won't cut it!!! I have very little Liquid Express..and 3 brand new bottles of Vapor Talk Juice and I sure would love to be more happy with it. Any suggestions please! Also, I've tried cleaning out the atomizer, blowing it out, letting it cool off....different amounts of drops..anywhere between 2-4....Maybe the nic is different...could that make a difference in the amount of vapor?

    Also, has anyone ever gotten a battery that just seem week all the time; like even after being on the charger for two hours it just is not as strong as the other batteries I have.. I've only had my 801 e-cig from Vapor King for 3 weeks. Are my "parts" already wearing out?

    You know I had the same problem with my 801s .... VT ejuice didn't give off enough vapor with my 801 but did with my 510 and does with the SPADE I recently purchased... I loved my 801 at first until about 3 weeks in and my batteries started to die on me ... My sister purchased an 801 manual battery (button on the battery) and said that it worked so much better then an automatic one. But, we still do not know yet how long that battery will survive as she just purchased it.

    What I did before I purchased my SPADE, I purchased some VG from Picasso Moon Soaps and Styles ... and added a little bit to the VT ejuice ... it will cut down the nicotine lvl but it brings up the vapor lvl a whole lot. I now always use half of the ejuice and half VG just because I love vapor ... lol ... But it is definitely the 801 and not the juice ... same thing happened to me on my 801 that I no longer use or will purchase due to the longevity of the model...

    I have also found that it takes forever to kick in a new atomizer and sometimes a new atomizer works right away ... weird ... I had to give my mother the atomizers to put on her PassThrough to get them working in 5 minutes ... lol ... hope this was helpful


  18. Thank you everyone! Now I can tell her which atty to buy! =D She already has the xox and is paying 20 for just one atty. Which is a little insane to me as we got ours for 10. If she does want another in the future I will refer her to the 510 as my hubby loves his. =D Thank you again everyone!

    That is definitely an 801 ... I purchased 2 kits of the 801 and a lot of atomizers and batteries ... I have to agree that the Joye 510 is a better model and quality. I have had a lot of trouble with the 801, but still not sure if it was where I purchased it from or just not as good as the 510 I started with... so definitely go to the VP supporting suppliers forum and choose from there as I should have done. Also, my sister purchased a manual battery for the 801 and said they work so much better!!! The batteries with the button ...

    Also, I have purchased one Joye 302 atomizer to go onto my 801 and I like that atomizer better .... I believe that the Joye 302 atomizer is recommended over the 801 atomizer.

    Although, I really like the SPADE I purchased better then any other ecig so I would recommend that before the 510.


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