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Posts posted by Mox

  1. I had similar issues with blueberry flavor lol

    not kidding

    I ordered 30 ml of 12 mg blueberry and vaped it in ~6 days and that stuff was some bad experience for me as well

    never had any issues with other flavors though

    I had ordered 30 ml watermelon and 30 ml strawberry as well from the same vendor and these didnt cause me any problems

    might be something with the flavoring and not vaping itself that causes issues...

    stay away from blueberry

  2. I vape 3-7 ml of 12 mg strength liquid

    Im okay with that because I started vaping to get rid of the tobacco being burned to get my kick.

    I cant imagine any more harmful method to get my kick than burning the substance...

    I ordered some DIY supplies (plenty actually) and Im planing on reducing my does by 0.5 -1 mg per month ~

    My goal is to cut it down to 3 mg by the end of the year.

    Im not yet certain if im actually doing this because I feel like a vaping addiction isnt bad at all. Look at other drug addicts or gambling or computer gaming.

    Vaping wont kill me or toss me out of social structure.

    Vaping is a ******* alpha drug habit :yes

  3. I've not tried rebuilding a CE2 tank carto, but at less than $2 a piece, I have no problem tossing them and popping in a fresh one when the draw gets tight (which hasn't happened yet after several weeks of use). I keep waiting on my 3Ω single coil CE2 to die so I can replace it with a new LR dual-coil CE2 I just got, but the single-coil just won't die!

    In my opinion, they taste just as good as a poly-filled tank carto, but I haven't experienced any leaking like I did with regular tank cartos. I can also say that, at least in my experience, the CE2s don't require the power that poly-filled cartos need to give you great taste, throat hit, and vapor. At 6 watts, my single-coil CE2 behaves like my old single-coil tank cartos did at 8+ watts. It's like the coil gets hotter with less power for some reason.

    Maybe it's because, as you can see in the photo below, the coil is very exposed to the draw path. It's almost like a drip atty coil instead of a coil surrounded by poly-fill, as in traditional tank cartos.


    Ill have to try one of these :yes

    I love the concept behind it

  4. I'm in the same camp as Uma. Rebuildable genesis atomizers are the cleanest flavor I've come across. But you are right the silica rebuildables should perform similarly to the Vivi. The genesis atomizers do have their drawbacks though. You can't lay them down on their sides. They can be a bit frustrating to set up at first. But the flavor is bar none. I have never had the CE2, 3s, or 4s ever work for me. I have to say that the Vivi novas are the most consistent but even then it's hit or miss. And good god they suck down juice faster than Mark at an open bar. Lol ya know ya can set up a Vivi Nova with a SS mesh wick? Here's a video.


    I just ordered some wires and 3mm fiberglass mesh recently to rebuild my Vivi Novas.

    The Vapor quality improved but it started to suck down my juice faster than a hooker.

    I'm afraid that the SS wick will do pretty much the same with slightly cleaner taste (I looked up some vids and reviews about genesis style and they said it uses up juice very fast)

  5. What do you guys prefer and why.

    Personally I tried the Vivi nova and boge catomizers yet.

    I have no experience with these rebuild able atomizers out there but I suppose that they serve pretty much the same quality hit that a Vivi nova does.

    I always felt like the Vivi nova isn't as intense and satisfying as a boge carto.

    My personal fav is the carto tank.

    Whats your favorite everyday vape "system"?

    Atomizer or Catomizer?

  6. thx for the replays

    another question

    whats the difference between a high and a low vg concentration looking at the produced vapor?

    alot of stores offer different vg/pg ratios to select


    what ratio works best with cato tanks from your experiance?`I want to avoid dry hits due to the viscosity of the liquid. I assume that a high vg content produces a better vape and therefor it would be lovely to know the optimal "breakpoint" for my tank system at which i can vape with optimal output and w/o dry hits looking at the ratio.


    i decided to go with cato tanks

    I didnt want to spam the forum with topics

  7. Okay so here are a few other point that i want to ask

    1. I got the suggestion by


    to get my self some Boge cartomizers

    are the a cetain trademark under the name Boge or what does it stand for?

    The problem is that im from europe and I dont want to shop anything from outside of eu because i dont want to pay the increadibile high amount of ship + the damn Eust. that comes with it...

    Ill have to snipe that right product on amazon and small european suppliers and thats complicated to find the right item.

    2. I took a closer picture of the more smaller things that i got to make sure that these are actually catomizers.

    The big silver one is one of the black ones of which I removed the black plastic wrap.i

    The box is in which they came in.

    I got no exass to my order so y ^^

    and the small thing on the right came in a seperate package.



    Is there any advatage in having more than one tip?

    can they get worn out soon?


    should i get different catomizers?


    I looked for the "Boge cartomizers" on amazon and these appear to have the best rating among the options that poped

    are these the right size and ohms for a provari (501?)

    For me the goal that i set is getting a setup that allowes me to do the following:

    Having the option to vape on the higest voltage possibile and then constantly reducing the voltage to regulate the amount of vape set free to slowly reduce the amount of nikotin set free on a long period of time.

    I see that the provari has these fine voltage and ohm settings which according to my sources are more accurade than those of other devices.

    now i cant rly tell if that makes it possibile to do what i explained above but if so I want a catomizer that allowes me to do this at least to a certain decrease by setting it higher and then lower then buying a lower nikotin concentration liquid and repeat

    i think thats pretty much all that I got left on questions.

    Thx guys ! :kiss:

  8. So this is going to be my first post on this forum!

    So ye Hi all :yes

    I decided to quit smoking for the sake of maintaining my lung capacity and other reasons.

    I started to check the inet for options and figured that vaping could be the solution for me.

    So I went ahead and watched tons reviews on all sort of different devices and stuff.

    I came to the conclusion that a Provari s the right choice for me because I want to keep this real u know :D

    So here is a foto of the equip that i currently got


    Whats still missing out is my Prive tank

    it should arrive within the next 2 weeks i believe.

    So thats my start point

    theres my questions:

    I watched a video about the prive tank

    at 3:28 he shows a catomizer with holes in it.

    I got 5 atomizers right now in my set which are for what ever u use them for

    im clueless.

    All i know are the products available but i have no idea how to use em.

    I started by filling the atomizer and then vaping right out of it w/o a tip...not rly that great ;D

    So well y

    What kind of catomizer will I need?

    Also are these holes diy or am i might even able to use a atomizer instead of a catomizer and do the same thing?

    more confusion incoming

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