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Posts posted by mergryphon

  1. The guy in the video cut up a knock-off Q-tip that had a hollow plastic rod, so I looked for those at the drugstore this morning, but no luck. I don't have the ability to go out and search the hobby and hardware stores right now. So give me some ideas, please!

    I couldn't find them at the drug store either, they were mostly the brand name kind with cardboard or paper based swabs. I found them in the grocery store drug aisle. Must only be the really cheap knock offs are plastic :)

  2. ddavelarsen, I agree, vaping doesn't quite fulfill the after meal smoke like an analog did. I do agree with you though, it after meal vape doesn't burn per say but it does taste a little different.

    I agree with NeRo9k and Chris, its not quite the same, but you can get used to it. I'm not perfect on avoiding the analogs, but when I get a craving I try to reach for the PV first.

    Some of the flavors are amazing as a desert substitute, especially being diabetic. I'm digging Ms. T's Bakery Essentials Chocolate Brownie, you'd swear you were eating brownie batter before it bakes, and the bananas foster coffee will knock your socks off.

    I can't help it, I like it rich and sweet! VT Store needs more sweet stuff!

  3. What mg juice do you use? I had to go to 36mg to even think about getting me off analogs, and even here I cheat and smoke a cig every now and then. I've thought about stepping up to 48, but I think I'll be fine staying at 36 with a cig here and there. A pack will last me a week now. Thats at least 1/15th of what I used to smoke!

    Yep, I have a bunch of 30-36 and a couple of 48's. It helps, but there are still moments. 2 of the 36s and 48s I got were from tastyvapors. I just don't like them at all, very harsh chemical taste, even though they were sweet and not tobacco flavors.

  4. *Whew* No E-Cigs anonymous for me after all. But I think it's still time to slow down lol.

    I think I need some e-cigs anonymous. :( I just wanna try it all!

    Mostly 'cause I still have a desire for one of those 15 analogs I have left from the carton I bought two days before my first PV arrived. Not bad considered a carton used to last maybe a week, but not perfect yet.

  5. DIPPING, I want to try Dipping. Mostly because I find dripping to be a horrid pain in the backside. Or, I'm just bad at it. Looking to try something I can drip around the house.

    I was looking at the M401 Dragon, but I've since seen things about the 306.

    I have a 510, multiple batteries for it, a VP1, a VP-PT and a KR808D-1 (Vapor King). Should I get the 306, simply because it interchanges with all the 510 stuff and adapters I already have?

  6. I agree 100 %, and I apologize, I should NOT have made that reference, and politics does NOT belong in this thread. I did not intend to offend you, or ANY democrat, or republican, or ANYONE. I do have very strong beliefs, and in theory I stand by what I said, but it did NOT belong here. Again, please accept my apology.

    Happily accepted. :) Lets agree to ignore the party politics and just keep the FDA from negatively impacting our healthy choice.

  7. @jmhester - Couldnt agree more ! Those type of people have names - Ellen Corbett , Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore , Barack Obama , Nancy Pelosi ....... the list goes on and on. They believe thier way is the ONLY way, and INSIST that everyone conform to it. Those that dont are sub-human and dont deserve the same RIGHTS that they have, the right to CHOOSE. There was once a sick and twisted little hypocrite from Austria who had the same opinion and views. His way or the gas chamber. I REALLY dont see a difference between them.

    *blink* Wow. Could we leave politics out of it, before it becomes nasty. 'Cause wow, if that is your understanding of the democratic platform I'm insulted on their behalf.

    Hitler was a facist which is usually considered 'anti-marxism' and on the right, conservative, side of the political spectrum. If anything democrats lean to the liberal left, and perhaps socialism.

  8. I have been using a small phillips head screwdriver that would fit the mouthpiece hole insert just enough to pry out rotating around to loosen evenly, and yes the inside edge will get bent if you pull too hard.They do loosen up well after removing a few times and dont take as much effort.When they get looser i use a large thumbtack to remove them it catches the o-ring and the cover at the same time.

    Hope that helps and go slow with them when they are new...

    Thanks Steve, I will give that a try. I did try a thumbtack too, and can see where that might work more easily when they get loose.


  9. I don't understand how anyone that is currently an analog cigarette smoker and try's vaping would not be able to just drop analogs instantly.

    How could someone not want to stop alltogether when this absolutely perfect alternative exists? It want even a 2nd thought for me and I wish he would just quit already.

    Well, I must just be a horrible idiot then, 'cause I still sneak analogs in there. :P

    Especially at first. What strength juice did you give him? I started with 18mg and that was just not enough, I still wanted the real thing badly. Its much better with some of the 24mg I've gotten, and I'm down to just one or two a day. When these are gone I'm just going to try not buying any more. Either that, or I need to get even stronger juice to completely kick them.

  10. Does anybody use a USB converter in their car? I've used mine with the Janty Stick but not the VP-PT. I wonder if it would work with the VP.

    I use the car usb adapter that came with my vaporking ultimate kit to charge batteries and power the vaporking usb pt. I just got a replacement for the defective 510 usb pt, so I'll have to try that off the same car usb adapter when I go out again.

    Looking at the VP-PT longingly, but I'm not sure I'm such a heavy vaper that I need it. Although, I love my VP1. (which has nice PURPLE lights, no Spade for me till they gots purple. :)

  11. Until then watch your diet,try to exercise and take your meds.These are the most important factors in controlling sugars.Even if vaping does cause minor rises in sugars doing the right things should cancle that out.

    That's where I am with the whole issue. The benefits of stopping smoking far outweigh any small blood sugar spikes I might see. If I were getting rises like the first poster said, far into the 200s my stance would change.

  12. I use a non-toxic paint pen to mark them with something that let's me know what they are. (B=banana, GS=Grape Soda, etc.) I usually put it on the side that your lips really don't touch, near the atomizer. I know you can see it, but i don't mind. Now juice that leaks out the cart will wear it off but it helps and it can always be re-applied or cover it with a small piece of clear tape to protect it!! Hope this helps!! You can also get paint pens in a fine tip so it is not so noticeable. I use metallice gold!! It matched the threads on my 510 :) hehehe!!

    Cool. Does it come off easy enough to redo when you change flavor's constantly? Or an I going to need one cart per flavor?

  13. I don't think government intervention is needed.

    Well, that government intervention thing is exactly my problem. I work for the government, in a government owned and controlled building. I'm afraid to find the right, building/HR/whatever people I'd need to ask for permission who'd have to go up heck knows what chain of command to get a ruling. :(:blink:

    Hence, I stealth in my cubicle or outside. Okay, occasionally when I'm in the raised floor data area, which is huge and easy to hide between racks of routers and switches. :) Hopefully vapor isn't harmful to extremely expensive Cisco equipment.

  14. LOL ! I have the SAME friggin problem ! Im just not smart enuff to figure this one out, but, I just bought different colored carts to make it easier, RY4 goes in the whithe cart, 555 goes in the black, and I have a little cup for Camel so if the cart is in there I know what it is. If someone has a better idea, LET ME KNOW !

    There aren't enough colors! Seriously, I have like 10 each filled with a different flavor! If I only liked or used 3 or so, different colored carts would work fine.

    And blast it, I keep getting the funky pen tips when I order pre-filled or blanks. I want the completely round ones, I only have 5 of those. :(

  15. Anyone have any tips or tricks for labeling those blank 510 carts after you've filled them? I've tried strips of post it notes, they come off, I've tried taping little paper tubes with writing around them, it smears.

    I just can't always tell what's in the cart by smell. ;( And I like taking an assortment of flavors and strengths out and about for me. Never know what I'll be in the mood for vaping. And with 10-20 of the little buggers now, its getting hard to remember what's in what. :)

  16. Curious, vaping PG or VG?

    As far as I know all the juice I have is PG, and the cartomizer stuff is all PG.

    I take Metformin and Actos, and follow a low glycemic index type diet.

    I talked to my Doctor two days before I started vaping, she was all for it once I showed her the information and explained what was in the juice, etc.

    It is possible the VG juice might have an effect on blood sugar, some vegetables are very high in natural sugars, such as peas and corn.

  17. I picked the 510 for it's size and I already have an 801 so if I fail in the intervention LOL then I will have a 510 for my very own...

    I love my 510, but I would only suggest that to someone who isn't going to mind tinkering with carts and filling and juice. For converting someone who may not want to mess with all that, I'd get a cartomizer unit.


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