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Everything posted by Undertakershrug

  1. So I've read some news of exploding devices. So I'm a little worried because I don't know anything about batteries or chargers. How do you know if a charger will work for your ecig? More specifically I've got a tornado mega ego-c which has a 1000 mah battery 3.7 volt 3.2v to 4.8v regulated output. And I've got this charger http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/tornado-ego-c-e-nic/tornado-mega-powered-usb-charger-product.html ... So how do we has consumers know if these work together?
  2. so i bought a tornado MEGA ego-c with variable voltage, 6ml dual coil tank, and titanium ice eliquid. After trying an ecig a year or two ago, the one they sell in gas stations, i didnt think i would ever do it again. But i saw a youtube video of this device and i thought id give it a try. IT IS AMAZING. I was just getting it to smoke in my house and in school, but now i havent had an analog since. Ive had my camels in my pocket the whole time and actually rather vape. SOOO now im hooked. and now my mom and girlfriend want one to quit smoking, and im thinking i might also didnt buy the best device for me. so my questions for the ladies of my life: is there a decent ecig that is anywhere close as good as mine that is pretty close to the size of an analog. one smokes a pack a day so battery life could be an issue as well as strength of eliquid. as for me. i want the best throat and lung hit out there, i want the a device that holds a ton of liquid (though im vaping less than 2ml a day i dont want to ever run out during the day), im liking the higher voltage, i dont care about size or ugliness. So what are some suggestions of other devices out there? i am also confused what about breaks on these things? i need to buy extras of whatever does because i wont be able to last with my ecig. Thanks and hello everyone. DId i mention i love vaping?
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