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Everything posted by kiahnlliya

  1. So, an update... My DCT cartomizers and 6ml tank arrived today. The main difference that I've noticed is that the vapor is warm when I use the DCT. Kind of startled me at first, that one... Also, there is a lot of throat hit, much more than before. So much that I think I'm going to go from using a medium liquid to a low one. But maybe it's only while the cartomizer is spanking new? I guess I'm weird complaining about too much throat hit... All in all though, very interesting! There's also more taste in the vapor compared to before! I love the fact that the tank holds tons of e-liquid so I don't constantly have to refill and exchange those damn cartridges!
  2. You know, now that I've stopped dryburning my attys they seem to work better. I didn't dryburn yesterday and the atty is still fine today, so that's definitively noticeable improvement! I've also tried the "hard dry hit" method when the juice seems to not be flowing, and it works very well! It also helps if I take the cartridge out, put it back in and twist it a bit before every vaping session. No more burnt taste and weak vapor! Yay! I still have my tank + DCT cartomizers on the way too so I can't wait to try those out as well.
  3. Hmm! I'm not sure if it's PG or VG... I'm using this right now: http://www.thevapourstore.ie/e-liquid/cat_15.html It doesn't say on the bottle either... Danpio, I think the ones I ordered are pre-punched! I also ordered a syringe per your recommendation. Thanks again guys for the replies, you're great!
  4. Hehe, cool... I just 10 minutes ago ordered some DCT cartomizers and a 6ml tank, to try out the world of cartomizers... I was hoping that I made the right decision and didn't order bad quality stuff, then I saw your post and now I feel more confident about my blind purchase! That is exactly what mine looks like!
  5. Thank you both for your helpful answers!! Sounds like I should lay off the dry burning then. How would you recommend I clean them instead? Do people boil them in water to clean them, or what? After some usage, my attys seem to get to the point where the coil doesn't glow anymore when I press the button. That's why I have been dry burning them, because when dry burning the coil will start to glow again. I thought that was how it was done...
  6. Hello, new member saying hi. I have some problems with my Joye eGo-C. I'm using the default cartridges and atomizers since I'm still very new to all this. My atomizers don't last very long at all. Usually they last around 2 days before they start to give a burnt taste to the vapor. I have read about cleaning them, and I have been feverishly dry-burning them as soon as they've become gunky around the coil. It doesn't really seem to help at all. While I am dry-burning them, they give off this very burnt smell (of course), and no matter how long I dry burn it, I always end up with this burnt taste in my mouth afterward. Also, if I take the cig apart and clean everything off with a paper towel so all the parts are nice and dry, but as soon as I put a cartridge in and take just one single drag, the atomizer will have liquid all over it, on the outside of it. I try to vape using long, slow drags always, so I don't think it's about me trying to smoke my e-cig like an analog. I have now ordered tons of replacement silicone tips for my cartridges, thinking that that might be the problem. I'm going to try changing the tip every time I refill the cartridge to see if that helps. I don't know if that's what people usually do? Sorry for the not-so-coherent post!
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