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Everything posted by element77

  1. the links are very helpful, so I purchased a Triple vee from Tim at Beast and it is WOW! I wish I had known vaping could be so fun. Now I'm in the learning curve phase, it seems I keep clogging up cartomizers and getting stinky and burned atomizers. I've been drip tiping it, pre-filled cartos seem the most consistent vape so far, I've filled my own w/ fluid (tom's vapor) not super tasty and been ditching the spent atty's and cartos. Maybe gone through 2 atty's and a non-filled carto in this first week. Tim was a great help in helping me find a product that would grow w/me and not need to be replaced right away. Now if I can get the hang of filling cartos or dripping the right amounts I'll be set. I might just need a different brand of Juice. Thanks everyone!
  2. I mostly want something than can handle chain smoking like the way I did w/analog's, what set up can handle that? you know basically smoking nails all day long while working or playing the good old days, but not as harmful!! I spoke w/Tim "The Beast" and I think a VVV vector variable volt will handle from my first experience till the technology is hypersonic, My Janty has got to have a purpose other than making me spend more money. Thanks everyone for the info. I've learned so much in just a short time at least how to communicate on the subject in some primitive form )
  3. Alright so should I skip all the egokgoct and just go variable vvv?
  4. Thanks for your service. huah!
  5. Thanks, excellent feedback, I really don't know the differences in EGO vs KGO or joye/janty/rivia? My biggest concern is buying something that won't be compatable w/something else. i.e. I dig the feel of a traditional pipe and I can't afford a protopype, but janty has something just to hold onto for fun the (kuwako) ego compatable, kgo? Also I like hooking my janty stick to the computer like now, but some of the ego Iv'e seen you can on the end and some you have to buy a pass-through, Keep the info and where you get your stuff, cause going to the grocery store ain't looking like an option on this one:)!
  6. First let me start off by saying this Forum is great. I've been lurking for a couple days and I've read lot's of opinions. I've been analog free since Jan, 12 2012. I've been vaping disposable's all that time, mostly hayze-e's, I'm down to the 6mg strength. the store where I purchase is always hit or miss on stock, so I finally bought a rechargeable (Janty-stick). I'm gonna say it's terrible, I've never tried someone's PV that was as good as my disposable's, so I don't want to go down the path most do and have a shoe box full of stuff that works some or not at all or better. My wife wanted to divorce me over cigarettes and still doesnt' get the vaping:( So I can't buy a bunch of crap. I need recommendation on getting straight to it. So do I buy EGo's, or do I get the triple V (variable vector volt) I only have the supplies my janty stick came with, so really no experience w/atty's or cartomizer's. I have a bottle of juice and I'll drip it onto the atty by pulling the mouth piece off, but only slightly better and still not consistent, and terrifying while driving!! What'll you think? Thanks,
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