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Posts posted by stubear62

  1. Brian,

    I just put in the video section a video on how to clean the cart on the 510 after you get juice in the mouth.

    Just as I didn't know about it either, I found out by accident.

    Check it out when it gets published. (its an old one and out of sync, sry.)

  2. My throat was a tad soar but I was fine.

    Shoot, I was 15 and on New Years Eve, I had my brother buy my friends and I a fifth of (shudders) southern comfort each and a Qt of Bud each. Well, I not only had my 5th but what ever my friends didn't finish I had.

    I went home @ 3am and walked in my neighbors home, watched his TV and ate his food. Then I realized we didn't have a B&W TV. I looked and "OMG" I was in a diff home!

    Well, I got home, went to bed (@ this time it was spinning so bad, I thought I was on a merry go round)

    All I know is when I woke up (now its 3pm and crappy out) I went upstairs and well, to this day I cannot stand the smell of SC.

  3. I do NOT want to step on any toes, but YES the folowing do offer 100% VG .

    DIY Flavor Shack



    My Freedom Smokes

    There are a few more but with 90%VG and 10%PG (PG is base in with the nicotine)

    These ones here have the Nic with VG base and do the 100% VG juice.

    Also, the PG base and PG juice will tend to cause a mild upswing with-in the acne dept. (I know this for fact, it happed to me)

    I only have this from the Dekang brand anyways.

    Even though the EcoPure is slated as 100%VG it is NOT. It has distilled water in it and thus isn't 100% VG. Just MO.

    Sry to step on any toes but this needed correction as I had researched this for over a month and its what I have found out. (okay, commence the beatings)


  4. Thats good Brian.

    I had decided to go with the KR808D-1 for the reason of that all my wife needs to do is switch the cartomiser and puff away. I will refill the empty ones for her and now she has one of my 2 510 batts to help her so she doesn't need to go outside and smoke.

    She is liking it and even refilling carts herself. But when I get the 808 for her in, which is her xmas gift (early of coarse) then she can take it with her to work and no need to refill.

    All that needs to be done is unscrew the empty one and put on the new one. I told her to save the empty ones and I will refill for her. This way I can see how well it is and it can sit on my desk until the next day so then it is easier for her.

    Just the way I am, I always try to make my Wifes life easier so she can be a happy woman.

  5. Sorry, Green. I didn't get that much, just enough to do some bad **** to the throat, thats all.Oh, and heart burn.

    Its about done now. And, yes as far as the face going numb. But a bit more than that. I rinsed out my mouth with about 5 gals of water (felt like it) and I use to, on dare drink Habanero Hot Sauce for $ when I was 16 to 18. No problem there. This was 100 times worse.blink.gif

  6. Hurt? Ummm, no not at all.

    I feel like I swallowed gasoline, no wait, its worse than gas...

    My throat is just starting to feel better, I didn't have much, just enough to feel the FIRE and ACID burning in the throat..

    Talk about heart burn. LOL

    I'll be fine, just need another morphine tab. LOL

    I did smell it before really taking a lot in, so its not that bad now. But before, holy S**T! That sux.wacko.gifblink.gif

  7. Yeah, ok. I went and got a bottle of everclear, a 200ml size for $6.47.

    Well, I opened it up and smelled it, WOW!! Thats strong. noexpression.gif

    Pured a little bit in a glass and was going to use it on one of my 2 atty's to see how well it cleaned it. I had a cough all of a sudden and needed to drink some water (which was in a glasss like the everclear). It made the cough worse.

    OMG!!! I drank it up!?!

    Hmmm, talk about a very harsh burning sansation in the throat. OMG!!! I still have it and I did this @ 5pm (est) today.

    To think I had just taken my morphine tab and boy what it did to me! WHEW! wacko.gifblink.gif

  8. I'm not really sure.

    I know that steve had done some special request for these to be made better so yeah, I think they are to last longer and give a better flavor. So I have read in another forum and I believe something was left on the site too.

    If not, I am getting liquid from Chris which I will put in and from another site that is gourmet or should I say hand made.

    They have a very good flavor, no after taste and good vapor.

    I had been trying to get the wife to stop smoking and switch to vaping. I got told I would be back to smoking before long, which it did happen but not due to me or the liquid. I am NO longer an analog smoker.

    I would rather eat bugs from the ground (yes, I have done this in the service) to survive and not use analogs.

    vape on baby!!

    I just want my wife to live a better life and be here with me.

    She knows I have quit for good and will quit too. Just might be a bit longer for her. So far, and yes Chris, she likes the Grape Soda, she is getting use to it. Her friend from work is now interested in the PV too.

  9. The only thing I do is boil for 15 minutes. Thats it.

    I use nothing else, no way no how.. LOL

    I let air dry for 24 + hrs and put in 2 drops of VG(nothing added in the VG) take 2 to 3 puffs, add another 2 drops take 2 to 3 puffs and repeat one more time.


    I use a slotted (big) spoon to keep them off the bottom of the pot.

    I also look at them after they are dry with a jewelers eye glass and small light inside to see how clean they are.

    If still a littl discolored then that would be the first one to use and for only 2 days. Its like a system.

    The cleaner they are, the longer I can use b4 re-cleaning.

    I have NEVER lost an atty to cleaning this way.

    I forgot one thing, you MUST be careful and watch that the water doesn't "steam" away. (this happens) and I let them sit in the water after the time until the water is cool enough for me to put my fingers in. (sorry)

  10. I ordered the 5pk of 510 atty's. I know about the "warrenty" and really, I can get them to work. Its just that I have to boil them and re-moisten them. The crap from the manufacture has some bad stuff they put into the atty's and @ times it gums up a tad.

    I always look at the atty's b4 using anyways.

    @FTJoe - Love the Joker cat man!

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