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About g3p0

  • Birthday February 14

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    Video Games, Science, Hunting, Cars

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  1. Don't want to noon it up but.. You mean single coil carts, poly fill just like the dcc in the ect...
  2. I've been vaping ego-t then fluxos, then stardusts and finally got a couple stone 3. I need a reliable vape so I just got the smoktek DCT tank.... I like the fact there is no screwing around wiith it, it just works..... thats about all I can say in a good way... Maybe I got a bad carto.... the flavor and vapor are VERY much muted compared to my Stone 3 and all the E2 styles I've tried. A few facts. in this comparison we have... One 2ohm stone 3 vs One 1.5ohm DCT One EGO 1000mAh battery, 3.3v One 3.7v AW 2000mAh high drain Two Li-Po for 6v out of my 3 options the CE2 produces loads more Flavor & Vapor than the DCT. Of all the reviews and testimonials I've seen this is not popular opinion, am I doing something wrong? I have a VV kit coming from Madvapes and I know I will have fun with it, but I also know this will not fix my issue with the DCT as I have had it running at 6v with a significant improvement but even at that the CE2 has better flavor and vapor at 3.3v... If only the E2s werent such a fuss... always messing with them and their flooding and leaking into the air tube... I just want to enjoy these things... consistantly....
  3. I know I'm a newb to all of this, but I have the same inconsistant results with 3 LR ego-t attys, lost of dry hits, got a set of vision clear-omizers this morning, set 4 of them up and they arre all great, and consistant so far, about .5 to 1 mil vaped on each so far
  4. I'm one week off the analogs, I tried one of the disposables from the local wallgreens, it worked for about 2 hours before the batt dies, took it apart and wired it to a usb cord until my EGO arrived, didn't like the inconsistancy of the tank atomizers so I tried a 510 direct drip and it was and is good... I also have a set of vision clear-o-mizers that came in today and they are great... Ego is pretty solid so far...
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