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Posts posted by fatalis

  1. Does anybody know if there's a good way to tell if it's the battery that's broken or if it's the atty? I have 2 batts and only one atty and they all are acting the same...SCREWED UP! Oh yeah, using a Blu and I'm still stuck in Taiwan with no other choice until the 27th! What a coincidence, my birthday is Nov. 1st and I'll have 7 or 8 packages worth of e-cigs and accessories waiting for me to open, I can't WAIT!!! YAY MEEE! :thumbsup:

  2. Hi! I really would like to get a mod, but there's only room for one in my budget (after buying 3 starter kits and a bunch of accessories and liquid within the past week *lol*) so I can't decide which one! But, I can't get one that would break the bank, either! These are the ones I've been contemplating: Vapre51, the prodigy, silver bullet or the vp1...?

    If I'm missing any, please let me know! And please add specifics regarding why you favor a certain one and not the other. Thanks again!

  3. I've now seen and heard many people talk about their 510s and some seem to have endless problems with them or having to replace the batts and attys within a couple of weeks or producing weak vapor/taste...

    And then the other 50% of 510 owners say they absolutely LOVE their 510s, that they produce monster vapor and/or that they've been using the original batts and attys for 2 months and they're still going strong...

    So, my question is:

    Are all the parts the same just in different colors and packaging, or are there different manufacturers with slightly different hardware?

    Also, could some of you 510 owners tell me where you purchased yours? I'm looking to get another kit and I would prefer it to not be a dud. Thanks!

  4. OMFG! I spend a lot of time researching e-cigs these days and I was always under the impression that e-cig companies try to avoid saying that e-cigs can be used as a smoking cessation device... Until now! This is what I found surfing around tonight:


    They claim to be a "3-step" program much like the "patch", complete with the "risk-free 15-day trial" and you can buy each of their 3 steps separately for $90 each step!!! For $90, you get one e-cig, a case, 10 carts and a charger... I really needed that, I was completely ROTFLMFAO! :lol:

    I am kinda curious though, anyone know what model of e-cig they're selling?

  5. As for having to draw on them like a wind turbine to get flavor or throat hit or vapor, when you figure that out let me know. I had the same problem, first few days was good ( looking back though, not really ) after that, I was lucky to get 1 good hit out of fifteen. All of these problems prompted me to purchase a 510, and the rest is, like my Blu, history. Since day 1, my 510 has performed like a thoroughbred racehorse, hit after hit after hit. I cant speak highly enough about how satisfied I am with it.

    "drawing on them like a wind turbine..." :lol:

    HAHAHA, you had me LMAO at that one!!! I've gotten a mouthful of juice doing that! Btw, do you like the manual or auto 510 better? I'm about to order a TECC 510 kit and can't decide...

  6. I guess I'm still truly shocked when I see positive feedback regarding Blu E-Cigs. I have had mine for only around 2 weeks and am completely dissatisfied! Hopefully it's because I'm a noob and am doing something wrong... Because that means it can be fixed...

    Anyway - They seemed to work ok the first week or so, then suddenly it was like I had to drag really, really hard and wasn't getting much vapor OR taste anymore, even when I kept changing the cart every 10 drags or so in frustration! Also, my batts don't seem to want to charge right! Every time I tried to charge a batt, whether it was via USB to PC or via wall charger or pack charger, the red light would turn to blue within 15-20 minutes (yea, yea, I know about the pack recall thingy, just frustrated & desperate!)! How do I tell if it's the battery, the atty or the carts? :angry:

    Anyone have similar experiences with their batts? Please help! GRRR, I'm SO frustrated! I wish I had found this forum and the VT forum before I purchased the Blu kit... I've ordered 2 more starter kits yesterday, but I'm currently in Taiwan so I won't get them until I'm back in L.A. in 3 weeks...! Help! Is it something I'm doing? Or NOT doing?

  7. Hi everyone! I'll try to get straight to the point since I've got a terribly bad habit of going off on tangents...

    Ok, first of all, I've been vaping for less than a week now with the Blu e-cigs and I got excited cuz I ordered the kit on a Wed night and received it THAT sat. morning!!! And here I had resigned myself to a wait time of 6-8 weeks. Of course, now the thing with the bad charge pack and they say the new packs won't be ready for at least 4-6 weeks!!! They never sound too apologetic either, but I definitely think Blu customers should get a freebie of some sort or a big discount... *sigh*

    Anyway, for that past 6 weeks I've been doing so much research on which e-cigs are the best because my parents are giving me a certain amount of $ since my b-day is coming up on Nov. 1st, but I can only use the $ on e-cig kits. So, I finally got it down to 5 and I really, REALLY need the advice of all of you on this forum as to wich you think are best!

    1. The Dragon 401 from True Smoker (manual or auto?)

    2. Green Smoke (most expensive but I've heard they're vapor monsters)

    3. The Side Sho from Modern Vapor Does anyone know what model number this is? i.e. 401, 510, or??? (Wonder what Blu thinks of their PCC? hehe.

    4. The Vapor King Ultimate Ultimatum Kit (is this a KR808d-1 or something like that? It's the ones with V4L all over the batts) Never thought the day would come where I can match my PVs with my purse, LOL.

    5.TECC 510 Titan Platinum Kit from TECC.

    So, please! I'd appreciate any and all input because I'm just cross-eyed and spinning in circles. It seems that the more "research" I do, the more confused I get!

    P.S. Does anyone know if the Blu batts fit any other kind of atty or cartridge? I'm almost possible that I read in this forum somewhere that the Blu model is just another 401 or something and that there are attys and carts that will fit it. And hey! How will I know if there are any replies to my post? Thanks in advance for your help!

    ~Cade :wacko:

  8. Hey, that's funny that you mentioned Blu cigs because I was just about to post about them... I also intro'd myself yesterday but I'll do it again.

    My name is Cade Cannon, I live in Los Angeles but I'm currently in Taipei visiting my parents for another couple of weeks. I've also been smoking analogs a pk/day for 22 years and have tried just about every technique to quit (and some of them 2 or 3 times). I have only been vaping for 3 days now and this is the first time I'm actually getting excited because I think I can actually quit with these!!! Not that the kit I got is the best, but... Anyway, the first kit I bought was... Yup, the Blu e-cigs! And I was astounded because I ordered them on a Wednesday evening and received them barely 3 days later on Saturday morning!!! So I don't know if it was a fluke with my order or if they're actually shipping on time these days. But now they're having the problems with the charger pack... So I don't know. *sigh* I definitely think the company should give us some freebies or discounts of some sort after all this. I mean, 6-8 weeks AGAIN for a new charger pack?! That pack was one of their main appeals! I'm still using my pack though because these batteries seem to only last like, an hour , MAYBE 2? Since I haven't tried any other kinds yet, I'm not quite in the position to compare it to another. All I can say is that the cartridges seem to get used up pretty quickly and so does the battery. Maybe there's a trick to vaping that I don't know about yet, but it seems like I get really good vapor and flavor for about the first hour or so, and then... barely any vapor... so... I guess my verdict is: Pretty good for about an hour and then get ready to burn through those carts like crazy! They are one of the prettiest kits, though (I got the black set). But I STILL think all Blu customers should receive compensation, grrr. :mad:

    - Cade

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