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Posts posted by Mhart032

  1. I saw a youtube vid on this a few days ago. i think they had a link on the Ms T bakery page. i believe thats where i saw it. it looked nice. i think it was a 5v unit, but i could be wrong. i kinda thought just starting out and having spend 70 on a kit another 110 was a bit out of my price range. if i would ahave done more research before buying. i would have realized i could have gotten this with a couple small add ons and been in just as good a situation lol. but oh well live and learn!

  2. I just started vaping, well its been a week today, i havent picked up a cig since i unboxed the e-cig. i was a pack a day smoker for 20yrs. i do crave it once in a while. its still a small strugle, but not as much if i didnt vape. The withdrawls from the cigs were horribe, i hope not not feel like that again. now i vape 24mg in the morning for a couple hrs then swtich to 0mg and vape that most the day. i have a pack of cigs in the desk drawer, ive looked at them a couple times, but then feel guilty and close it. im happy i made the switch. the hardest part is my buddys ribbing me that vaping is smokeing, i cant explain it anymore to make them understand. so i just dont lol. ive tried to quite cold turkey before that lasted a day tops. all my friends smoke so its hard to quite while around them. i dont have any problems being around them and vaping vs smoking. i really wanted to quite though, so that helps a ton.

  3. Ive been to madvapes. i like them. i have ordered some stuff from them. it seems expencive to start, but when i compair it to the 3 cartons of cigs i was smoking a months its rather cheap. lol. i just see things and i want to try them all out. i want to get the best vape i can possible get, the more into it i can get the more it will help keep away from the cigs. its been a small struggle to stay away from smoking. but its deff been a lot eaiser than just trying to quit cold turkey. for me i think it was the more hand to mouth thing. plus i work from home so it was easy to go outside when i was on a call or just taking a quick break. are you a cartridge person or drip or cartimizer? i like the cartimizers but i get a burning taste after a bit with them. is there something im doing wrong? i drip fill it, let it sit for a bit then top it off. i ordered some syringes and a tank style cartimizer that should be here tomorrow, im excited to try it out.

  4. Nice, all good info. so i should be ok with what i ordered.i cut my first juice today with VG. i like the vapor, it was a 36mg nicotien, i did what i though with with the calculator app from the forum. to bring it down to 24mg it was a mild tobacco flavor that ive been useing in the mornings. it worked well. a bit thick but it vaps nice and a decent TH. ill keep messing with them. i have quite a few flavors. i orered just flavor from the TPA and pure PG nicotien to try to mix some up. i ordered a small amout of stuff to atleast try. i really like the joogler ones. good flavor and vape at 70/30. where do you guys get yours from?



  5. thanks for the welcomes! Ah, well either way it works well, i was told the oposite when i inquired with modern vapor. but we all know when it comes down to it its all about the bottom line on the profit and loss statements. i notice more vapor with different carts. so im enjoying that. ive really slowed my nicotien intake to just vaping 12mg in the morning and 0mg after and through the day. i just enjoy the vape. from what i understand the lux is a 510 with a 900mah batt. ive been looking for the variable 3 stage passthrough, ive ordered just a 900mah passthrough but id like to try different voltages. anyone know off hand what the volts are on the VGO? or the lux? or maybe a round about on a 900mah batt? has anyone tried the vision extreme clearamizer/tanks? im wondering what the 3.0ohs means as well? whats the differance b/t say the 2.7 and the 3.2? or the 3.0? will they work on any 510 batt? or have i orered the wrong items, and should have done more research?

    thanks all


  6. Hey all, i just started vaping ive done alot of reaseach before i decided to try it. so i bought my first of prabably many vaporers i bough the Modern Vapor Lux modle. it seems to be decent with good battery life. i noticed the new ego-c is almost the exact replica of the Lux and knew the lux had been around for a bit so decited if its good enough to be copied then its prabably a good one. i ordered the big kit, found that after smoking for 20 years at a pack a day (by the way i got it out put it togeather and havent picked up a analog cig since) ive been vaping for a week so far and love it. ive found that i dont care much for the flavor of tabbaco lol, thought that it would be the flavor of choice, but alas it is not. i bought my fist flavor at a local head shop flavor other than the tobbaco flavor it came with. it was johnson river choco mint. i found i enjoyed the flavor so much more. and the vap was so much better with the adition of VG witch i did not know about till after i ordered. well since i have placed multiple ordered for flavors all ready upgraded to cartimizers vs cartridges, just seemed easy. noticed a big differeance in the TH and vape. ive also placed an order for a couple vision extremes and a passthrough since i use my macbook pro almost all day log. i was wondering if anyone had any advice on ways to make it easier and an all around better experiance. im thinking of making my own juices. ive read a few posts and pretty much get the gist of it. im a big diy kinda person. so who knows where this will take me.



  7. Thats awesome! i cant wait to start. im new to vaping well about 5 days new. Ive ordered enough e-juice to last about 4 months. but when i start something i want to know everything about it. im a research hound and a big DIY guy sort of speek. i know there has to be a cheaper and easier way to do this. the instructions are gold and i cant wait to start. thanks for the great info!

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