Hello all you vaporers, this is my first post. I have already done a little research on PVs and watched all of the "Doctor Vapor" vids on YouTube. Now that I'm excited and ready to buy one, I thought I would come here to get some expert advice on the brand, type and where I should buy from. Let me describe my smoking habits and preferences to you as that would probably help: I only smoke when I drink, which is two nights a week. I usually smoke about a pack on each of those nights. My current brand of analogs is Winston Light 100's, and I think at first would like to get some juice or carts that are tobacco flavored or least something that is beer friendly and won't clash with it...i.e. "Blueberry Lung", etc. I think I prefer a matte black finish with a blue LED instead of one that mimics an analog. I plan on refilling/dripping my own atomizer/cartridge.
Also, it seems there is a general favorable consensus on Manual batteries rather than Auto Batts, right?
With some help, I hope to be vaping by this weekend.
Thanks in advance,