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Posts posted by SteveD1

  1. What brand is the 510? I saw that the spade i think is a 510 model, but really i think my main thing in quitting analogs for now is the whole process of using the cig and tricking my mind. I have tried many times but the closest thing that worked was chewing on a toothpick (held me off a few extra hours compared to other attempts). My only concern of this is, ive tried the gum and patches and they make me fiend for a cig much more than helping and i hope pv's don't do that to me also

    The most trusted brand in a 510 is Joye 510 made by Joyetech.Look for that name if you decide to get one.There are some knock off brands out there selling 510 stuff.

    The spade is a 510 bigger battery mod.

    I wanted to quit analogs being the only smoker in the house!

    E-Cigs has worked out for me, its different but I dont crave cigs and after the first week off of cigs I could not beleive how bad they smelled and have never looked back...

    Things I like about E-Cigs:No smell,No burnt holes in car/boat/clothes,No cig breath,Vape Indoors!!,Healthier now!!,Breathe better,All the cool flavors!,dont litter cig butts everywhere!!the list goes on and on..

    Stick with it,its worth it!!

  2. Cant go wrong with that setup...

    Tip I found maybe due to older batteries if I put them back in PCC after I use it and keep the batteries topped off it puts out great vapor for every session and charges back up in like 10min or less!!!

    I have heard that doing this will keep you going alot longer with the PCC than charging dead batteries all the way up.

    Enjoy your 510 PCC kit I like mine.......


  3. Hey I just got a blu and I have done a ton of research on it, and I found that its either you love it or you hate it. I did see that the cartridges can be refilled but takes a lil work, and that it doesn't hit to bad, but for a starter kit, does anyone think that an ok product overall. And does any one have any other recommendations for vaping once i get the feel for it and looking for something new?

    P.S. The main reason why i got it is the rechargeable pack that it comes with

    I bought the BLU as my second kit because of the PCC also..

    My first impressions were less vapor than my Smoking Everywhere kit and I only liked the Blu menthol.I refilled them which is hard to do and the carts leaked more than my other models due to their design.But my refilled carts made more vapor.I used the Blu for about 3 weeks solid until I got a 510....

    After using other models for a while I went back and tried it and it just isnt what I would recomend to anyone.for these reasons...

    Batteries are picky, auto switches work sometimes and then dont.I have one that works great and 3 that suck.

    Carts just dont flow right ..they hold enough drops(7-9) just are too tiny to work well..even tried different fillers like pyramid tea bag etc.Volcano carts work(same model, diferent brand) and are larger but dont work any better for me..

    Dipping the atty bridge directly in juice is the best way to use it and is hard to do on the go...Thats why i bought the PCC kit in the first place.

    I did have a good run with good vapor for a while,really good, have video to prove it,but I must have had a one in a milliion atty/battery combo cause I cant get near that much anymore many atties and batteries later!!!!!!!

    This is a small E-Cig and its gonna be on the lower end of vapor production overall.It is best for light/light smokers .

    Many forum members agree that the 510 is a great model and it has a PCC also available.I have a 510 with PCC and a Vapor King with PCC and these are my favs.I dont want any big battery mods,I want a E version of a cig.I am very happy with these and they are consistant models with lots of parts and supplies available from many sources..These are the models I recomend.

    But the bottom line is if its right for you then its the right model,I have four different ones and the 510 and Vapor King(KR-808D-1) are my favorites.

    Good luck with your Blu, and we will be here to help in any way we can....

  4. From what I have seen the shorts are 180mah,regulars are 280 and XL's are 360 or 380(not sure).

    The model # is KR808D-1.

    AkA the vapor king,nebula,Vaporello,208D,HQV92,ECV92,Zeus,PR110,PR111,EasyCig,

    Choice Fusion,Nhaler.

    This compatibility/AKA list from Mist-stix.com

    Corresponding with Leaford they are improving the Batts and carts as of now and will be offering a new model called the VK 1 early in 2010 at Vapor4life only...

  5. Batts on a belt Clip ! I freakin LOVE it !!! A whole new fashion industry for the industrial Vaper ! A Vaper Superhero ! VapeMan. New PV's , called LPV's, laser powered vaporers. Im goin back to bed. But, COOL ideas.

    Dont we already have a DarthVapor here LOL........

  6. Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda wish smokes here were $70 bucks a carton. It would take half the time to make my money back, which would give me incentive to buy more stuff!

    They are around $45 in Louisiana and 5.50 a pack at the store with tax so $55 if you bought them seperate which is what i was doing...So my savings is based on about $200-210 a month I would have spent on analogs..If they had raised them to $7 a pack like they were threatening to do this spring the savings would have added up real quick.I dont care what they do with them now they are not getting any more of my money....

  7. New hobby huh Steve? At least yours is cheap and healthful! All my "hobbies" have 4 legs and bad judgment(stitches,gauze dressing,eye ointment,on and on)I WISH vaping was my most costly thang !!!!!!!!!! roflmao


    Yep I guess it would be a new hobby...

    I had to add 12volt recepticles to my boat and usb adapters for my cars and boat just to keep me powered up on the go! LOL....

    But it all worked out for the better..

    I would do it all over again!!

    I havent lost a E-cig yet and havnt sent one for a swim yet in the boat either but im sure it will happen.

  8. I am at the break even point too but I have new batts for everything, 4 models worth.

    Could vape at the same time:

    4 510's

    2 BLU's

    3 KR808D-1's

    2 RN4081's

    Around 80-110mls of juice in 6 different flavors total.

    Plenty of blank carts

    50+ Volcano/Blu carts for my BLU cigs. 2 flavors.

    18+ new cartomizers,5 blank ones.For KR model.3 flavors.

    enough atties to outfit all above in list and a couple more if I had extra batts.

    PCC's for every model (2 PCC's for Blu got the recall replacement)

    510 pass thru.

    This month I had to get 510 atties or I would have spent $0 this month.Trying to get rid of my juice stock before I order more.

    I could probably go thru January also without ordering more if that is possible I will be at 250-400 saved.

  9. Can someone help me understand what the mAh on the batteries means? My spade came with 600mAh. I was just looking at the batteries for the Spade at the VT store and they're 360mah. What's the difference and what is the impact on performance? I want to get some spares to have handy, don't want to end up getting something less than what I have (performance wise).

    The higher the Mah the longer it will last before needing a charge.Most of the mods like a spade come with larger batteries than a regular E-Cig(100-280mah) for better and longer peak vapor with long battery life.

    I have noticed this by swapping atties from a smaller E-cigs(BLU) to a larger Mah battery(510) thats compatible and their is a very noticeable increase in vapor..And a fresh battery on a Vapor King(280mah)with the same cartomizer as compared to a 1/2 used battery...

    Hope this helps clear it up some for you....

  10. Excellent! So great to read these stories. Wondering when I'll be chucking my e- cig out the car window :lol:

    We had a post sometime back about all the crazy things people did when they first started using E-Cigs so I will add the first::

    Feel free to add yours and keep it going!!

    1: I kept rolling down the car window and flicking the Led!!! LOL...

  11. Very helpful info, much appreciated. To make sure I understand: The Vapor King sold at Vapor4Life is a KR808D-1? This is the same thing that Vapor Kings is selling as the KR808D-1. Just want to make sure they are the same.


    its also sold under a few other names the Nebula is one other

    The cut off times on a puff are longer I thinsk on the ones sold at vapor king and vapor4life and most people seem to be satisfied with those models so thats what I am going to recomend to you.

    Mine is from VK and its cut off is 10 seconds man or auto battery....

  12. Thanks! Seriously considering the KR808D-1. That's the one Stubear got for his wife and it sounds like it's going well for her. How is the vape on these?

    One more questions - do the automatic batteries work okay, or would the push button be better?

    I would not recomend the manual batteries I have had one replaced and am not very impressed with the cheap switch its not as good as a 510 switch IMO is the best out there..When they put a 510 switch on one I would get some then.

    The auto's work fine and are sensitive just have to take that prime puff to heat it up and a long drag..Be carefull if you refill as to not flood the carts or you can ruin the batteries auto switch.

  13. I figured out what the flavor reminded me of - a smoke machine :( How long 'til the primer burns off?

    That taste with a new attomizer should go away real fast..Keep that cart topped off..If it starts to taste like burnt toast its getting dry.When the atty gets broke in which is usually quick with a 510 within a hour or so you will see more vapor than before....

  14. What's the deal with the batts? One that was flashing then placed on the charger for an hour was fully charged - I thought it took like 3 hours?

    Mine do that too ..1-2 hours and the light goes green..They work fine and leaving them on longer does not seem to add any more to them..

  15. Hi - Just received my manual 510 start up kit from e- smokey treats with 5 medium carts and a 15ml bottle of 18mg USA Blend. Of course I couldn't resist the temptation of dragging on it straight out of the box. I blew out the atty first to shake off the primer. Dripped 2 drops of the USA blend on the atty, inserted the med. cart and hit the button. WHOA!!! Really impressed. Almost like the real thing. I can dig it. Everything worked perfect first time out. Nice throat hit, a sweet- like tobacco flavor, vapor production decent. :thumbsup:

    Man, I think my prayers are answered to finally dumping the analogs - I've got 3/4's of a pack left.

    I'll probably have a better impression with a full batt charge because at the moment it's a pretty hard draw to get an effective inhale.


    Okay be brave now when I got my E-cig running for the first time, my wife tossed out those analogs I had left!!!Within a few days I couldnt stand the smell of a regualar cig and couldnt believe I had smoked that nasty stuff..Have some spare parts etc on hand and you will be fine..

    By the way draw slow and about 5-8 seconds to get big vapor thats the secret..

  16. Thanks Jeff. I'm pretty much thinking the same as you... if she loves it so much, why wasn't she using it. Although she did say she was planning to get another one just to have for at work. My wife hasn't tried mine yet, but I know her pretty well. Maybe if I can get her started on something hassel free, she may switch to the 510 someday. Stu had also told me about the "cartomizer" for another brand. I'll be looking that back up and checking it out a little more also. Again, just want to make it as easy as possible.

    A few of us have cartomizer models mostly the Vapor King (KR-808D1) and there are several suppliers that sell that model.Its a good no hassle model and for a light to moderate smoker 1-3 carts a day should do it.They are refilable

    if you dont let them get to dry and burn and will refill 3+ times,Mine go 3-7 before the vapor is not worth using anymore.I have the one from Vapor King and its a good model for out and about. with a spare battery and a pcc and a few cartomizers you are good for a long time..here are a few suppliers to look into I have had good look with Vapor Kings.But have not ordered from anyone else yet..Hope this helps you out, any more questions will be glad to help!!






  17. Ahh, so these cartomizers won't work on my 510. I'm hoping to keep us using the same thing so there's less to stockpile. :)

    With a adapter they will work but I found the 510 batts to weak to put out the same vapor.In a head to head test same cart fresh KR batt and fresh new 510 batt(short) the KR won hands down I think its the higher Ma rating.If I had a 510Xl batt 280mah it might have been a fair fight..I hear the KR carts work great at 5v but have not tried it myself...

  18. To be honest I don't think direct dripping would be a good idea for him. The best route would be a cartomizer model. (KR Series) That way when the vapor runs low, he can remove the cart and chuck it, then add another. The light should be bright enough for him to see when the battery is active. It's not as cheap, but it's better than nothing :)

    I agree I like my KR and its easy.....

    If you put a cart cover over the LED end of the battery you can really see it too..

    All the carts are color coded for easy ID of flavor types also...

  19. I was just getting used to the ADM...let me go back and read up how to do it. Wasn't there two methods, shredded or rolled? I think the cignot ones were rolled?

    from another post I made today dont know how to link to it...

    To use cut seems off ,remove string,remove tea,when you cut all seams you end up with 2 rectangle peices can make 2 carts with 1 PTB.I set it down long left to right and fold top edge all the way down about three times.The fold should a little bigger than the size of the letters in this post. then roll it up.So now you have a thick end that will be the top of cart and insert and cut to lenght(cut the bottom end not trifold end) so its just below cart top or flush.Remove and fill with about 7-10 drop and insert it back in.To refill just put drop in slow dont have to take out and I find 6-8 drops does not over fill it.Just do slowly.

    Im no artist but hope this helps LOL...

    ______________________ this is cart top end

    Fold 1 area

    Fold 2 area

    Fold 3 area

    ______________________ cut from here to fit

    When its in the cart it looks like the coil heater part of a car cig lighter.Mine work great!!!Just dont overfill them they will leak I would stop a 9-10 drops if bone dry.

  20. yesterday I stopped to get my weekly Lotto tickets and saw the attendant out for a quick smoke break I showed her my 510 and explained she wouldnt have to go out in the cold to smoke any more if she had one of these.Told her about VT also hope she joins the family..

  21. Would that be a normal Lipton tea bag?? After I made that last post I went to Youtube to see if I could find something on "PTB" and sure enough there were a couple of videos there. As far as I know they were using just regular/normal tea bags. I am not sure what a "pyramid tea bag" is. Also, I'd like to know if you really need that stuffed cartridge? I have mostly done direct dripping on to the atomizer and using an empty cartridge, but maybe I am doing that all wrong and need to use a stuffed cartridge. I'm not sure. Anyone with any advise on this issue would be appreciated, thanks!

    The regular bags are paper of some kind and are not recomended to use...

    PTB'S are nylon mesh and looks like a pyramid comes in a box of 20 single cup size is what I have, made by lipton and box is just smaller than a pop tart box.I almost missed them too.They come in fancy flavors..The PTB does not hold flavor so you can use the tea if you wish and then make 2 carts with the bag after rinsing and drying it.

    To use cut seems off ,remove string,remove tea,when you cut all seams you end up with 2 rectangle peices can make 2 carts with 1 PTB.I set it down long left to right and fold top edge all the way down about three times.The fold should a little bigger than the size of the letters in this post. then roll it up.So now you have a thick end that will be the top of cart and insert and cut to lenght(cut the bottom end not trifold end) so its just below cart top or flush.Remove and fill with about 7-10 drop and insert it back in.To refill just put drop in slow dont have to take out and I find 6-8 drops does not over fill it.Just do slowly.

    Im no artist but hope this helps LOL...

    ______________________ this is cart top end

    Fold 1 area

    Fold 2 area

    Fold 3 area

    ______________________ cut from here to fit

    When its in the cart it looks like the coil heater part of a car cig lighter.Mine work great!!!Just dont overfill them they will leak I would stop a 9-10 drops if bone dry.

  22. Sorry to hear about your bad luck with totally wicked! :(

    I'm wondering though, they carry genuine 510 atomizers and even if they where horrible the chance of that many going bad in one week is pretty slim. Are you using carts? Are you direct dripping? If you direct dripping make sure there is enough liquid on the mesh of the atomizer. (Look inside and look for the bridge) If that isn't always wet you risk burning out the atomizer. The burnt sock taste your mention is a good sign that the wick isn't getting the liquid it needs.

    My track record with 510(Joye) atties isnt good either I have had 7 new ones with 2 DOA'S, not very good reliability in my mind.I have had 0 DOA's with other types!!!

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